In my most recent game, I find myself at the tip of a largish island, able to support about six cities.
Now, those of you who know me from previous posts know that I'm a generally peaceable man, not given to conquest, and preferring to win the game by getting to AC first.
Here, however, the Sioux set up their first city just about where I would have set up my second. Without triremes and no way to expand overseas, I was forced to fight the Sioux, conquering two cities and destroying another smaller one. I suspect I'm going to have to get rid of the last Sioux city as well, just to prevent them doing the various nasty things to me.
At which point, I can try to set up an island republic consisting of seven cities, find a bit of stuff on other islands, and head off to Alpha Centauri.
Unfortunately, I'm now already at 140 AD, just about to research invention, and I'm not sure how badly the Great Island War has thrown off my surge for the stars.
Fun to find out, though.
Jim W