I know. I have already installed the above component. This is a different one.
No announcement yet.
Hut Finder v1.4
Developed using VB6 under Windows XP pro - nominally it uses no 'extra' components and certainly runs OK on machines without VB installed.
I shall try & dig out mscomctl when I get to the office
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
It's software that if you're playing a game and find a hut, you can enter the coordinates and it will calculate where every other hut is, and the location for specials.
It can also be used when you need to calculate CIV distances.
And the newest addition is a grid of Oedo "revolution years'
Read the first post, and download it. You'll like it.
RichIt's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
For 98 it goes in Windows\system32 -- but even zipped it exceeds the ACS limit
For Win 2000, NT, XP it goes in winnt\system32
Try to find it on the web - if not I could email or upload somewhere - PM me...
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Since you have calculated the Resource Seed, that should also tell you whether each special is Fish or Whale (or their land equivalents). Listing that with distance would be helpful.
A place to put Map Size would be helpful too, to lop off those Huts and Specials that are over the borders.
The "Return- all is forgiven" button seems to have some sort of text underneath it when minimized. Don't know if that can be fixed.
No complaints - good work!
Now we just need a Supply/Demand calculator... anybody?
Thank you
Unfortunately a hut does not give the full resource seed - more information is needed to get this, I believe at least the type of two specials - you are of course quite right - this would be valuable knowledge, but not yet possible
The map size would be nice - the other night I had one of those rare maps where a continent actually crossed the date line - and using HutFinder became a nightmare - perhaps in a later version
There seems to be some machine dependancy on the exact size of the shrunken form - it works perfectly on both of my machines, but on (2)'s the 'forgiven' is truncated - and it seems on yours the depth is slightly greater - it may have something to do with the font chosen for form title line, but as that is user selectable i have no control here
Thanks again
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
I must agree the tool is wonderful. One thing I think would be helpful is the ability to "recenter" the schematic by clicking on it, but that's probably a major design change to do something like that. It's certainly great the way it is...THANKS!Death awaits you all...with nasty, big, pointy teeth
I took the seed HF calculated and made a water map in Civ2Map that showed all the right specials in the right places with matching types to my random map. If Civ2Map can get it right, should we not be able to calculate it too?
I'll see if I can make a screen capture of the button problem.
Hutfinder uses a Mod 32 seed, Civ (and Map) use Mod 128 - working from memory so don't shoot me if I've missed a factor of 2 - there are four differing patterns of Food/Trade specials in each set of 10 specials and although HutFinder can locate the specials it cannot (in this incarnation) determine which of the four patterns is present - this extra piece of information would indeed allow the pattern of ALL specials AND their class - Food or Trade - to be determined. But both the mechanics and the formulae for this have yet to be determined.
To verify this go back to Civ2Map and try increasing the seed by 32 - you will see that the huts and specials have not moved, but the distribution of Food/Trade specilals has changed
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
searching for nitpicks
When using the hut finder I often refill the values of 'Enter any map co-ords to search around it'. I would like that I needn't to delete the old values manually. In other words the content of the fields 'X=' 'Y=' should be highlighted after the field gets a focus.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
ST - fair comment - I have made the same observation myself, but never seem to remember to implement it when I'm looking at the code...
SG[1]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit