We all know a few AI cheats, but we really should put them in one document, so you don't have to search the archives for them. After we finish, we will send it to the Apolyton great library.
If you have more, send 'em in.
- The ai only needs 4/5 of the production that humans do.
- The ai cities take less food surplus to grow.
- The ai has infinite range on missiles.
- The ai bombers don't have to refuel.
- The ai can choose which techs it wants to steal, even with diplos.
- The AI can choose what improvement to sabatoge, even with diplos.
- The ai can steal multiple techs from the same city.
- Ai units have spy/diplo functions.
- The ai can build units on the same turn it discovers the tech for it.
- Ai democracies can't be overthrown by double civil disorders or sneak attacks on other nations.
- The ai does not have senate intervention.
- The ai knows the whole map.
- The ai can contact you when it isn't their turn.
- The ai treasuries are randomly created.
- The ai doesn't get unhappiness as much as humans.
If you have more, send 'em in.
