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OCC fortnigth #12 - discussion and logs

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  • #16
    I think Tom has invented a tough variant, FOCC, with its science handicap. With the other Fundy pluses I did not realize until too late that there can be too much of a good thing in terms of caravans/freight despite what is said in conventional OCC. Should have developed Leo's among other Wonders in the mid-game. It is in trying to get rid of the burgeoning stock of caravans/freight that I grabbed what I could late in the game. Besides the essential United Nations (in this context) I also got the only two available viz. SETI (didn't seem to slow down the other civs' science rate) and the Manhattan Project, which was really my undoing, RIP 1916. In any case it is obvious with my tech rate of some 13 turns, that I wasn't going to outrace the English, French or Romans to AC.

    I guess staying at size 20 to maintain the WLTKD science bonus was shortsighted - I seem to have lost ground from the mid-game onwards. Despite the relative length and the disappointing finish, there were some interesting twists and insights into Fundy's quirks - having all that money and the ability to bribe units with ease, resulting in the build-up of a modest navy (well, mainly ferry-boats) for a land-locked city!

    Hats off to Smash and vik who successfully steered the course.

    The log up till 1916:

    2.42 Deity

    4000 Persepolis
    3950 resBronzeworking
    3550 hut=50
    3500 Bronze Working resAlphabet
    3400 hut=barb
    3450 barbhorse kilt my warrior
    3350 hut=50
    3300 hut=chariot
    3250 English peace, refused alliance tirbute=get ceremonial burial - (chariot sth London)
    3150 hut=50
    3050 English=no tribute
    2950 English=bronzew
    2900 pop4 hut=barb
    2850 Barbhorse dies attacking myfanatic
    2800 English=nomaps
    2750 English=no alliance
    2700 hut=warriorcode English=refuse knowledge
    2650 English tribute=25
    2600 English=no alliance
    2450 Hut=currency English=give currency get mysticism
    2400 Largest: 1English 2Persians
    2350 Colossus English=tribute50 tls=5.0.5 income=7 sc=3bkers turns=24 -> inc9 sc=16t with mined gold
    2300 English=no alliance
    2250 hut=legion
    2200 French exc currency ceremburial pottery for Alphabet writing mysticism no alliance tribute=50 English=no alliance
    2150 Marketplace,Zulus exc ceremburial for horsebackriding no alliance tribute=50, mywarrior on mtn vetted after surviving Barbarcher attack,
    2000 Library
    1950 hut=wheel Mongols destroyed by Romans hut=horse
    1900 Zulus exc writing for CodeLaws no alliance French=no alliance
    1850 Zulus=wheel French=codelaws English=writing WLTKD started (late!!)
    1800 Zulus=warriorcode French+English=wheel
    1750 Barbleader=150 hut=50 Zulus=pottery French=warriorcode English=codelaws
    1700 hut=trade Zulus=currency Eng+French=horsebackr
    1650 hut=chariot 1st Caravan blt =dye resMsaonry hut=50 Zulus proposes alliance, no gift fr+engr=trade
    1600 Zulus=trade French=no alliance
    1550 hut=construction Romans exc trade ceremburial mysticism for masonry mapmaking ironworking peace tribute=150 hut=legion Zulus (war aztecs)+English=mapmaking
    1500 resMaths Romans+zulu+French=construction English=exc construction for Literacy
    1450 Romans+zulus=sharemaps eng+French=nomaps hut=monarchy
    1400 Aztecs destroyed by Zulus Romans+French=literacy Zulus exc monarcgy for republic=0 English=republic hut=legion
    1350 Romans+French=republic Zulus=literacy English=ironwork hut=maths hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse hut=horse
    1300 resAstronomy Romans=monarchy Zulus=ironwork French=mapmaking English=maths
    1250 1st Caravan dye -London (demanded) =132 Romans= wheel Zulus=25 English=maps French=nomaps
    1200 2nd Caravan hides -London (not demanded) =66 hut=25 Rom+Zulus=maths fr+English=monarchy
    1150 Romans= currency Zulus=maps fr+English=masonry (English seems to have all knowledge) hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse
    1100 Romans= horsebackr Zulus=masonry French=ironwork English=nomaps
    1050 3rd Caravan gold -London (not demanded)=70 Romans= 25 tribute Zulus=25 French=maths English=no alliance hut=50
    1000 Astronomy resPhilosophy Romans= codeL Zulus=maps French=nomaps English=nomaps
    975 Romans Zulus=maps French=noalliance English=nomaps
    950 English=75 tribute French=150 tribute
    925 Fr+Eng+Zulus=astronomy Romans= maps
    900 Copernicus English=nomaps
    875 Rome=50 Zulus=50 fr+English=noalliance
    825 Fr+English no alliance (only if give 100) Zulus=maps
    800 BarbLeader=150
    775 hides caravan -Orleans (not demanded)=86 sc:20t=>16t
    750 Zulus war French
    675 Salt caravan -London (not demanded)=72
    650 Philosophy get University resTheoryGrav, Granary Rome=maps eng+French=noalliance
    625 Pop8 University (sc=12t) Zulus=phil+25 Romans= Phil+Univ for alliance but no gift! French=phil noalliance without war with zulus, English=phil
    600 Zulus=univ sharemaps, Romans= maps
    575 English=75 Romans= 0 French=50 Zulus=maps
    550 Aquaduct
    500 Zulus war with English (decline 50 for war as wine-Caravan going to York (demanded): worshipful->uncooperative allies) Romans= maps
    400 English exc Univ for Banking, no alliance
    375 Romans=50
    350 TheoryGravity resMedicine Wine Caravan -York (demanded)=200 Zulus=banking (demanded)+50 (but still uncooperative) French=Univ+Banking for alliance, but no gift! Happiest: Romans Zulus French Persians English
    325 Zulus=ThGrav (attitude: uncoop->neutral)
    300 IsaacNewtonsC (sc=8t) French=banking Romans= 25
    275 Pop10 French=thGrav (sc=7t)
    250 Rom+French=maps
    225 Medicine resEngineering English=Med, maps Zulus=Med+50 Romans= univ French=med
    200 Bank
    175 Romans= 50 English=50 French=0
    125 Rom+French=Maps English=nomaps
    100 (Romans dev seafaring)
    75 (French war Eng, French dev Engineering!) get Engineering as gift from French
    50 (French Peace with English)
    25 Sanitation resEconomics Dye Caravan -London (not demanded)=106 Romans exc sanitation for seafaring +50 French=75 English=seafaring

