I've been working on a Perfectionist/Isolationist strategy and have come across something interest.
First Isolationist means that I avoid all contact with other civs, unless they are on my starting continent then I wipe them out. I build cities on my continent and then move my capital to the center.
I build caravans from all my cities and send them ALL to my capital. The effect is as follows: When a caravan from a city reaches the capital and there already exists a trade route for the comodity, say Silk. All other cities that produce silk can now build another caravan. I don't know if the designer's meant for it to work this way but it is a nice way to continually get the science bonus from establishing new trade routes.
Shogun of the Japanese
First Isolationist means that I avoid all contact with other civs, unless they are on my starting continent then I wipe them out. I build cities on my continent and then move my capital to the center.
I build caravans from all my cities and send them ALL to my capital. The effect is as follows: When a caravan from a city reaches the capital and there already exists a trade route for the comodity, say Silk. All other cities that produce silk can now build another caravan. I don't know if the designer's meant for it to work this way but it is a nice way to continually get the science bonus from establishing new trade routes.

Shogun of the Japanese