Granaries: sorry for the typo.
I've been playing civ 1 until just recently when I finally switched over to civ2. I must say that the flow of the game (and consequently my startegy) needs to be quite different.
In civ1 for example, the first improvement I usually built in my cities was a granary to promote growth. In civ2 however this seems to throw many cities out of whack early on in the game causing unhappiness and general instability all around. In my latest game (on king level) I built granaries very sparingly and in only my slowest growing cities and things seemed to go a lot smoother.
I was wondering how the experienced civ2 players used granaries. When is the best time to build them. Or should they be built at all?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Hundred Waters (edited April 25, 2001).]</font>
I've been playing civ 1 until just recently when I finally switched over to civ2. I must say that the flow of the game (and consequently my startegy) needs to be quite different.
In civ1 for example, the first improvement I usually built in my cities was a granary to promote growth. In civ2 however this seems to throw many cities out of whack early on in the game causing unhappiness and general instability all around. In my latest game (on king level) I built granaries very sparingly and in only my slowest growing cities and things seemed to go a lot smoother.
I was wondering how the experienced civ2 players used granaries. When is the best time to build them. Or should they be built at all?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Hundred Waters (edited April 25, 2001).]</font>