In certain threads I've encountered the advice to kill of other civs as soon as possible. In my opinion this is exactly what not to do, for several reasons. A very important reason for me, is the fact that other civilizations are creating cities in parts of the world where your own expantion has not yet reached. They are actually building part of your (future) empire for free. All you need to do is to take over their cities, is to take over their capital (if prefer poisining the water supply a couple of turns before the major military force arrives) and bribe their cities. BNext to building cities for you an important benefit of competitors is their research, trade routes and last but not least tributes. So I would tend to let other civs flourish, as long as they keep out of my way, keep peace (3 points per turn) and when the time has come, elegantly add tham to my own civ by the power of money.
A smile can get you far, a smile and a gun can get you farther, but you go the farthest with a smile and cash. -Smilo-
A smile can get you far, a smile and a gun can get you farther, but you go the farthest with a smile and cash. -Smilo-