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Dealing with Attacks on Deity

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  • #16
    My sympathies; the south pole penninsula can be a real pain.


    Originally posted by kdunphy on 03-01-2001 02:59 PM
    I'm behind in science, but I have the great library, hanging gardens, King Richard's crusade, Marco Polo and several others. The problem is there's no where left to expand, other than taking a continent from the enemy.

    I suspect that much depends on what the other wonders are, what year it is, and what your goal is. Are you trying to get to Alpha Centuri, or trying to conquer the world? If conquering, you're actually in pretty good shape; King Richard will help you crank out units, and Marco will tell you who is weak enough to pick on. If your headed to space, you'll have a more difficult time; being behind in science, even with the GL, means you'll have a real space race on your hands.

    Based on my newbie experiences, I'd say the most important thing right now is to set a specific victory goal and work toward it by choosing your techs wisely. If it's world conquest, I'd try to build the War Academy (if it's still available) and then make a beeline for invention and democracy, so you can build Leo's and then the Statue of Liberty and go fundy. From there I'd stick strictly to a military research path, starting with navigation so you can build Magellan (again, if it's still available) and detouring only to get communism (for the UN) and espionage. After the UN, you shouldn't need any more wonders except Hoover; use those caravans instead to trade and get the science bonuses, and count on conquering the wonders you want but don't strictly need.

    Without the Colossus or Copernicus, the space race is going to be harder. I guess I'd make a beeline for democracy, switch into it, then head strictly for space race advances, ignoring things like amphibious warfare and communism. Put a library in each city, and then start trading like crazy; if a city can't produce new commodities, build money improvements. Mike's chapel should be the only happiness wonder you need; the other wonders you want are Newton's (in your best trade city), Hoover and SETI. Build factories everywhere once you get Hoover; you'll need all the help you can get cranking out spaceship parts in a small empire. And don't overlook the possibilites for expansion; you should end up being a rich democracy, which means bribing cities should be easy.

    Others here will no doubt have even better advice, but this is what I would do in your situation. Good luck!

    Dig trenches, with our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made. Here, run out and get some trenches.
    -- Rufus T. Firefly, the original rush-builder
    "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


    • #17
      Sounds like Operation Sun Tzu if it hasn't been built - you build it - expending every effort for this single enterprise - if it has been built - you take it - expending every effort for this single enterprise.
      If you don't know where it is - use the 'Wonders' from the 'World' menu to find the city name and then the 'find city' from the Kingdom menu to locate it - reconnoitre with Dips/Spies - choose your method - if a capital it must be conquest if not - you might be able to buy it - take out its walls (Courthouse if purchasing) with your diplomatic corps and send in the lads - it will be a bloody battle, but you must win!
      Go for it!

      Scouse Git[1]

      "Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
      "The Great Library must be built!"
      "A short cut has to be challenging,
      were it not so it would be 'the way'."
      - Paul Craven
      [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 02, 2001).]
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #18
        I wasn't sure which of the two to go for(conquest or science) but I think I'll go for conquest. The bonuses to enemy units in Deity are a bit intimidating though. Should I build up a big armada and stuff to transport first, and then attack in mass, or just start attacking?

        Its going to be naval I know that, because there's lots of islands and small continents, and my empire is spread over three.


        • #19
          In diety, I usually do roving bands or at most restless tribes, the hordes thing I can deal with and still win the game, but I find it annoying with those barbs constanting appearing from nowhere and it bugs the heck out of me later in the game when I am trying to do mass irrigation and roading(pillaging pisses me off).

          Go post stuff at
          Civworld forums
          Go post now!
          "The seeds of evil are the the same seeds of greatness so be evil and be great."


          • #20
            Early game ai civ attacks are even easier to deal with than barbs, because they are more predictable. If an ai civ attacks you, look for the best defensive possie directly between you and the ai civ, preferably a stand alone mountain, and put a good defensive unit on it (or preferably 2 to stop bribing). Let them attack away at that position whilst you continue expanding and building up your strength behind that fortress. When you are ready, sally forth and destroy them - use bribery more than fighting if you have the cash.

            If the attack is from the sea, remember they will almost always come the same way, so ambush them on the route.

            Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.


            • #21

              Originally posted by kdunphy on 03-02-2001 11:57 AM
              I wasn't sure which of the two to go for(conquest or science) but I think I'll go for conquest. The bonuses to enemy units in Deity are a bit intimidating though. Should I build up a big armada and stuff to transport first, and then attack in mass, or just start attacking?

              Its going to be naval I know that, because there's lots of islands and small continents, and my empire is spread over three.

              Lots of people play conquest better than me, so take this with a grain of salt. That being said: SG is right about going all out to get Sun Tzu's if its in someone else's hands. But if its not, I think it would depend on your current map. If you're currently sharing a continent with someone, your first goal should be to make the continent your own. If you have to move to a new continent to begin conquest, use Marco Polo to determine who is weakest and start there. Also, if you've got the cash, start your conquest by bribing a city; this will give you a toe-hold on the continent that is defensible (by the troops you just bought) right away. Again, good luck!

              Dig trenches, with our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made. Here, run out and get some trenches.
              -- Rufus T. Firefly, the original rush-builder
              "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


              • #22
                For a quiet life in Diety...make your own map! Almost as much fun as playing the game oneself.I've designed many of my own for philosophical purposes e.g. if I wanted to play trader, I'd design a coupla continents
                riven with rivers, many leading to my Rome, if I wanted to play with boats,
                I'd go archipelego, if Diety (seldom since I dislike the nasty, brutal short life), I'd stick my civ in the centre of the map, t'others I crowd into the four corners, or build banks of mountains twixt them and me.
                I once survived to 2020 in Diety, with scacely a contact with another Civ.
                Lousy for my score (16%), but good for my confidence, and for experience af playing at Diety level