    AD1 Rom+French=maps English=noalliance
    20 Sewer System English=engineering French=sanitation (sc: 8t->7t !) Romans= astronomy
    40 Romans= engineering+0, French=maps English=sanitation+0
    60 Pop12 Romans= med English=ThGravity
    80 (Zulus peace with Eng) Zulus=med+100 Romans= 0
    100 Economics resBridgeBdg Zulus=sanitation French=economics(8t->7t) English=econs
    120 Zulus=engineering Romans= 50 French=150
    140 English=noalliance fr+Romans =maps Zulus=econs
    180 Stock Exchange Romans= economics+maps Zulus=0
    200 Salt caravan -London (not demanded) =116 Romans= ThGrav
    220 Bridge Building resInvention English exc BridgeBdg for Navigation Romans= bridgebdg Zulus=bridgebdg+50 French=navigation
    240 Rom+fr+zulu(+maps)=bridgebdg
    260 Romans= 50 French=maps
    280 French=100
    300 (Romans war with Fr) zulu+Romans= maps
    360 Dye-caravan -London (not demanded)=61 Zulus=50 rom+French=maps
    400 Invention resPhysics Fr+Zulus=Invention Romans= invention +150
    420 (Romans bdg Leos) English=Invention rom+fr+Zulus=maps
    440 Bribe barb Caravel for 82
    480 Dye Caravan -York=57 Barbleader=150
    500 Romans= 50 French=100
    520 (French peace rom)
    560 Physics resSteamEngine
    580 Romans= physics Zulus=phys+50
    600 (English get Leos!)
    660 Romans war zulus Zulus=50 hut=25
    700 French=physics
    760 Steam Engine resRailroad Rom+French=Steamengine
    800 Largest: Romans French English Persians Zulus
    820 Coal caravan -Paris (not demanded) =78 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
    860 English get tsunsu
    880 Romans= 50 French=0 Zulus=50
    900 Dye-caravan -Paris (demanded)=172 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
    920 Railroad resChemistry
    940 Darwin's Voyage Chemistry Magnetism resIndustrialization (French has Gunpowder) French exc railroad for gunpowder Zulus=gunpowder +100 Romans= railroad
    1000 Zulus=magnetism+maps Romans= gunpowder French=chem
    1040 Romans= 100 Zulus=chem French=0
    1060 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
    1120 Industrialization resExplosives Romans= magnetism Zulus=industr+50 French=industr
    1140 Romans= 50
    1180 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
    1300 (French gets Corporation, English gets Democracy)
    1320 Explosives resAtomicTh French exc explosives for corporation +100 Zulus=explosives+50 Romans= industrialn
    1340 Engineer
    1360 Engineer
    1380 Engineer BarbLeader=150 Bribe barbKnight
    1400 Zulus=corp(demand)+maps rom+French=maps
    1440 (Romans peace Eng)
    1460 Oil freight -Paris (not demanded)=101
    1500 Atomic Theory resRefining (Largest: Romans French English Persians zulu)
    1510 Factory Gold-caravan -Paris (not demanded) =101 English exc atomic theory for metallurgy
    1520 Romans= explosives Zulus=metallurgy+maps French=100
    1560 (French dev Refining) French exc Metallurgy for Refining+100
    1580 resElectricity barbCrusader lands kills myLegion myChariot kills yellowed barbCrusader bribe barbFrigate
    1600 Electricity resRefrigeration Romans exc refining for Democracy=maps Zulus=democracy+100 French=maps+0
    1610 Romans= 150 French=maps
    1620 (English flaunts Conscription)
    1650 rom+fr+Zulus=maps
    1660 Zulus=electricity+maps fr+Romans= maps
    1680 (Romans dev Chemistry) Romans demands electricity but refuses exchange!
    1710 Refrigeration resCombustion Romans= electricity+150 French=maps
    1740 Romans exc corporation for Conscription + maps French=conscription+50 Zulus=consription+100 Zulus=atomicth nomaps Romans= maps French=refrigeration+maps
    1752 French peace Eng, Romans= 150
    1756 Bribe English engineer, war with Eng! Zulus=refrigeration+maps
    1758 Zulus dev polytheism Combustion resCommunism
    1760 Romans war English rom+fr+Zulus=maps
    1762 Pop20 Sell sewer system
    1764 (Romans take Newcastle) Romans= maps French gifts feudalism Zulus=feudalism
    1766 sell aquaduct
    1768 Riflemen Romans= 150 Zulus=200 French=100
    1770 (Wealthiest: English French Persians Romans zulu) zulu+fr+Romans= maps
    1772 Steal chivalry from Eng,
    1776 zulu+French=chivalry Romans= combustion
    1778 Sabotaged London university production
    1780 Romans= refrig Zulus=combustion
    1782 Communism resSteel
    1784 United Nations English=peace
    1786 French dev Electronics but refuses to exchange (bdg Hoover) Romans= chivalry
    1788 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=105
    1792 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107, bribe English destroyer (830) Romans= 150, French gifts electronics Zulus=200
    1796 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107,
    1798 English dev steel, English exc communism for steel
    1800 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110, resAutomobile
    1802 Bribe English Transport (622) Zulus=100 Romans= 0 French=50
    1804 Automobile resEspionage, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110
    1806 Romans= electronics
    1808 Superhighways (sc: 14t->9t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Zulus=steel Romans= 75
    1812 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Romans= automobile fr+Zulus=maps
    1816 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Bribe English engineer English=automobile
    1818 Espionage resMass-Production
    1820 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=210 Romans= 75 Zulus=150
    1824 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=communism
    1828 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Looks like a lucky freight commodity pair-loop here, make hay (wine and gold)...!
    1832 Mass production resNuclear-Fission Bribe English engineer Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=mass production+150 French=100 Romans= 150
    1836 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
    1838 Romans gets Leadership exc electricity for leadership
    1840 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 all=maps except English
    1842 Bribe Romans knight
    1844 Bribe English freight (which arrived at Persepolis pattern)=oil, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
    1846 Oil-freight -London (demanded)=654 (almost paid for itself not counting the science bonus!) Romans= 150 French=100 Zulus=maps
    1848 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=226 Zulus=leadership rom+French=maps (Romans freight NE(18,22) of Persepolis)
    Bribe Romans Engineer, Romans= 150
    1850 Wine-freight -London (demanded)=467
    1851 Bribe English vet Dragoon (931) French=100 Zulus exc steel for polytheism +200
    1852 Tactics resMachine-Tools (English dev Flight !! ) (sc 9t->12t) (French dev Fundamentalism) English exc tactics for flight Zulus=tactics (cordial->worshipful) Romans= tactics Wine-freight -London (demanded)=245
    1853 Bribe Romans freight (267) =gems Gem-freight -York (not demanded)=98
    1854 Manhattan Project (MostPowerful: English Romans French Persians zulu)
    1856 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 fr+Romans= massproduction English=nuclearfission
    1858 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 Romans= maps (new English city Dover just north of Persepolis - no overlap- phew!) Zulus=flight +300! French=nuclearfission+maps
    1860 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 (French dev mobile-warfare)
    1861 Machine Tools resMiniaturization French gifts Mobile-warfare
    1862 Romans= nuclearfission Zulus=mobilewarfare fr+English=machinetools (still 13t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122
    1863 Romans= machinetools Zulus=nuclearfission+machine get 200 French=flight
    1864 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
    1866 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe English cruiser (1010)
    1867 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis oil, Bribe English Alpinetroops (to gain access to York) Oil-freight -York (demanded)=346
    1868 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
    1869 Miniaturization resRadio Romans freight approaching from north
    1870 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe Romans armor (628)
    1871 give miniaturization to all
    1872 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
    1873 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis-wine, Wine-freight -London (demanded)=350
    1874 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
    1875 Radio resAdvanced-flight (French dev computers) French gifts computers Disband persepolis-legion+diplo (14t-7t)
    1876 Research-Lab (7t->6t) Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=121
    1878 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 (decide to build SETI with so many caravans left)
    1879 SETI Advanced Flight resRobotics sell Research-Lab
    1881 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
    1882 sc:5t->11t
    1883 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
    1885 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
    1887 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
    1888 Robotics resRocketry
    1889 Manufacturing Plant Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
    1890 all maps except English
    1891 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
    1893 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 English=radio
    1895 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
    1898 Rocketry resSpaceFlight Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 Zulus=400 Romans=maps
    1900 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
    1902 Steal laser from Romans Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122
    1903 Gold-freight -Kharakoram (demanded) 458
    1906 Zulus exc advanced flight and Radio for guerilla warfare and amphibious warfare
    1908 Space Flight resPlastics
    1909 Apollo Program Bribe Romans freight=oil Oil-freight -London (demanded)=573
    1910 Structural1
    1911 Structural2
    1912 Structural3
    1913 Structural4 English dev rocketry French dev advanced flight - looks ominous -with my 12-13t sc.
    1914 Structural5 French sneak attacks my caravel and transport with chariot. Looks like WWI has started!
    1915 Structural6 Peace with English who bragged about having Nuclear weapons
    1916 The English nuked me - they weren't joking!

