I'm interested in improving my game. I've been reading this forum for a couple years and I have a pretty good understanding, but I'm missing some game-play details. So my idea (hatched a few weeks ago in a thread conversation with SG1) was to play a game, post the start, invite anyone else to play it themselves, and ask them to post a series of saved games so I can see their progress and learn.
I started the game a couple weeks ago. I don't have a lot of playing time so it takes me a while to finish. I actually went beyond my original idea -- I saved regularly and kept a fairly detailed log.
Below is a zip file that contains my game start, bc4000.sav. Random map, Deity, Raging Hordes (although they didn't rage much in my game), Small World (that's all I play because of time), playing as the English. My goal was conquest. Anyone interested please play the game and, after you've won, post periodic saves so I can check out what you did.
In the next post is a zip that contains my log file and smy frequent saves. If interested, evaluate my progress and let me know where I went wrong.
I have to admit to some embarrassment: I didn’t play a good game, even for me. I'm not sure if it was the distraction of keeping a log, the pressure of intending to post publicly, or just random factors. However I played rather poorly. My tech path was very unfocused, and I made some poor choices in what to build and in my conquest path. I'm ashamed to admit that I was in Monarchy the whole game. I can't remember the last time that happened. (I usually switch to Commie, sometimes Fundy, but I got SOL just the last turn before I finished). I almost decided not to post because I know I can do better than this, but what the heck -- the point is to learn.
BTW, I've tried OCC and ICS in the past, and while they're fine methods they aren't the way I like to play. Feel free to play this game however you want, but a more "middle" approach would be more instructive to me.
Here is the save file:
I started the game a couple weeks ago. I don't have a lot of playing time so it takes me a while to finish. I actually went beyond my original idea -- I saved regularly and kept a fairly detailed log.
Below is a zip file that contains my game start, bc4000.sav. Random map, Deity, Raging Hordes (although they didn't rage much in my game), Small World (that's all I play because of time), playing as the English. My goal was conquest. Anyone interested please play the game and, after you've won, post periodic saves so I can check out what you did.
In the next post is a zip that contains my log file and smy frequent saves. If interested, evaluate my progress and let me know where I went wrong.
I have to admit to some embarrassment: I didn’t play a good game, even for me. I'm not sure if it was the distraction of keeping a log, the pressure of intending to post publicly, or just random factors. However I played rather poorly. My tech path was very unfocused, and I made some poor choices in what to build and in my conquest path. I'm ashamed to admit that I was in Monarchy the whole game. I can't remember the last time that happened. (I usually switch to Commie, sometimes Fundy, but I got SOL just the last turn before I finished). I almost decided not to post because I know I can do better than this, but what the heck -- the point is to learn.
BTW, I've tried OCC and ICS in the past, and while they're fine methods they aren't the way I like to play. Feel free to play this game however you want, but a more "middle" approach would be more instructive to me.
Here is the save file: