I know a lot of you all have figured out that some units are worthwhile to build or others are not. Usually the argument is a cost effectiveness argument. For example, howies make more sense to build versus tanks just as powerful - cheaper to produce.
Despite that, in some games, I will build all the different variety of units for fun.
The difficulty I am having is using submarines effectively. When air power is discovered I find that subs are close to useless. They end up just hiding out in ports which seems directly opposite to how they are used in real life.
When I try to deploy my subs to the deep blue waters, random enemy helicopters, fighters and bombers (all those non-landing, non-refueling cheating AI air units ) find my subs so easily and destroy them routinely. I can't stack an AEGIS cruiser because that defeats the advantage of the subs' steath.
Any ideas? I hate hiding my subs in the sub pens just waiting for the oppportunity to race out and sink a battleship that strays to close to the port. That's boring.
Despite that, in some games, I will build all the different variety of units for fun.
The difficulty I am having is using submarines effectively. When air power is discovered I find that subs are close to useless. They end up just hiding out in ports which seems directly opposite to how they are used in real life.
When I try to deploy my subs to the deep blue waters, random enemy helicopters, fighters and bombers (all those non-landing, non-refueling cheating AI air units ) find my subs so easily and destroy them routinely. I can't stack an AEGIS cruiser because that defeats the advantage of the subs' steath.
Any ideas? I hate hiding my subs in the sub pens just waiting for the oppportunity to race out and sink a battleship that strays to close to the port. That's boring.