Here is the challenge, unlimited time frame, WWII scenario on Civ II, Conquer the world with the Spanish. I tried and failed miserably but I was wondering if any of you could pull it off. If you do just post here and let me know what difficulty and by when and how you conquered the world.
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WWII- Challange
I think it's doable. Ming and I played on deity as Spain and Neutral and we won. Playing SP is more difficult.
On first turn if you capture a French city (provided that Germany did not capture Paris)you get all its money.
Build coastal fortress in all your coastal cities!
Trade with England to get cash and science.
I've started and I'm doing OK, unless it has to be done before june 1945?!
Hence my post and question: before which year do we have to finish?
I'm keeping a log that I will post later, but here is some info on the first turn (version 2.42, deity level).
I immediatley sold all the marketplaces except for Madrid's, which yielded 640 gold for a total of 693 gold. Picked Communism as my first tech and allied with the turks.
Traded techs with the neutrals, got communism for railroad. Revolution. Then I changed production from riflemen to freights in every city except Lisbon (building a transport).
Later in the game I delivered the freights to the allies (English and American). Biggest bonus was only 546 gold (oil to NY). Tribute has been decent especially from the french, who have given me 400 to 500 gold several times. My treasury has been topping at about 3300 gold.
I've been incrementally buying armor. A minor nuisance is the lack of "less than 30 shields"-units, increasing the cost.
I decided to attack the French first, but have only taken out three of their cities thus far.
Edited part: It is now june 1945, I saved because I didn't know if that was the dead-line or not.
[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited June 29, 2000).]
Carolus Rex- you can take as much time as you want. I doubt you could conquer the world with the spanish before 1945.
Xin Yu- I actually read the post when you and Ming played that game. I agree with you though that it will be more difficult in SP.
I am sure it can be done I have no real doubt of that I was just wondering how people went about doing it. In the game I lost the French(what was left of them) allied with the Allies and the Axis and that alliance took out most of the Russians and then turned to me. So that was that. And I did not know that about capturing the French City, however I have had yet to have a game were Paris has not fallen on the first turn.
1963?! That has got to be impossible to beat in single player.
I have never seen Paris survive the first turn either.
I stayed out of the representative governments , went straight for communism and sticked with it. Hence no WLTPD-induced growth, which most of the cities were set up for (temples, marketplaces and cathedrals). Maybe a mistake?
After two transports filled with freights I've built nothing (almost) but armor. Only city with a factory and a power plant is Madrid, the other cities only produce "ordinary" shields. Maybe a mistake?
I played it with the Spanish once and by 1965 I was ready to attack the Russians, I´ve never finished that game, though, the Russians had to many cities by then.
To kill the french, neutral was really easy, to kill the Allies was harder, and the axis was easier with all the production from the allies cities, but attack russia won´t be a piece of cake, by then they have too many cities.
I change to fundamentalism as soon as I stole the technology and it was not that hard any more
I don't it'd be that hard in an unlimited time frame, now in the time frame, thats hard!
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Still working at it, but losing my patience a bit has made me play less careful.
Have started to conquer Hitler's cities after stealing a lot of techs, including Robotics, from the Axis.
Very surprisingly he doesn't bribe back his lost cities?! I was afraid of that and let each howie attack only once and then withdrew them to a nearby fortress while occupying a city with only one armor.
He attacked it with conventional forces and of course took it back. Next turn my howies did the same thing (attack and withdraw) and I captured it once again. Afraid of moving in troops again, I only let one armor defend it and so on... No bribing back, yet he has over 2500 gold?!
CR - I gave this some time over the long weekend here in the States, and made it to about 1950. Instead of attacking the French or building caravans, I just kept peace and went into commie ICS mode. I transformed all of my port cities to hills and then tried to head for China so that I could expand and attack Russia from the south and south-east. Built a string of cities along the west african coast and from Syria to India and on into China. It might be too slow to do it that way.
In hindsight I think I made a mistake by not allying with the Allies first before contacting everyone else. I kept getting attacked by Churchill's evil minions and the damn Nazis stayed at peace with everyone for the whole game. I ended up allied with Russia and France, but that did me no good. I had a dip with a pocket full of money heading toward Tehran to buy it when the Neutrals went from War with the Allies to Allied - then I couldn't bribe it with out creating a battleship raid on my ports. Anyway, I might start over and try this from a slightly different angle, but stay with a commie ICS general approach.Be the bid!
Building cities seemed to be a dead end to me, I didn't even consider it. I've built a couple of engineers though, to railroad to the front.
The good thing is that Hitler now is fighting a two fronts. He's at war with Russia and seems to direct more units to do battle at the eastern front than with me. Had I not been afraid of bribing I could easily (in retrospect) have held that occupied city.
After continuing this one to the end, I'll have another go with a representative government initially. Those freights I sent over should bring a lot more after WLTPD. Problem is, without selling improvements how to rush the first freights?
I think you are quite correct on the city building front, it just takes too long. I might still try to bribe Tehran given the chance; I think I'll build artillery and try my luck that way. What do you think about trying to take out the English first?
I wonder how many units it would take to take over the British Isles and America. The good thing about that would be not needing vet artillery. Probably two artillery pieces and a tank for each American city, a dip for ZOC, one engineer to build a port city, and four more for railroading. That plus a couple of extra units would fit on two transports. A three transport invasion force could land in the Irish Sea and go after the UK port cities to wipe out the allies atlantic fleet. With all of the german subs and allied surface ships, you would definately need to be at peace before sneak attacking. 35 units would take a fair while to build, maybe it would be better to take out the french and let the germans try to slug away at your defenses.
ramble, ramble, ramble...Be the bid!
Going after the English hooligans () first with a properly coordinated attack sounds like a good idea. Leaving Washington and NY alone (for a while!
) can't be too dangerous.
My own attempt is progressing very slowly and is also very uncertain. Without a large production base (so far) I can only take one german city at a time, hoping for the best. I've taken some risks including leaving some stacks unprotected, defending cities with only one unit and hoping that Hitler doesn't use his +3000 treasury to buy lost cities back.
A big problem is that the Allies hate me and bombard my coastal cities leaving them defenseless and then the Axis paradrops in. I don't lose units because I resupport them to Madrid before sending them to the front, but it slowly wears me down (although I immediately take the cities back).
I try to sue for peace with the Allies, but they refuse to talk to me...
[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited July 07, 2000).]