Anyone ever thought that building or not building Mike's Chapel makes for two HUGELY different games?
If you built it no problem things just move along. If you don't you're in for a rough ride. You'll have to increase luxury which will slow your progress signifanctly, you will slow down changing to more democratic and productive governments and in general you'll increase the difficulty factor of civ by 5 at least.
I think this is a very big error in the core of civ gameplay. The happiness administration in civ is implemented very sloppy. It's like you MUST have a hapiness wonder (in Emperor or Deity) on order not to prevail but merely to exist.
If you built it no problem things just move along. If you don't you're in for a rough ride. You'll have to increase luxury which will slow your progress signifanctly, you will slow down changing to more democratic and productive governments and in general you'll increase the difficulty factor of civ by 5 at least.
I think this is a very big error in the core of civ gameplay. The happiness administration in civ is implemented very sloppy. It's like you MUST have a hapiness wonder (in Emperor or Deity) on order not to prevail but merely to exist.