Hi all. The NMCC is a feature I've been doing on CivFanatics for four months now and I figured you Apolytoner's might enjoy it as well. The concept is simple, everyone plays the same game, from 4000BC and submits the end result to see who can win the fastest and with the highest score (or just for fun). Let me know what you all think. Thanks
Here is September's Installment (link to the download at bottom of page) :
Welcome Civ II fans
This month's NMCC may possibly be one of the most fun games of Civilization II you have ever played. It will be quite a challange as well. The game is set on King difficulty level, with seven tribes. You are young Temujin of the Mongols. You were born with no gold and little glory while the rest of the world flourishes. However you have the uniquely human mind that is capable of surmounting great odds.
Specs : DifficultyLevel=King : Barbs=Roving Bands : MapSize=Small
In this game, each of your computer opponents has been blessed with one of the world's ancient wonders. The Chinese have the great wall Great Wall. The Greek posses the Oracle. The Egptians have the Pyramids. The Vikings have the Lighthouse. The Japanese have the Hanging Gardens and the Russians command the Great Library. The Mongols have one other advantage as well, besides the spark of human life. Due to their highly disciplined ways, they have already discovered an effective system of Monarchy, far ahead of their automated neighbors. Use this boost to your advantage or risk being left in the dust! Also note that the Colossus is the one ancient wonder that has not yet been built.
I had planed this for the August NMCC but it was not ready in time. I noticed the GOTM did a similar scenerio but I assure you, this one will be far more challanging.
Note : they AI will build all these wonders after your first turn in 3950BC.
Download site : http://www.narcity.com/fun/civ/NMCC.html
CivFanatic NMCC thread :

Welcome Civ II fans
This month's NMCC may possibly be one of the most fun games of Civilization II you have ever played. It will be quite a challange as well. The game is set on King difficulty level, with seven tribes. You are young Temujin of the Mongols. You were born with no gold and little glory while the rest of the world flourishes. However you have the uniquely human mind that is capable of surmounting great odds.

Specs : DifficultyLevel=King : Barbs=Roving Bands : MapSize=Small
In this game, each of your computer opponents has been blessed with one of the world's ancient wonders. The Chinese have the great wall Great Wall. The Greek posses the Oracle. The Egptians have the Pyramids. The Vikings have the Lighthouse. The Japanese have the Hanging Gardens and the Russians command the Great Library. The Mongols have one other advantage as well, besides the spark of human life. Due to their highly disciplined ways, they have already discovered an effective system of Monarchy, far ahead of their automated neighbors. Use this boost to your advantage or risk being left in the dust! Also note that the Colossus is the one ancient wonder that has not yet been built.
I had planed this for the August NMCC but it was not ready in time. I noticed the GOTM did a similar scenerio but I assure you, this one will be far more challanging.
Note : they AI will build all these wonders after your first turn in 3950BC.
Download site : http://www.narcity.com/fun/civ/NMCC.html
CivFanatic NMCC thread :