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Once upon a time a city was bribed...

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  • Once upon a time a city was bribed...

    What is your favorite true bribed city story?
    Was it an AI city or human?

    Mine was a long time ago before there were other humans...
    ...and the world was plagued with sniveling,greedy, quarelling AI's.
    There was a little yellow city which was reasonably priced and nicely situated from what I could tell. Somehow the Yellow capital had fallen and all their cities were very reasonably priced
    But by coincidence there was many many ships and a several other units near that city which were thrown in on the deal which was like 40 gold!!! If I remember rightly in the uppr teens was the number of ships. Remember how they used to come up on your coast cities in droves and whomp away futile-ly? And once one of their carriers was empty it seemed to never get refilled and wandered around aimlesly til it threw anchor near you and just sat there.
    Well this time here was all these destroyers, cruisers and seems like even a battleship next to this newly bribed city, which must have been on their way to comit suicide on my city nearby, and bingo! they are now mine.
    But what a huge resource deficit!! it was all I could do to find ways for them to go into the cities they could to be disbanded or re-homed to new cities that could support them to try and save some resourses or units. Some sadly had to be disbanded at sea, I mean how many resources does it take to make even a cathedral!?!..of course we hoped the crews were saved.
    Now that I think about it in those games if an AI city admired your Civ it would all at once join you!

    The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
    The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus

  • #2
    This happened when I played SG(1)'s Arthurian Legend scenario as an OCC game.

    Arthur's forces are next to the French city of Camelot. On the first turn at 3950 BC:

    First the French built JS Bach’s, then the Barbs suddenly landed and captured Camelot because the French Warriors rashly came out to block my path, a Barb Horseman was within contact distance of my Spy and the Barb Leader was exposed and within the ambit of my (bribed) Horseman! I had enough gold in the coffers to bribe Camelot the next turn.

    As a picture is worth a thousand words here is the smallest pic I can manage - my Horseman is about to capture the Barb Leader:

    [This message has been edited by tonic (edited November 29, 2000).]


    • #3
      My favorite bribe I ever did...
      • Ai city
      • 4 special
      • river
      • lighthouse
      • 1000 bc

      Nice 3000 year birthday present.

      All for the nice price of 48 gold.


      • #4
        One of my first games: Sitting on a very large land mass, which I'm sharing with the Romans and Carthaginians. I'm playing what I now know (thanks to this forum) to be a perfectionist game, so my military is small and largely defensive, and such cities as I've conquered I've obtained with spies. The Romans, having lost several cities this way, are leaving me alone, but not Carthage, which late in the game is waging an endless, pointless border-war with me near my capital. Just to create a better buffer zone, I decide to send a spy into the enemy city closest to my capital, a size-3. And for my trouble I get:
        2 tanks,
        1 bomber, and
        14 (!) cruise missles.

        It was a very different war after that.

        Dig trenches, with our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made. Here, run out and get some trenches.
        -- Rufus T. Firefly, the original rush-builder
        "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


        • #5
          I'm just returning to this's so good. So I'm kind of a neo-newbie. This is kind of a twist to the question...

          In my current game, a horde of barbarians appeared on a small, fertile, 4-special penninsula on a continent dominated by those Guiness-guzzling Celts. In the past, whenever I saw a horde on someone else's continent I thought, "How nice! they are bothering someone else!" But I've just been reading over some threads here on bribing barbarians (thankyew thankyew) and I realized what opportunities I've been missing.

          So this time I sent a couple of transports with spies, engineers and a few combat units. Bribed the barbs very cheap (unfortunately only 4 were left when I got there), used a bribed piece to kill the one protecting the leader (e tu Brute!), took the leader's ransom as reimbursement, and built a city w airport on the spot with the engineers. Now my 16 year spaceship just launched (late; I'm not real good at Diety yet) and the spies are on their way to visit the Celts who are scrambling to build a faster ship! It's going to be an interesting 11 years.

          Not sure the city was such a good idea, but it sure was fun.
          "Dream Dreams that will last into the morning"-Anonymous


          • #6
            Some real bargains!!
            It's understandable why there are so many no city bribe games going on.

            Rufus, the original Rush-buyer, you may inspire a new bumper sticker to replace the "Rush is a band" and Rush Lindbah ones.
            The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus

