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WWII- Challange

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  • #31
    I've played the WWII challenge a lot. but my favorite challenge now is playing the ww79 scenario that comes with MGE and trying to win with the Indians.

    Its tough, because of all the nukes flying around and major powers, but a lot of fun nonetheless.


    • #32
      I like playing the WWII scenario as the Turks. I think it helps me hone my ecnomy building skills. You basically inherit a failed economy, and no military. I always start by building caravans andsending them into germany. You get much needed cash, and your science is at a crawl by that point, so it helps jump staret you there, too.


      "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
      -Homer Simpson

      "Ecky ecky ecky!"
      "It's just a flesh wound!"
      - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

      Check out my 1602 A.D. site


      • #33
        Turkey's pretty hard, I mean, you're trapped between two bohemoths and really can't expand unless you have partisan-led engineers past the British Middle-East.

        WW79 is fun too...try it as the neutrals
        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


        • #34
          I've never played the WWII that came with MGE (since I don't have MGE), I've only played the one that came wit the original Civ2. I don't know if that makes a difference... but when I played as the Turks I just took over the two french cities near me, and the Russians were almost always at war with either the Axis or with the Allies, so when they attacked me, I took the city closest to myself and build a few coastal fortresses. Russian problem solved. Next I would just invade N. Africa (except for the Axis cities, of course ) and get a foothold there. From there an invasion of Spain is rather easy. I never got passed that by the end of the scenario.


          "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
          -Homer Simpson

          "Ecky ecky ecky!"
          "It's just a flesh wound!"
          - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

          Check out my 1602 A.D. site


          • #35
            That's still pretty good, what if you continued the advance past the end of the scenario?
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #36
              well.. If i continued, I most likely would have massed my units on the french-spanish border (this is after conquering spain), and invaded france. Next, i would rebuild my force, and invade the Axis on two fronts. That will probably never happen though, since I play ToT more now.


              "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
              -Homer Simpson

              "Ecky ecky ecky!"
              "It's just a flesh wound!"
              - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

              Check out my 1602 A.D. site


              • #37
                Just an additional update on my progress...

                Feb '56 Krasnovodsk, Kiev, Uralsk, Astrakhan. Four additional small mis-named cities Bergen, Ghent, Salzburg, Prague; all in the central plains - all bribed.

                April '56 Voronezh, Kazan, Kuibyshev, Grozny, Maikop. That leaves the Crimea and the Urals about 15 cities - shouldn't take too long. Odessa and Sevestapol aren't rail linked to anything else so it takes the Ruskies more movement points than they can afford to move attacking units from those cities toward me - no real threat so I have skipped them for now.

                I now think I will be done with the eastern front by the end of '56 and should be able to wrap up well before 1960 unless the Allies build MP and fly nukes in the same turn. I am not even building barracks anymore - non-vet Howies are fine for partisans.
                Be the bid!


                • #38
                  Looks like you're set up for an earlier finish than me, Sten!

                  I'm at april 1958, working my way east. The front is (from South to North) Maikop/Turin/Stalingrad/Voronezh/Kuibyshev/Kazan/Gorky... All these cities are mine.

                  The nukes are flying all over the place ("Hallelujah", as Martin Sheen puts it in The Dead Zone)...

                  Ruskies have nukes, Allies have nukes and the Axis has nukes... So every turn I face nukes from three civs... First I bought SDI:s and got away with it a couple of times... Then one turn I rushed two SDI:s from scratch (didn't want to disband any units), which cost me 1600 gold... Poof, both cities nuked to ashes... So now I just leave a unit or two as defenders and roll over them.

                  May be able to finish before 1963, though.



                  • #39

                    Originally posted by Carolus Rex on 07-26-2000 04:39 PM
                    Ruskies have nukes, Allies have nukes and the Axis has nukes... So every turn I face nukes from three civs...

                    Yikes!! Note to self - sabotage MP production in Axis Tangiers. Right now!

                    I don't have an embassy with the Allies - I hope they aren't building the bomb.

                    In your casualty list above - were those your losses or those of your opponents? I haven't lost many units at all with the Allies being allies One enemy at a time (weak western defenses; ) coupled with no nukes and you have the turn difference.

                    I can't believe those wimps Ming and Xin could only combine for a '63. I bet we could do a '55!!

                    This has been pretty fun - thanks for the challenge Prometeus.
                    Be the bid!


