Originally posted by William Keenan Yes, occasionally, cities supply oil before the discovery of industrialization. I've seen it, we've all seen it. And it sux when it happens because nobody wants the stuff!

I'm sure that everyone has seen the preponderance of coal supplying cities in the early game, when the demand is quite low, but when you arrive in the industrial age then far fewer cities supply it and everywhere wants it.

I find it useful to build the coal caravans when you have the chance, and then store them until they are demanded later on. The actual trade bonus, from which you get all the beautiful techs and cash, is calculated based on the state of the two cities at the time of the trade and so you'll get a very large bonus indeed. Obviously you will have to weigh up the pros and cons of delivering the freight soon after it is produced, for a smaller but maybe more valuable bonus, or waiting until the cities are larger and you can choose between more, for which the bonus will be enormous. The length of time involved also means that you can transport the caravan to the other end of the map to get a bigger bonus, but try to avoid getting it killed!
Similarly with oil. Build the caravans while you can and then leave them until they are demanded after Auto. You can of course do the usual maximising of trade in both cities to get the largest bonus, and always have the chance to throw one into a vital wonder if it looks like you'll be pipped to it by the AI.
FYI, I'm not a newbie as such, although this is my first non-OT post here. I regularly visit to keep an eye on the valuable work done here, like in this thread, and then go back to CFC to claim it as my own. j/k