    Ancora Imparo
    [This message has been edited by tonic (edited July 11, 2000).]


    • #17
      Back from my vacation. Glad to see others were able to win this one, although not as many have completed the game as with other OCC fortnights (the game took more than twice as long as a "regular" OCC game for me, so others might still be slugging it out).

      With all the extra gold and production, I built several diplomats and bribed AI units. In particular, I bribed 4 settlers and 4 engineers over the course of the game, giving me lots of improvement potential. I also bribed a lot of barbarian units.

      I transformed most hills/plains/forest to grassland. The extra food sped my city's growth. Unfortunately, I was unaware that you could get happy citizens in Fundy, and thus celebrate WLTD to get that extra trade arrow per tile. Oops.

      The Aztecs and Romans developed quite impressively, having around 20 cities each by the time space flight came around. I was prepared for a big war with the Romans (with around 20 NONE musketeers/ riflemen/ various others that I had bribed during the course of the game), but was not looking forward to the result.

      I was a little too generous with my gifting late in the game, resulting in the Romans and Aztecs both building their spaceships very quickly (outpacing my research to Superconductor). I gave up with about 5 years to go before my launch - The Romans were about to launch a <10 year spaceship.

      I only recorded highlights for my game:

      2200BC - Colossus
      1400BC - Trade
      Contact made with all AI civs
      1250BC - Construction
      950BC - 1st trade route
      925BC - 2nd trade route
      750BC - 3rd trade route
      725BC - first tech that I discovered by research (Mathematics)
      300BC - built Copernicus' Observatory
      75BC - mongols destroyed by romans
      60AD - built University
      120AD - size 12
      260AD - built Isaac Newton's College
      580AD - Sanitation
      940AD - Bridge Building
      1590AD - built Darwin's Voyage
      1670AD - Refrigeration
      1758AD - size 21
      1812AD - Automobile
      1859AD - Computers
      1874AD - size 30
      1887AD - Space Flight
      1888AD - built Apollo Program


      • #18
        First I notice that non-food caravans appeared a lot. This gives me an idea. After reaching size 8 or 12 and your city cannot grow anymore (no aqueduct/sewer), build a settler then disband it when the food box is about full. The next turn the city will grow back to original size and you get a chance to build a non-food caravan. Worthes trying if your instant trade bonus is 200+. (Reasoning: food caravan=50 shield towards a wonder, equivalent to 200 gold; trade bonus=200 gold + 100 science under fundy=300. Net=100 science. Other cost=20 shield lost for the settler and one turn loss for a pop, plus maybe you need to maintain a granary.)
        In a regular game, an option is not to grow by WLTKD, thus having more non-food caravans.
        If you have a good AI city for trade, it may worth trying. Especially when your shield production is 40+ but less than 50 while you already have gunpowder, you need two turns to build a caravan anyway (you are not going to spend 210 golds and a turn to build a caravan worthes only 200 golds, are you?).
        It seems that the city is land-locked thus trade bonus is limited. Has anybody tried to build a road, later RR to the English city you want to trade? You may need to ally with it first. The road will add your trade bonus by 50%, I think.

        Edit: after your city grows to maximum you can also try this 'build settler then disband' every several turns. However it takes longer for the city to grow back naturally.

        [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited July 11, 2000).]


        • #19
          I made the occ12 comparison table. I also received a scenario for occ13 from vik this weekend. Since there had been only four logs posted at that time I haven't posted that new scenario yet. I intend to do that tomorrow.


          • #20
            Xin Yu:
            On the railroad question I have tested this (using precisely the game from OCC12) and found that it made no difference whether there was a railroad, road or not between the two cities. (See the thread ).

            One important question for me was "What determines the re-appearance of commodity- rather than food-caravans and how does this relate to the stock of food caravans on hand (waiting for Wonder building)?"


            In a regular game, an option is not to grow by WLTKD, thus having more non-food caravans.

            Can you elaborate on this?


            • #21
              tonic: first I think road and RR do increase trade bonus, unless you already got the upper limit (2/3 of the beakers required for the current tech). For your second question I noticed that when population grows naturally the supply and demand have a better chance to change.

              Edit: second thought, we still should grow to maximum size quickly; just keep in mind that when the food box is about full, build a settler then disband it to refresh the supply-demand.
              [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited July 13, 2000).]


              • #22
                The longest and hardest yet!!

