This has happened more times that is reasonable:
Say you have a border with another civ (say, the French), and you amass a huge invasion force and park it right outside their closest city. Often to avoid the reputation penalty of a war of aggression I send an envoy and ask them to remove the units that are probably meandering around in my territory. And with a wave of death poised to crash about them should their response not thrill me, what do they say? "Blah, blah, blah...THIS MEANS WAR!" Well, they asked for it.
Say you have a border with another civ (say, the French), and you amass a huge invasion force and park it right outside their closest city. Often to avoid the reputation penalty of a war of aggression I send an envoy and ask them to remove the units that are probably meandering around in my territory. And with a wave of death poised to crash about them should their response not thrill me, what do they say? "Blah, blah, blah...THIS MEANS WAR!" Well, they asked for it.
