I have and it's a lot of fun! It's actually two games in one: first you build a spaceship with OC (being a real perfectionist), then your conquer the whole world (being the meaniest warmonger ever seen on the face of the earth). You win this challenge by conquering the last city the same year you land on AC!
The idea of OCC bloodlust is originated from Theben (AFAIK) who wrote this when I asked new (deity) challenges some time ago:
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by Theben on 01-27-2001 05:51 AM</font>
I was thinking of a possible one- OCC bloodlust challenge. I'm not sure how difficult it will be, since a good OCC game puts the player way ahead of other civs in tech & production. But the basic goal is to conquer the world using one city. You'll want to note when you switch from standard passive OCC to conquest OCC, and how long it took to conquer the planet (if able). The least time to conquer from switch is the overall goal, with earlier switch/world conquest times as secondary goals. Some standardization as to what should be done with conquered cities needs to be addressed as well. I suggest:
1) Conquered cities are treated as part of the empire, and may fully contribute to the war effort.
2) Conquered cities may only act to protect themselves and to add money/tech to the empire. New units built or ones homed there may not leave the city radius.
3) Conquered cities must be burned to the ground ASAP. No new construction is allowed other than 1 settler. Buildings may be sold & all citizens MUST be specialists of any type.
New cities may NEVER be founded.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
I have played one game with the Theben's number one concept on a small map. I followed these rules in that game:
(1) You have to build the space ship with your OC following all the 'Paulicy OCC-rules'
(2) You can build your space ship according to your own preference as long as you keep in mind that you must actually land on AC with it in the end!
(3) When you think your space ship is ready you move to phase two: the conquest. After that you may not build the ship anymore.
(4) Now it's time to full scale war! You have had it! You can't put up anymore with those condescending civs! Those once allied so called 'friends' tried everything to put you down when you tried peacefully build your space ship.. trying to steal your hard work earned techs not to mention all those armors attacking your only humble city! You, the president, stand up in the senate shouting: 'ENOUGH'
. Once we believed that the world would be better place if we just tried to be friends with everyone. Well, where did this way lead us? Look around and see all those backstabbing nations around us! They asked for it; now they get it! No mercy!
Now it's OUR turn to teach some manners to the world around us and we'll do it OUR way! All your people supports you: now it's your time to show who RULES!
(5) Okay.. are you now in the mood of annihilating all the resistance?
Good! For now on you can wage war just the way you like it (vet stealth figher rules not to mention howies!)
I personally like the Theben's number one suggestion that all conquered cities can participate fully to your war effort, building units/improvements, making money, whatever you prefer.
(6) At some point you must send your space ship; the main goal of this challenge is to conquer the last city AND land to AC at the same year! Achieving all the Civ2 three winning goals (being the biggest, conquering all and landing to AC) in the same year. Never building more than just one city.
Well, this is it. It's not so hard with small map and if you want more challenge, just make larger map with smaller land masses and scatter that land down from continents to varied or even archipelago. And of course taking heed of Theben's suggestions 2) and 3).
Why do I like this challenge? Here are some reasons:
(1) During OCC phase, the (tedious) micromanaging work is minimal. You just have one city to take care of.
(2) When in war, you have the joy of using the best weaponry available in Civ2! Who needs to use stealth fighters/bombers in conquest normally? I think quite many of us finishes off the AI resistance far earlier!
(3) Because you have given a lot of techs away to AI their infrastucture/military is quite up to date so you get a slightly more competent AI to crush
(U really don't have to kill too many phalanxes in this challenge!)
(4) This challenge is not too easy and requires quite a large variety of skills.
(5) Last but not least: it's so fun to change the playing strategy completely after your space ship is built. This challenge is never dull!
Well, what do you think? Wanna try?
Would this be a good new succession game challenge too? Anyone interested? We already have AI headstart & OCC succession games going on. How about this one?
(edit: typos)
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Marko_Polo (edited March 06, 2001).]</font>
The idea of OCC bloodlust is originated from Theben (AFAIK) who wrote this when I asked new (deity) challenges some time ago:
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by Theben on 01-27-2001 05:51 AM</font>
I was thinking of a possible one- OCC bloodlust challenge. I'm not sure how difficult it will be, since a good OCC game puts the player way ahead of other civs in tech & production. But the basic goal is to conquer the world using one city. You'll want to note when you switch from standard passive OCC to conquest OCC, and how long it took to conquer the planet (if able). The least time to conquer from switch is the overall goal, with earlier switch/world conquest times as secondary goals. Some standardization as to what should be done with conquered cities needs to be addressed as well. I suggest:
1) Conquered cities are treated as part of the empire, and may fully contribute to the war effort.
2) Conquered cities may only act to protect themselves and to add money/tech to the empire. New units built or ones homed there may not leave the city radius.
3) Conquered cities must be burned to the ground ASAP. No new construction is allowed other than 1 settler. Buildings may be sold & all citizens MUST be specialists of any type.
New cities may NEVER be founded.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
I have played one game with the Theben's number one concept on a small map. I followed these rules in that game:
(1) You have to build the space ship with your OC following all the 'Paulicy OCC-rules'
(2) You can build your space ship according to your own preference as long as you keep in mind that you must actually land on AC with it in the end!
(3) When you think your space ship is ready you move to phase two: the conquest. After that you may not build the ship anymore.
(4) Now it's time to full scale war! You have had it! You can't put up anymore with those condescending civs! Those once allied so called 'friends' tried everything to put you down when you tried peacefully build your space ship.. trying to steal your hard work earned techs not to mention all those armors attacking your only humble city! You, the president, stand up in the senate shouting: 'ENOUGH'

(5) Okay.. are you now in the mood of annihilating all the resistance?

(6) At some point you must send your space ship; the main goal of this challenge is to conquer the last city AND land to AC at the same year! Achieving all the Civ2 three winning goals (being the biggest, conquering all and landing to AC) in the same year. Never building more than just one city.
Well, this is it. It's not so hard with small map and if you want more challenge, just make larger map with smaller land masses and scatter that land down from continents to varied or even archipelago. And of course taking heed of Theben's suggestions 2) and 3).
Why do I like this challenge? Here are some reasons:
(1) During OCC phase, the (tedious) micromanaging work is minimal. You just have one city to take care of.
(2) When in war, you have the joy of using the best weaponry available in Civ2! Who needs to use stealth fighters/bombers in conquest normally? I think quite many of us finishes off the AI resistance far earlier!
(3) Because you have given a lot of techs away to AI their infrastucture/military is quite up to date so you get a slightly more competent AI to crush

(4) This challenge is not too easy and requires quite a large variety of skills.
(5) Last but not least: it's so fun to change the playing strategy completely after your space ship is built. This challenge is never dull!
Well, what do you think? Wanna try?

(edit: typos)
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Marko_Polo (edited March 06, 2001).]</font>