I've seen quite a few posts from folks who rely on diplomats for defense against AI invaders. One of the host of things I've learned from this forum is that barbarian units (and cities) can be bribed very cheaply, especially considering that they'll be NON units if they're far enough from your own cities. But my invariable experience has been that bribing any AI unit costs many hundreds of gold pieces, roughly as much as bribing a size-5 AI city with 2-5 units and 2-5 improvements in it. I decided long ago that bribing a lone enemy unit is almost never worth the money -- only when I really need that particular unit out of the way (e.g., it's in a mountain fortress I want to get past, or it's poised on the doorstep of my undefended city).
Am I missing something, or is it really only in pretty rare cases that it's worth bribing a non-barbarian enemy unit?
The AI often seems to find it worthwhile to bribe MY units, though. I'd like to see what effect that has on its bank accounts....
Am I missing something, or is it really only in pretty rare cases that it's worth bribing a non-barbarian enemy unit?
The AI often seems to find it worthwhile to bribe MY units, though. I'd like to see what effect that has on its bank accounts....
