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Bad starting locations

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  • Bad starting locations

    This is a first for me...

    I set up a new game (Customize)
    I chose large world, small land masses, archipelago, 5 billion years, King, raging hordes and standard rules, and I chose to be the Americans.

    Ok, the game generates the world, and I am pleased to see that I am starting with four bonus techs

    Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, and Pottery.

    But then I remember from my browsings here at Apolyton that this may just be the game "compensating" me for a lousy starting location...

    It is my habit when starting a new game to look to the right side of the screen first (the unit selection box) to see if the game has started me with one or two settlers. I got two!

    Then I looked at the map portion of the screen

    I don't have any screen capture software, or I would just post the screen and let the image speak for itself.

    My two settlers are stranded on a one-tile island (grassland, shield) there are only two other land tiles visible (forest, and grassland, with a hut just begging to be tipped.) The rest is ocean, although there is coastline visible in 4 tiles to the south.

    Looks like this (well, not really, but it's the best I can do on the fly with ASCII):

    ...O O
    ..O O O
    .O O O O
    ..O I O (c)
    .O O C F
    ..C O H
    ...C C

    Where O = ocean, I = island, C = coastline, F = forest, and H = grassland with hut. the (c) = a dark tile in which the coastline is visible. (Edit: the .'s are necessary to preserve spacing...)

    I think I'll play it anyway (you know mapmaking will be the *VERY* first tech I research!)

    I saved the 4000 BC, if anyone wants to see it...

    I guess I should be thankful that I can at least *SEE* dry land!

    Has this (or worse ) ever happened to you?


    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Juggler_Bob (edited February 10, 2001).]</font>
    Semper ubi sub ubi!

  • #2
    That's pretty bad. The worst I've ever had happen to me was to be stuck on one of the poles with no connections to decent terrain. Happens quite often in x-small maps with 6-7 civs.

    Then again I don't ever expect to be screwed over that badly when I pick large worlds. The worst was an island just large enough for 3 cities (not including ICS).

    Now that I think about it, probably the worst start I ever had was an advanced game where my 1 size-6 city had been built on glacier! There wasn't enough food around to support even a size 1 city! I had 7 turns to race with my NON units/settlers to find a decent starting city point and build a new capital before the old one starved to death. Definitely a challenge!

    "Just got back from the Thought Police Station. It's not as bad as you might assume;
    they spend most of their time thinking about donuts."
    I'm consitently stupid- Japher
    I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


    • #3
      Look at it this way: your capital should be safe from attack for a long time!

      Don't forget that if you put a worker on a tile with a hut, you'll lose the hut (I think).
      I'm consitently stupid- Japher
      I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


      • #4
        Yuk! Not a great position to find yourself in at 4000BC. It will be of little compensation but I have seen similar poor starts - sometimes without as many as 4 starting techs.

        However, bad starts make good players! You are well on the way to Monarchy and if you are forced to take a non-Monarchy science research Map Making.

        Keep us posted!


        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #5
          If you are checking for two settlers - you aren't playing deity - what level are you playing? Please send me the save, sounds fun ...
          Good civin'

          Scouse Git[1]

          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
          "The Great Library must be built!"
          "A short cut has to be challenging,
          were it not so it would be 'the way'."
          - Paul Craven
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #6

            Originally posted by Theben on 02-09-2001 11:08 PM
            Don't forget that if you put a worker on a tile with a hut, you'll lose the hut (I think).

            That is correct. But you should probably open the hut before starting the city anyway to avoid getting barbs and maybe getting a non unit
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              SG, he said King. Ming, he can't get to tip the hut because he's on a one square island.

              If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented the spell check- Dan Quayle

              If someone doesn't agree with you, you haven't explained yourself well enough-Luther Ely Smith

              She turned me into a newt...well I got better- Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail


              • #8
                I am interested by the challenge. I’d like to win this one with OCC. Could you send the 4000bc saved game to me ? my e-mail is in my profile. Thanks in advance.
                BTW : same thing once happened to me with a gigamap !

                Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
                Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                • #9

                  <font size=1>Originally posted by Theben on 02-09-2001 11:08 PM</font>
                  Look at it this way: your capital should be safe from attack for a long time!

                  No doubt!

                  If I am not mistaken, as long as there is one unit in the city, sea-based attacks will only become possible when Amphibious Warfare is discovered. Of course, a ship itself can bombard the city, but until the discovery of steam engine (Ironclad), this is not a major threat... YMMV...

                  I played the map a little last night, and here are the results so far...

                  Map-making is *NOT* among the first techs offered, so I continued along the Monarchy track (Code of Laws). When I got map-making, I explored the lands to the south. It is a small island, with space for two (or even three) cities with some (2 square) overlaps...(or more with 3 cities)

                  Not a bad position after all for a start, and I am sure I can catch up to the AI's in tech / # of cities.

                  I will keep you posted...

                  First time science advisor quote:
                  Sire, the torch of knowledge sputters in your hands...
                  He speaks the truth... Trade Advisor


                  [This message has been edited by Juggler_Bob (edited February 10, 2001).]
                  Semper ubi sub ubi!


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by jcarkey on 02-10-2001 10:51 AM
                    Ming, he can't get to tip the hut because he's on a one square island.

                    I know... it was a joke
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      I get in nasty starting positions all the time.

                      Although not as tragic as Juggler!

                      I used to think it was because of bad luck or because the computer had something againsts greeks.

                      I later found (of course by reading the Apolyton Forums) a more logical explanation. ( 7 civs pink gets the terrain always last)

                      The worst was attached on South Pole with 3 squares (tundra, grassland, plains).

                      The funny thing was I never bothered to relocate my capital because the expansion actually was simetrical to Athens.

                      By the way NO UNIT EVER approached the capital in that game


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Juggler_Bob on 02-09-2001 10:12 PM

                        I think I'll play it anyway (you know mapmaking will be the *VERY* first tech I research!)

                        I saved the 4000 BC, if anyone wants to see it...

                        Could you send me the savegame please,...?


                        • #13
                          Can I have it too plz


                          • #14
                            Thanks Juggler.
                            I've got the game. Looks tough indeed. 3 ground squares and no specials ! I'll keep everybody informed with a log.

                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                            • #15
                              Where are you from Julius??!

