Does any one know what triggers the AI to build the Manhattan Project. With most other wonders it seems to me that the AI start building soon after the prerequisite advance is discovered.
Of course with Nuclear Fission any civ human or AI can build Manhattens as soon as any civ discovers NF. But they often dont. Any ideas?
PS I suppose everyone knows the trick of sheiding a large city without SDI with the SDI in a small (well defended city) nearby. So long as you keep a lot of units about 5+ I think in the big city the AI will shoot endless nukes at it to no effect. The AI keep no record of the failures. Is this a cheat? I regard it as levelling out the advantage the AI have in always knowing exactlly where you have SDI without using spies. They never nuke a city with its own SDI in my experience.
Of course with Nuclear Fission any civ human or AI can build Manhattens as soon as any civ discovers NF. But they often dont. Any ideas?
PS I suppose everyone knows the trick of sheiding a large city without SDI with the SDI in a small (well defended city) nearby. So long as you keep a lot of units about 5+ I think in the big city the AI will shoot endless nukes at it to no effect. The AI keep no record of the failures. Is this a cheat? I regard it as levelling out the advantage the AI have in always knowing exactlly where you have SDI without using spies. They never nuke a city with its own SDI in my experience.