If this has already been discussed, too bad. I'm lazy. 
How does Darwin's Voyage work? I know you get two advances, but how do they get manipulated?
This is why I ask. I was playing an OCC game and had so much money I decided to buy Darwin's for the advances. Sciences were steady at one every two turns. On the turn I rush built it, I already had half the science box filled. Next turn I got the wonder, which gave me the science I was working on plus another one. What puzzles me is that you don't appear to get the benefit of that turn's science, b/c I should have gotten another discovery just from plain, old fashioned research.
Perhaps this is an OCC phenomenon. Let's say I had more cities and had built it in a low science output city. Would I get the discoveries and then continue to accrue sciences from the other cities as the production rotates to them. I suspect that's the case, but would like confirmation if anyone knows for sure.

How does Darwin's Voyage work? I know you get two advances, but how do they get manipulated?
This is why I ask. I was playing an OCC game and had so much money I decided to buy Darwin's for the advances. Sciences were steady at one every two turns. On the turn I rush built it, I already had half the science box filled. Next turn I got the wonder, which gave me the science I was working on plus another one. What puzzles me is that you don't appear to get the benefit of that turn's science, b/c I should have gotten another discovery just from plain, old fashioned research.
Perhaps this is an OCC phenomenon. Let's say I had more cities and had built it in a low science output city. Would I get the discoveries and then continue to accrue sciences from the other cities as the production rotates to them. I suspect that's the case, but would like confirmation if anyone knows for sure.