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  • Miscellaenous

    How do you make ALL your cities grow to 127? Xin Yu supposedly wrote something on this. Where can I find it? I have tried the search engine. It is NOT perfect. DUH

    What are the differences between version 2.42 and 2.62? I can’t put triremes to sleep at sea in 2.62. What bugs have been fixed in the “update”?

    Late game: is using the autosettler a good idea? (I know u can use k during anytime in game for cities with no access to water.. and hope for the best..)


  • #2
    I have read about paratroopers in Sid Meier's Official Strategy Guide (1995), but I still don't understand what they can do. I tried moving a paratrooper, but it only got as far as one square. The Strategy Guide says it can move ten squares?

    Some time ago I found a book on civ2 at with "Diety" in the title. I can't remember exactly. Does anyone know what the whole title is and where I can get a copy? It was out of print when I checked about 6 mths ago.


    • #3
      I'm too busy to look for Xin Yu's excellent piece on the subject. But it is based on the old food caravan trick that I developed, and then he took it to the extreme limits. (As only Xin Yu can )

      When you deliver a food caravan to a city, it fills the food box (it's been a while since I've used it, so play around with it). The next food caravan adds a pop. The secret is that you can send AS MANY FOOD CARAVANS AS YOU WANT from city A to city B, and city A will only be charged with one food trade route.

      My concept was to pair up all your cities, with half your cities designated as A cities (food suppliers) and half designated as B cities (food receivers). That way, half your cities could grow to maximum size. By rush building food caravans, this can be done quickly.
      (but it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO boring)

      If I remember correctly, Xin Yu took it a step further, showing how you you could have 4 cities in a group, with caravans being rotated within the 4 city group, and increase all your cities to max size. It was very impressive work on his part. (and if you thought my trick was boring...)

      Again, I haven't used this stunt in a while, so I may be a little off on what I remember... but play around with it. Good luck!
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        Thanx Ming. Does Xin Yu (leading guru if I am not mistaken) still hang around in here?

        Yet another question (they never seem to end on my part):

        I saw a post by arii I think, he landed in 1075 AC, is there any logs or posts on how he did that? I wanna land in 1075, too!!


        Ask and you shall receive.


        • #5
          The Paratrooper is primarily designed to capture an empty enemy city from your (not too close) city. The AI uses this (often cheating) wherever possible when the required tech, Combined Arms has been achieved.

          It is also useful for capturing the Barb Leader in the end game, the disadvantage being that without a city, it has only a movement factor of one.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Lars-E on 12-01-2000 08:45 AM
            I saw a post by arii I think, he landed in 1075 AC, is there any logs or posts on how he did that? I wanna land in 1075, too!!



            • #7

              Originally posted by Lars-E on 12-01-2000 08:17 AM
              I have read about paratroopers in Sid Meier's Official Strategy Guide (1995), but I still don't understand what they can do. I tried moving a paratrooper, but it only got as far as one square. The Strategy Guide says it can move ten squares?

              The paratroopers have to be in a city (or airbase?), and you have to apply the Paradrop order to them. Then your cursor changes to a little parachute symbol. You move it around to where you want the paratroopers to go, click there, and presto, there they are. When you get the cursor outside their paradrop range, it changes to an parachute with an X through it and you can't click there.


              • #8
                Is anyone in here betatester for civIII?


                • #9
                  i don't think they are even to the beta-testing phase of Civ3 yet... I could be wrong though.

                  One great use (although I admit I haven't done this in SOOO long) is dropping a paratrooper into a city that you just nuked.


                  • #10
                    What is 2.62?
                    No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                    "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Blaupanzer on 12-02-2000 04:55 PM
                      What is 2.62?

                      2.62 is a version of civ2. Collectors Edition. I believe you can only get it in Europe.


                      • #12
                        IIRC v2.62 is CiC (Conflicts in Civilization) released prior to v2.78 FW (Fantastic Worlds) both of which are primarily Scenario collections but with slightly (up?)graded game engines - I have personally found the 2,78 to be more buggy than 2.42.

                        Scouse Git[1]

                        "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                        "The Great Library must be built!"
                        "A short cut has to be challenging,
                        were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                        - Paul Craven
                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • #13
                          Has anyone played all (or just a few) of the scenarios in CiC?

                          Who were you? How many objectives (points or cities taken) were met? What was your score?


                          • #14
                            I forgot one thing:

                            I guess there are bugs in the CiC scenarios. Are there any upgrades on the net?


                            • #15
                              Guidelines for Gameplay – landing on AC

                              1.Don’t waste science beakers. Adjust the science rate “all the time”.

                              2.Use caravans/freight from the SCC for trade with other civs (don’t waste science beakers). Match demand/supply only for those commodities that give you a trade bonus. (You might wanna use the caravan/freight hopping technique to get your unit hopping from one ship to another to cross the an ocean).Your other cities build caravans/freight for wonder building.

                              3.Get all the tribute you can.

                              4.Rushbuild terrain improvements. Always have a 1 square (available for the extra worker) roaded or irrigated before your city grows. You might want to build roads to other civ(s) inbetween terrain improvment and city growth, especially in OCC).

                              5.Use settlers/engineers to build airbases on mined hills to get extra food.

                              6.You might want to build a lot of settlers/engineers in a city next to an enemy city to get a lot of NON settlers/engineers.

                              7.Rushbuy units, improvements, and wonders.

                              8.If you need to revolt, only do so the year before SOO.

                              9.Watch out for unhappiness due to “Max Cities” factor.

                              10.Don’t waste shields in cities.

                              11.Give all your techs to the ai’s before railroad.

                              12.I try to avoid discovering Warrior Code before Monarchy.

                              Ad 1
                              Using a ruler (tnx SG) and a spreadsheet (tnx for the tip, tonic) helps me do this.

                              Ad 2
                              There might be times when you want to deviate from this.

                              Ad 4
                              You don’t always wanna do this. You might need your settler(s) doing other kinds of stuff, like building cities.

                              Ad 12
                              Still not sure about Navigation.


                              When I play I try to keep these guidelines/principles in mind (when playing OCC I use Paul’s guide, of course). I also use a Word document with tables for easy reference:

                              The 1st table is Inca911’s ( just twisted a little. I try to be “vigilant and weary” when for example I build my city #7 in Monarchy. The table has some assumptions (only 1 size cities), but can be used as a kinda “rule of thumb”, IMHO.

                              In the 2nd table I have just put in the year before the Oedo year. This makes it easy for me to know when to revolt.

                              The 3rd table is taken from Scrolls of Wisdom, and so is the 4th, I just elaborated on that one.

                              The 5th table (Oedo’s Techs) is not yet there, but I will put it up when all the techs have been assigned proper values..

                              I am posting all this because I want to know what you ppl use as guidelines/principles when playing. I also would like to know what you keep as a reference during play.

                              If there’s any doubt: I found all of this stuff at Apolyton (civ2 strategy).
                              [This message has been edited by Lars-E (edited January 30, 2001).]