                1964 landing second to the damn French who landed in 1962

                Fundamentalist OCC Log - v2.42 - Deity

                4000 Liverpolis founded
                3850 hut Archer
                3650 hut Alphabet
                3350 Bronze Working
                3250 hut Barbarian Horse loses to Fanatic
                3200 hut Non Chariot
                3150 hut 25g; London found: alliance, Pottery + Ceremonial Burial; hut Barbarian Horse kills Warrior
                3000 hut 100g; hut Mysticism
                2850 hut 25g
                2800 Zimbabwe found: peace
                2650 hut Non Horseman
                2600 hut Barbarian Horse - loses to Archer -> vet
                2500 hut Horseback Riding
                2450 hut 50g
                2200 COLOSSUS; hut 50g
                2050 hut 50g
                2000 Granary!; Teotihuacan found: peace, Code of Laws, Map Making & Writing
                1950 Rather belatedly remembered to start celebrating!
                1900 English: The Wheel + 50g
                1850 hut Non Archer
                1800 Marketplace
                1700 hut Non Archer
                1600 Aztecs: alliance + 50g; hut 50g
                1550 Romans: cease fire; Library; hut Barbarian Horse - loses to Fanatic
                1500 Temple
                1450 hut 3 Barbarian Horse - dead Archer; hut 25g
                1400 hut 25g; Barbarian Leader 150g
                1300 met French: alliance, maps + 50g
                1250 hut Barbarian Horse - kills Archer; allies: 150g + Literacy; Romans: peace
                1200 French phalanx tips hut by my Horseman: 5 Barbarian Horse + 1 Legion! - kills my Horse
                1150 allies: 75g
                1100 hut 50g
                1050 TRADE; allies: 100g
                0925 hut Non Legion
                0900 allies: 75g
                0850 Barbarian Legion tips a hut just before I can reach it!!
                0775 DYE to LONDON: 132g; allies: 75g
                0600 Philosophy -> Mathematics; hut Engineering; allies: 75g
                0475 Marco Polo's Embassy: allies 75g
                0400 allies: 75g
                0275 Romans declare war
                0250 COPPER to KARAKORUM: 86g; SALT to RHEIMS: 108g; Gold to Lyons: 96g
                0225 allies: 200g
                0125 Astronomy
                0100 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY; Barbarian King: 150g
                AD01 Aqueduct; Size 9
                0020 Colosseum; Get The Republic from the Aztecs - give to everyone else
                0080 allies: 200g
                0100 English: Invention
                0120 Coal to London: 42g
                0140 allies: 50g
                0200 Bridge Building; allies: 50g
                0220 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP; Size 10;
                0240 allies: 50g
                0300 allies: 125g
                0360 allies: 175g
                0440 Banking from French
                0480 University; allies: 250g
                0500 French Settler chooses to become Non ...
                0520 Bank
                0540 allies: Monarchy + 200g
                0560 University built
                0600 allies: 150g
                0620 Barbarian Trireme joins happy throng
                0640 Size 12
                0660 allies: 150g
                0680 Theory of Gravity
                0720 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE; allies: Navigation + 150g
                0780 allies: 175g
                0840 Medicine; Wine to Tenochtitlan: 267g; allies: 175g
                0900 Gold to Tenochtitlan: 107g; allies: Economics + 125g
                0920 Stock Exchange; SANITATION; allies: Polytheism
                0940 SewerSystem
                0960 cheapskates: 50g
                1020 allies: sympathy!
                1080 Gunpowder; allies: 200g
                1100 Size 13
                1120 allies: Democracy
                1140 allies: 175g
                1200 allies: 200g
                1220 STATUE OF LIBERTY
                1240 Chemistry
                1260 allies: 325g
                1320 Size 14; allies: 25g
                1380 allies: 50g
                1400 Explosives - I now have 6 Non-Engineers
                1440 allies: 100g
                1500 allies: 200g
                1510 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING COMPANY
                1520 allies: Monotheism + 150g
                1530 Steam Engine
                1550 Size 15; allies: 175g
                1560 MICHAELANGELO'S CHAPEL
                1580 allies: 300g
                1610 Railroad; allies: 275g
                1620 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Metalurgy & Magnetism
                1640 allies: 475g
                1670 allies: 375g

                Note: this is a most peculiar game - all five of the opposing civs are still in Monarchy and my four allies have been at war with Rome since the dawn of creation. However not with any great success. Currently the English have 10 cities, the French 8, the Zulus 10, the Aztecs 5 and Rome just 3 (having just taken Oxford in a well timed counter attack). Just to complicate matters the Zulus and Aztecs keep having border spats and then kissing and making up. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Liverpolis essentially has a sub-continent all to itself no cities having been founded closer than London. Ah well - on with the motley...

