ok, my friends and i were playing a game of civ when i had an idea for a challenge, so i decided to share it with all of you. ok here goes.
first, this is a conquer the world strategy. play as you normaly would. but kill off no civs until you get to democracy. (you can still have war, but you can't completly destroy the enemy). once you discover it. immedieatlyswithch to democrcy. set your tax to wahtever you want until you make 2 discoveries. then set your tax to 30. science to 10, and luxury to 60. build no libraries or market places (or things of that sort) do not build bachs, mikes, the oracle, or hanging gardens, or leo's, or adam smiths co. or the great library, or hoover's. ant other wonders are ok. now, build at least three units from each city you have. you can only have up to 6 units operating out from any one city at a time, but no fewer than three. you can have mines, roads, railroads, irrigation and farmland. but no power plants, no manufacturing plants, no nukes, no cruise, no howies, no alpines, and no battleships or subs.
oh, and by the way, only one of my freinds has won this challenge at deity, but he is like, beyond good. hell, i think they should have a diffuculty level named after him.
"our words are backed by nuclear weapons"
"oh, yeah. well, our nukes are backed by a 100%money back guarantee, so there."
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Smokey tha nuke man (edited January 15, 2001).]</font>
first, this is a conquer the world strategy. play as you normaly would. but kill off no civs until you get to democracy. (you can still have war, but you can't completly destroy the enemy). once you discover it. immedieatlyswithch to democrcy. set your tax to wahtever you want until you make 2 discoveries. then set your tax to 30. science to 10, and luxury to 60. build no libraries or market places (or things of that sort) do not build bachs, mikes, the oracle, or hanging gardens, or leo's, or adam smiths co. or the great library, or hoover's. ant other wonders are ok. now, build at least three units from each city you have. you can only have up to 6 units operating out from any one city at a time, but no fewer than three. you can have mines, roads, railroads, irrigation and farmland. but no power plants, no manufacturing plants, no nukes, no cruise, no howies, no alpines, and no battleships or subs.
oh, and by the way, only one of my freinds has won this challenge at deity, but he is like, beyond good. hell, i think they should have a diffuculty level named after him.

"our words are backed by nuclear weapons"
"oh, yeah. well, our nukes are backed by a 100%money back guarantee, so there."
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Smokey tha nuke man (edited January 15, 2001).]</font>