Well, OK, just one facet of science anyway; topics in this post include effects of Science Wonders, and also science rate rounding. This issue came up in another thread (Perfect Timing in OCC) because in order to be able to anticipate what your beakers will be the turn your wonder is built, you need to understand its effects.
Ignoring specialists, improvements, and wonders, your tax/luxury/science output is calculated from your tax-rates and your net trade (minus corruption) with rounding. If a fraction is above .5 it is rounded up, if it is .5 or less, it is rounded down. All of your trade should be accounted for, except possibly 1 more excess, which gets added to your GOLD.
As an example if you have 5 trade:
a 0-5-5 (tax-lux-sci) rate yields 1/2/2 (50% of 5 is 2 rounded down, only 4 trade are accounted for so there was 1 excess which goes to tax).
a 0-4-6 rate yields 0/2/3 - no rounding in this example
a 0-3-7 rate yields 1/1/3 - (30% of 5 is 1 rounded down, 70% of 5 is 3 rounded down, 1 excess goes to tax)
a 5-0-5 rate yields 3/0/2 (50% of 5 is 2 for tax and sci., 1 excess goes to tax)
Thats the story of the base quantities calculation.
Specialists = add 3 to your base tax/lux/sci
Improvements = get that extra 50%,100%,150% and always round down if your base is an odd number (fractions of .5 are always rounded down)
Wonders: special
Here's a table of all combinations of Science Wonders and Improvements:
Here's the true story of wonders effects:
Isacs does NOT double science output as is mentioned in the Civilopedia; it does however double the bonus from a science improvement.
Compare the None line with Isacs line.
A library is +50% (1.5x) and with Isacs is +100% (2x)
A University is +100% (2x) and with Isacs is +200% (3x)
A Research Lab is +150% (2.5x) and with Isacs is +300% (4x)
Copernicus simply doubles the previous calculation, which includes any rounding.
A science base of 9 with a Library and Copernicus is [9*1.5]*2 = 13*2 = 26
So a one line summary is Isacs doubles science improvements, Copernicus doubles your science after improvements are taken into account.
Ignoring specialists, improvements, and wonders, your tax/luxury/science output is calculated from your tax-rates and your net trade (minus corruption) with rounding. If a fraction is above .5 it is rounded up, if it is .5 or less, it is rounded down. All of your trade should be accounted for, except possibly 1 more excess, which gets added to your GOLD.
As an example if you have 5 trade:
a 0-5-5 (tax-lux-sci) rate yields 1/2/2 (50% of 5 is 2 rounded down, only 4 trade are accounted for so there was 1 excess which goes to tax).
a 0-4-6 rate yields 0/2/3 - no rounding in this example
a 0-3-7 rate yields 1/1/3 - (30% of 5 is 1 rounded down, 70% of 5 is 3 rounded down, 1 excess goes to tax)
a 5-0-5 rate yields 3/0/2 (50% of 5 is 2 for tax and sci., 1 excess goes to tax)
Thats the story of the base quantities calculation.
Specialists = add 3 to your base tax/lux/sci
Improvements = get that extra 50%,100%,150% and always round down if your base is an odd number (fractions of .5 are always rounded down)
Wonders: special
Here's a table of all combinations of Science Wonders and Improvements:
Here's the true story of wonders effects:
Isacs does NOT double science output as is mentioned in the Civilopedia; it does however double the bonus from a science improvement.
Compare the None line with Isacs line.
A library is +50% (1.5x) and with Isacs is +100% (2x)
A University is +100% (2x) and with Isacs is +200% (3x)
A Research Lab is +150% (2.5x) and with Isacs is +300% (4x)
Copernicus simply doubles the previous calculation, which includes any rounding.
A science base of 9 with a Library and Copernicus is [9*1.5]*2 = 13*2 = 26
So a one line summary is Isacs doubles science improvements, Copernicus doubles your science after improvements are taken into account.