                1700 allies: Industrialisation & 250g
                1710 Size 16; Electricity
                1730 Wine to Texcoco: 168g; allies: 325g
                1752 allies: 175g
                1754 Barbarian King kindly pays for 2 new recruits
                1758 REFRIGERATION; allies: 375g
                1760 Supermarket
                1762 Oil to Paris: 64g
                1764 allies: 450g
                1768 Barbarian King; allies: The Corporation
                1770 allies: Communism & 400g
                1772 UNITED NATIONS
                1774 Conscription
                1776 Dye to Zimbabwe: 230g; allies: 200g
                1782 Size 18; allies: 250g
                1788 allies: 300g
                1790 Espionage - I now have a large Spy Corps ready for service
                1792 Factory
                1794 Size 19; allies: Chivalry & 300g
                1798 Dye to Paris: 220g
                1800 allies: 300g
                1806 Size 20; Electronics; allies: 325g
                1808 Give Conscription to everyone, Cease Fire + 300g tribute from Rome!
                1812 allies: 300g
                1818 HOOVER DAM; Size 21; WLHPD stops; Research now 10 turns; allies: 300g
                1822 Leadership; Rome: 75g Tribute (all our Worshipful)
                1824 Allies: 225g
                1830 allies: Genetic Engineering & 175g; Rome: 62g
                1832 Size 22; allies: Steel; Rome: 50g
                1838 allies: 225g; Rome 37g
                1844 Tactics; allies: Refining & 400g; Rome: 75g
                1848 Size 23; advances 10 turns
                1850 allies: 400g; Rome 50g
                1851 Barbarian Leader: 150g
                1853 allies: 300g; Rome: 25g
                1856 allies: 350g; Rome: 25g
                1857 Machine Tools
                1858 Size 24
                1859 allies: 150g; Rome: 12g looks as if the honey pot is running dry
                1860 allies: Atomic Theory
                1862 allies: 225g; Rome: 25g
                1865 Barbarian Leader: 150g; allies: 325g; Rome: 25g
                1867 Combustion
                1868 Wine to Dover: 190g; allies: 200g; Rome: 25g
                1869 Size 25
                1871 allies: 200g; Rome: 25g (all still Worshipful, but English & Zulus now a little shirty)
                1872 Oil (stolen French Freight) to Tenochtitlan: 511g
                1873 French: Guerilla Warfare; AUTOMOBILE (bye bye Leo); Gold to Karakorum: 252g
                1874 Superhighways; Steal Theology from Aztecs; allies: sympathy; Rome: 25g
                1875 J. S. BACH'S CATHEDRAL; Allies: Amphibious Warfare
                1876 Gold to Brighton: 696g
                1877 allies: 75g (Zulus now Enthusiastic); Rome: 25g
                1878 Barbarian Leader: 150g
                1880 Cloth (stolen from Zulus) to Karakorum: 450g; allies: 125g; Rome: 25g

                Note: OCC is about small forces? The mighty (Inadequate & Spotless) Persian Empire now boasts: 11 Engineers, 10 Alpine Troops, 16 Riflemen, 1 Dragoon, 15 Cavalry, 5 Artillery, 2 Frigates, 2 Transports, 11 Spies & 48 Freight -- The bad guys are still all in Monarchy (thank the Lord)

                1882 Size 26
                1883 Miniaturisation; Gold to Brighton: 696g; allies: 175g; Rome: 25g
                1884 Gold to Brighton: 720g
                1886 Coal (stolen from French) to Tenochtitlan: 730g; allies: 100g; Rome: 25g
                1887 THE SETI PROGRAM; Oil (stolen from French) to Paris: 640g;
                1888 Mobile Warfare; Gold to Brighton: 704g
                1889 Rome: 25g
                1891 Robotics
                1896 Manufacturing Plant; Nuclear Fission; English discover Flight; Gold to Brighton: 504g
                1899 Size 27; Gold to Brighton: 326g
                1900 Nuclear Power; Silk (from French) to Lyons: 350g; Oil (from French) to Paris: 343g
                1902 Labour Union from French
                1904 Radio
                1908 Aztecs: 1000g for Computers!
                1911 Aztecs: 1050g for Mobile Warfare!
                1916 Size 28;
                1918 Rome falls (to France) after 5 millenia of war; Rocketry; Copper to Teotihuacan: 242g
                1921 SAM Battery
                1924 SPACE FLIGHT
                1925 APOLLO PROGRAM
                1926 The Laser from French; Wine to Rheims: 250g
                1927 Gold to Rome: 380g
                1928 Plastic
                1931 Size 29
                1934 The French just built 12 Structurals in one turn - it doesn't look good!
                1935 Superconductor
                1937 Successfully sabotage Manhatten Project in Zimbabwe
                1945 This time I had to destroy the Barracks, Hydro Plant & Factory before I got the MP
                1949 LAUNCH 15:3:3:1:1:1 for 1964 landing
                1950 Size 30; Repeated spy attacks have reduced Paris to size 11 and the French have at least for now stopped building SS parts
                1951 Sneak attack by French
                1953 French Launch 27:6:6:1:1:1 for 1962 landing
                1956 Paris & Rouen destroyed - this obviously did not have the desired effect!!
                1958 Amiens destroyed
                1962 Chartres destroyed - FRENCH land AC

                1964 Landing AC (Second)

                At least I destroyed a few of their rotten cities!
                Will tidy up after the w/e Good civin'

                Scouse Git[1]

                "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                • #23
                  Great - after all that work to be beaten to AC and come last! Well at least I got there hard luck Tom & tonic

