Deity, 7 civs, raging hoards, small map.
AC: 76 AD
Monarchy: --
Republic: -3250
Democracy: -1050
Copernicus: -1700
Colossus: -1300
Newton: -700
Apollo: -75
Railroad: -775
Automobile: -500
Computers: -250
Space Flight: -175
40 AD Launched 15-1-1-1-1-1 Spaceship (Fusion Powered).
76 AD Landed AC
Two caveats:
This was a replay of the random map start on which I originally landed in 356AD.
I did some caravan rehoming during the endgame.
The SSC (at 12,20) reached size 15 with colosseum not ST. I had 8 helper cities for most of the game, but built 2 more from settlers at the end so I could complete the SS parts in only two turns. I used a newly refined tech path in this game and think it was successful. I'll write up and post a full log for this game later if any are interested.
AC: 76 AD
Monarchy: --
Republic: -3250
Democracy: -1050
Copernicus: -1700
Colossus: -1300
Newton: -700
Apollo: -75
Railroad: -775
Automobile: -500
Computers: -250
Space Flight: -175
40 AD Launched 15-1-1-1-1-1 Spaceship (Fusion Powered).
76 AD Landed AC
Two caveats:
This was a replay of the random map start on which I originally landed in 356AD.
I did some caravan rehoming during the endgame.
The SSC (at 12,20) reached size 15 with colosseum not ST. I had 8 helper cities for most of the game, but built 2 more from settlers at the end so I could complete the SS parts in only two turns. I used a newly refined tech path in this game and think it was successful. I'll write up and post a full log for this game later if any are interested.