If you play Deity mode with no high Luxuries rate, your largest enemy seems to be the unhappiness, terrorising almost all cities. If you have too many of those little Elvises, the food production can become too low. Civil disorders everywhere you look don't give you a really good feeling about your work as a world leader.
What is the best solution to this problem?
My problem isn't the total infrastructure, because I always make lots of roads. If you set the Luxuries tax too high, you don't have enough money to pay for your temples. Of course, temples also cost time to build (and time = money).
Communism and of course fundamentalism help to reduce the unhappiness, but the problem is always worst before the invention of Monotheism. If you don't manage to build the Hanging Gardens, it can be a huge problem.
So, what solutions do you guys out there find the best?