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Settle trick

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  • Settle trick

    I moved a settler into a city to make hills. But I pushed "b" instead os "o". and this message cam up. "Settle/Engeneer units cannot raise the size of a city past 8" so a settle will recontribute it's people to a city as one more head. I never knew this. If somone finds a good use for this I would be happy to know

    Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

    -Genghis Al
    Don't invade Russia in the winter time.

  • #2
    Hey Ghengis,

    I seem to be posting at the same time as you. Let me try and answer that question about adding to a city via the settler or engineer. To do this, one can also bring the settler to the city and then through the city box, activate the unit and then in the orders menu, choose 'Join city'.

    As you now know, you can't do this beyond size 8. What good is this? Sometimes you have a city of size two that can't grow during a 'Presidents Day Celebration'. So if you add to the population via the 'join' command, the city can utilize the growth spurt enjoyed by other can be very efficient to 'join'--but not always.

    Another instance of good 'joining' is when a city that is both food challenged and supporting a settler/engineer needs to get rid of the food liability. So you can either support the settler from another city or join a city or found a new city. The decision must be made based on circumstances.

    But as usual, ol' chit chat is gettin' verbose.

    Oh, good luck in your one city challenge.

    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
    >doesn't get it."--don't know.


    • #3
      There is one real good use for joining to the city. In MP games that you get no happiness wonders in, expanding quickly runs into the difficulty where the first citizen is not happy even with martial law. If you are building cities near your opponents, you can't afford to wait for the temple to be built or the city to grow to size two. Using two settlers to start a city allows you to use one citizen as an elvis and put the second one into production right away to build the temple or extra defenders.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        And you could do it up to size 10 in old civ1. It was great because if you had a few really good food citys of size 1 under communism, you could build settlers every three or four turns and add them to other cities you want to grow.
        And water was animated...
        And there were no strange advances like "leadership"...(it actually has prerequisites in civ2, what is next? xenolinguistics? )

        Ahh, the good old days with civ1.


        • #5
          And if you want to unfound cities, you can actually move the whole population.
          Also, move newly conquered and badly located populations into your own small towns.


          • #6
            personally i think the 8 person civ2 and 10 person civ1 max for city joining is silly and unrealistic.... ok we don't have to have the realism debate but honestly..... bigger cities attract more people so..........whats the problem... plus ala the caravan trick, its another way to grow the city quickly
            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


            • #7
              Speaking of the caravan trick. Can somone spell that out for me?

              I am sure Aurelius will be all over this one. He has been tailing me since I got here

              Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

              -Genghis Al
              Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


              • #8
                Genghis Al -

                I think the "caravan trick" War4ever was referring to was just sending food caravans to a city to get it to grow quickly. I think landing like 2 a turn everyturn wikll allow the city to grow 1 pop. every turn. I could also be utterly and completely wrong.

                The only other caravan triack i know is the re-homing trick. But that doesn't make sense right here, does it?


                • #9
                  The only other caravan trick is when you trade them in MP and you get an instant trade route...

                  The food caravan trick I think they are refering too is build population trick.
                  The first food caravan fills the food box, the next one provides a new pop... If they come from the same city, the oriiginal city only has one food route, no mater how many caravans it sends to the SAME city. With a lot of imagination, you build many cities quickly, without much loss overall.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    Hey Genghis,

                    I haven't been around here very long either. I think we live in the same time zones or somethin'. So we post at similar times. I like this place. Besides, none of my friends can understand my obsession with this game. So if I can't write about it at this site I'm lost

                    Looks like we both learned about the 'caravan trick' with ming and sandmonkey posting. I have never use this trick. Is it allowed by the ethics commission? (who ever they are )

                    Just won another OCC game ( but no one will care since it was 2007!)

                    Well, time for bed...unless I dare start a game at 2 am my time....

                    Aurelius the Cruel!
                    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                    >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                    • #11
                      The caravan trick can be really abusive when used in waves of three or more a turn. Once you get the first one in, each one after that is new population. Can be useful in establishing a "War factory" on an enemy beachhead- put down a city, and roll in food caravans, defensive troops. Within a turn you can have a city with double digit population cranking out a unit a turn.
                      When you laugh, the world laughs with you.
                      When you cry, the world laughs at you.


                      • #12
                        So let me get this strait, Kiev builds 2 food caravans and sends them both to Moscow in the same turn. Moscow goes up 1 pop? Repeat with all my cities, Moscow really goes up?

                        Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

                        -Genghis Al
                        Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


                        • #13
                          Case 1: city has food surplus, no granary. 2 food caravans same turn=1 pop increase;

                          Case 2: city has food surplus, has granary. 1 food caravan=1 pop increase;

                          Case 3: city has food deficit, has granary. 2 food caravans same turn=1 pop increase (grow a city to size 127);

                          Case 4: city has food deficit, no granary. 3 caravans same turn=1 pop increase (must do it every turn).
                          [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited December 28, 1999).]


                          • #14
                            Dat food trick gotta be a Cheat!

                            City size 50+ should be forbidden. What is the 'natural' limit on a city size? 16 wheat double irrigated under democracy is 96. But I doubt this could happen by chance in the unedited version of Civ.

                            So what is the rule of competition?

                            Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                            "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                            >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                            • #15
                              It's interesting to look back on how people discover things for the first time, especially when you have discovered these things ages ago.
                              ~ Dominikos ~

