I love funadmentalism....and I have a strat which SHOULD work....
What do you think?
I only really use this two times...when I've researched everything, and I'm beating up the AI, or when I get sick of research, and wanna beat up the AI.
Fundamentalism is the best war government there is (especially if the other side can't simply snap up all your cities with diplo's...)
It's not that you ~can't~ advance in Fundamentalism...it's just that you really don't HAVE to.
First off...all citizens are content. Second, you get a "tithe" from those happiness improvements, which means LOTS of money...and each city can support eight soldiers with no problem.
So, if you have a small empire of 10 cities, you can support 80 units, without a problem...and that doesn't count Fanatics.
I like Fanatics....NOTHING(except maybe the warrior-to-Musketeer-to-Rifleman trick you can pull with Leos) is quite so cool....or has as much bang for the buck.
Fanatics, as you all know....right now, I'm talking to make sure I've got this right...<g>
Fanatics have 4 4 1
They cost 20 shields, and no support undr fundamentalism.
If you have a ten city empire(which is TINY) each of which gives out 10 shields/turn, then You can build ten fanatics per turn....indefinately.
You spend 20 turns doing this, and you have 200 Fanatics bouncing about just ACHING to attack the enemy, and Nothing will stop them.
Cept, like an Ocean. <g> But nothing your opponents can do(except control the sea) will stop your "Primitive" forces from kicking the living heck out of his nation.
Especially if you happen to also have Nukes...or similar levels of technology...<g>
Use Nukes/Planes to hammer your opponents tough spots, and use Massive numbers of Fanatics to kill off everything like a plague of locusts. Let them die. They can be killed off in job lots and replaced with sickening ease.
Anything you don't want to just storm into (Say...a city on a Mountain, with three vetern Mech Infantry, a Barracks, and city walls, and you don't have airplanes..
Yeah, that WILL rip a large force to pieces...so go around it.
Use Partisans, or explorers to surround it on all sides, and pillage ~everything~ daist chain on through, and waltz on past. You are not the AI, if the city is that important later, Nuke it and use a Paradrop.
Yeah...you might find the idea of spending 20 turns building an army boring. ::Nods:: I'll grant you...but it's worth it. <g> That's for a Small empire...a larger empire, say something like 20 cities, each of which make 10 shields/turn can take ten turns and make the same number of units.
No other government can match this...basically, if you go fundie, they have to either hit you HARD with diplomats(And that will work...never forget that a diplo who zips in and swipes the city which has 50 fanatics assigned to it Kills all those Fanatics...) But barring that, and keeping your operational zone clear(through a massive fleet, preferably, and entrenched defenses) You can ignore them, and simply concentrate on replacing losses.
<g> I'm gushing....sorry.
But, I LOVE Fanatics. I treat em like Locusts, not much of a threat individually, but 200 fanatics WILL get the job done. And it's less expensive than 40 Howies, and can be done a lot quicker, too.
Try it...Watch your river of fanatics rip anything which isn't in a major defensive city down like a dog, and any city you don't really want can simply be pillaged in a single turn, and then that city doesn't contribute anything...and if they kill em, so what?
They need as many resources to kill off your armada as you needed to build it,and chances are you wounded the infrastructure, too.
Anyway....that's my ideas. Comments?
I dunno. I think nukes are cool..If you're the only one who has em.
What do you think?
I only really use this two times...when I've researched everything, and I'm beating up the AI, or when I get sick of research, and wanna beat up the AI.
Fundamentalism is the best war government there is (especially if the other side can't simply snap up all your cities with diplo's...)
It's not that you ~can't~ advance in Fundamentalism...it's just that you really don't HAVE to.

So, if you have a small empire of 10 cities, you can support 80 units, without a problem...and that doesn't count Fanatics.
I like Fanatics....NOTHING(except maybe the warrior-to-Musketeer-to-Rifleman trick you can pull with Leos) is quite so cool....or has as much bang for the buck.
Fanatics, as you all know....right now, I'm talking to make sure I've got this right...<g>
Fanatics have 4 4 1
They cost 20 shields, and no support undr fundamentalism.
If you have a ten city empire(which is TINY) each of which gives out 10 shields/turn, then You can build ten fanatics per turn....indefinately.
You spend 20 turns doing this, and you have 200 Fanatics bouncing about just ACHING to attack the enemy, and Nothing will stop them.
Cept, like an Ocean. <g> But nothing your opponents can do(except control the sea) will stop your "Primitive" forces from kicking the living heck out of his nation.
Especially if you happen to also have Nukes...or similar levels of technology...<g>
Use Nukes/Planes to hammer your opponents tough spots, and use Massive numbers of Fanatics to kill off everything like a plague of locusts. Let them die. They can be killed off in job lots and replaced with sickening ease.
Anything you don't want to just storm into (Say...a city on a Mountain, with three vetern Mech Infantry, a Barracks, and city walls, and you don't have airplanes..
Yeah, that WILL rip a large force to pieces...so go around it.

Yeah...you might find the idea of spending 20 turns building an army boring. ::Nods:: I'll grant you...but it's worth it. <g> That's for a Small empire...a larger empire, say something like 20 cities, each of which make 10 shields/turn can take ten turns and make the same number of units.
No other government can match this...basically, if you go fundie, they have to either hit you HARD with diplomats(And that will work...never forget that a diplo who zips in and swipes the city which has 50 fanatics assigned to it Kills all those Fanatics...) But barring that, and keeping your operational zone clear(through a massive fleet, preferably, and entrenched defenses) You can ignore them, and simply concentrate on replacing losses.
<g> I'm gushing....sorry.
But, I LOVE Fanatics. I treat em like Locusts, not much of a threat individually, but 200 fanatics WILL get the job done. And it's less expensive than 40 Howies, and can be done a lot quicker, too.
Try it...Watch your river of fanatics rip anything which isn't in a major defensive city down like a dog, and any city you don't really want can simply be pillaged in a single turn, and then that city doesn't contribute anything...and if they kill em, so what?

Anyway....that's my ideas. Comments?
I dunno. I think nukes are cool..If you're the only one who has em.