                    • #40
                      Heh, heh, heh!

                      Nope, those were my losses...

                      And I bet they've doubled since...

                      A stack here and a stack there...

                      I think I started conquering too early and picked the wrong target, going for the UK first is probably best. Gives you lots of gold, no risk of costly counter attacks (as with the Axis) and getting a production base early. Meanwhile mother Russia lays down railroad tracks.

                      I'll play it through and post the details when done.



                      • #41
                        BTW, I'm still a comrade loyal to the cause (just reread the thread)!



                        • #42
                          It is strange how different our two games have been running - great alternate histories.

                          Since I am not fighting the Allies, there aren't nukes flying, and the Ruskies don't have Mech Inf - I have only lost 11 howies, 20 alpines and iirc 5 Mechs. Sounds like they have been more inept for me - I'll take that! Are you using MGE or 2.42??

                          I have been building airfields (two engineers) next to the city I am attacking, preferably on a river, to protect the stack - might be just a little unrealistic... but that coupled with not worrying about blocking partisans squares that aren't accessable by rail has kept my exposed stacks to a minimum.

                          Onward Comrade!

                          (where is my copy of Billy Bragg singing the Internationale??)
                          Be the bid!


                          • #43
                            No mech infantry? Hm, that's strange... Russians have them and the Allies had them as early as during the blitz I think...

                            I'm also playing 2.42 and we're about even in years... A year is, what, 6 turns?

                            Anyway, this late in the game it shouldn't matter too much... Most of my cities crank out howies every other turn... Sheer numbers should be enough now, no matter what they defend with, right?

                            Ah, Billy Bragg! I remember his first single (I think), "I wanna be a kosmonaut!" or something like that...



                            • #44
                              Great leap forward update...

                              Finished off mother Russia at the beginning of Oct '56 with the bribe of Sevestapol and Krasnovodsk - should have been able to do it last turn but I neglected to finish rush building a transport in Astrakhan.

                              I am positioning transports in the Atlantic for the chain to America, but I can't remember if they are returned when an alliance is broken. I could launch the one-turn sweep of the Allies in December unless my boats get sent home. (except for the Middle East) There are three allied cities in Norway, conveniently connected to my Oslo with 6 howies and a dip.

                              Turkey I am planning to bribe if the rails aren't in, the cities look small. Preliminary scout flights don't look promissing for a howie-fest. The rest of the Med and Persia might require some road building, and getting through the hilly Caucases will take a few turns unless I can figure out a quicker naval way from Italy.

                              I think I can be done now by the end of '58.

                              June & August '56 highlights - Sverdlovsk, Magnitorgorsk, Kalinin, Omsk, Yaroslav, Novosibirsk, Orsk, Rostov, Odessa, Krasnoyursk, Tangiers and 10 smaller cities with Roman/European names.

                              Tangiers opens the North African campaign and reduces the Axis to two cities. Four small French cities, and two Axis before I can get to Alexandria. I hope the allies have been cooperative with the Rails. Now the question is much more logistics than firepower. I am just building a couple of howies, most cities are building engineers, transports, and small ones have switched to capitalization, taxmen and a big food deficit.

                              if no one out there understands
                              start your own revolution
                              and cut out the middle man

                              Be the bid!


                              • #45
                                Last couple of turns took a little while...

                                June 1957

                                Should have been earlier. I had to sit in February waiting for my ship chain to get into place and at the end of April I had a ton of units left but no way to get to the last city - Scapa Flow. Pretty fun challenge, though I don't think I'll do it again anytime soon.

                                October '56 - Batum & Istambul. Mostly "road" building and resting wounded howies. Almost all roads I built were actually airfields - two engineers can finish in one turn and you avoid stack death.

                                Dececmber '56 - Rest of Turkey, French North Africa and French Levant.

                                February '57 - Tripoli and Tobruk finishing off the Axis (still sailing toward America...)

                                April '57 - Founded cities in America and England - moved units into cities, dissolved alliance & Howied the lot. Except Scapa Flow in northern UK. No roads and two hills to pass through. Should have scouted it first.

                                Staying allied with the Allies was the key to an early date. I am sure that would have been most difficult in the MGE version. Attacking the Allies first, before Russia would be difficult because of their four different locations - requiring a lot of units, and either careful partisan blocking or enough defense to let them run around.

                                (no nukes! )
                                [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited August 08, 2000).]
                                Be the bid!

