I have tested now where respawns occur. It is always the colour of the civilization destroyed that reappears in a random spot. Units do not effect reappearance. The closest distance to an existing city I saw was 7. It is usually 9 or more (simple distance measured in steps). I then tried to narrow the possibilities by founding cities at places where the restart appeared and repeated the process. I thought I could then easier determine the conditions for a respawn. The surprising effect: the probability of a respawn became lower during the process. The only explanation I see is that the program randomly tries a certain number of places. If there is none suitable there is no respawn. If there are cities even in remote places respawns stop completely even before 1500.
This also means I have to question my former findings.
I didn´t take this into account. The only certain rules so far: there is a random factor for respawns to occur (or better to NOT occur). The probability is lower if the available free space is reduced by other cities. Respawns stop after 175 turns (deity).
At least this gives an idea how to improve conquest with restarts on: found cities all over the map!
Duke, I have never seen a restart that did not occur immediately after destroying a civ. As for the split: I think this is a different process. If you destroy the capital of a civilization superior in power rating to your own you just need a free colour for the rebel faction. IIRC splits occur before 1500.
This also means I have to question my former findings.

At least this gives an idea how to improve conquest with restarts on: found cities all over the map!

Duke, I have never seen a restart that did not occur immediately after destroying a civ. As for the split: I think this is a different process. If you destroy the capital of a civilization superior in power rating to your own you just need a free colour for the rebel faction. IIRC splits occur before 1500.