                  Scouse Git[1]

                  "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                  • #24
                    Well, didn't quite make this one - my inexperience in several fields showed here. First time I had ever played a fundy government, first time I'd ever planted a nuke with a spy (even vet spies fail at an alarming rate), and it was the first time I had ever seen an AI civ split, let alone twice. I also spent way too long trying to get an alliance with the English, and even tried to compete with its research rate (they got plastics and superconductor on consecutive turns), instead of just stealing the darn stuff. Also built too many freights and not enough spies. I got communism plenty early enough to do something, and yet didn't start building spies until after the english launched. Also missed several chances to bribe English spies, which might well have made the difference in the game (they would have gotten advanced flight several turns later for one, and would have had to work for more of their cities) Techwise, my best pace was 4/turn, which I got just before english found flight, and just after computers, using a few extra scientists - probably one reason I tried to keep up. I also struggled with diplomacy - took forever to get the tech rate to actually go down when I gifted stuff, and I needed to have about 6 techs they didn't have in order to be able to trade - even then, sometimes they would only give me the option to buy techs from them. At one point I had 4 they didn't and I couldn't give them away. I built nearly half the wonders in the game, and while I made use of all of them, I failed to use the Eiffel Tower as well as I should (used it to get alliances, when I should have been more confrontational) I was able to stay in WLTAD virually the whole game, by rushbuying both the Hanging Gardens, and the Cure for Cancer (went into food deficit to get more scientists for GE on the brink of 21 for about 10 turns), but I still was a bit too much without direction when researching techs. I tried to use MPE & GL to trade for techs so I would research what other civs weren't, and it worked well for a while, but it cost me on certain key discoveries, since the English had a tendancy to hoard their techs instead of trade them. With all the wonders I did build, the one that I could have most used that i didn't get was Leo's. I had quite a few dips and a settler that never got upgraded. Partly because I had so many dips, i held off on spies too long. One final note to this ramble, if i hadn't been forbidden to capturing cities, I could have destroyed the English spaceship in 1950, even with more spies, I wouldn't have gotten it by destroying. The reason is that the English had just enough over 2000 gp that capturing a size 11 city takes them under 2000 (1000 with the split), while capturing a size 1 city didn't (tested that out after the game ended) I would have needed about 30 more spies for that. Then again with 30 more spies, I could have used poison in the water instead of nukes and kept a whole lot more of my spies. Other civs were building SS parts, but at a negligable pace, so the English were the only real threat.

                    Aside: SG(1) - you're not last anymore even if i hadn't stopped my spaceship for spies, you'd have beat me by 2 years

                    diety, 2.42

                    AC - not quite, english landed dispite my heroic efforts in 1951

                    Colossus: -1850
                    copes: 100
                    newton: 780
                    darwin: 1814
                    apollo: 1927

                    trade: 1, 40, 340 (had to cross the mountains)

                    size 12: 1
                    size 21: 1857

                    -4000 Homeopolis founded
                    -3650 pottery
                    -3400 Size 3
                    -3000 hut (alphabet), hut (archer)
                    -2900 size 4
                    -2800 capture barb leader (150 gp)
                    -2750 ceremonial burial
                    -2700 temple, hut (chariot)
                    -2600 WL, english (peace, bronze working)
                    -2500 Indians (alliance)
                    -2400 size5 (cancel WL)
                    -2350 hut (25 gp)
                    -2300 hut (horseback riding)
                    -2100 hut (currency)
                    -2050 hut (25 gold)
                    -1900 masonry (french) peace, no alliance
                    -1850 colossus
                    -1800 size 6, WL
                    -1600 writing, hut (warrior code) hmm - give away 3-7 techs each to the 3 contacts, ally won't give and contacts say I have nothing to offer?
                    -1550 marketplace
                    -1300 library, hut (barb horseman - chariot dies)
                    -1250 capture barb leader
                    -900 construction
                    -850 aquaduct
                    -800 capt barb leader
                    -775 hut (100 gold)
                    -700 indians (100 gold for war with french)
                    -675 Hanging Gardens
                    -625 size 9
                    -575 trade (my first white tech!)
                    -500 pay 250 gold out to english and indians... (and i have an alliance for what reason?) indians expel diplomat, sticking to trading for a while
                    -250 Marcco Polo's Embassy
                    -200 watch my gold get drained by those who would wish to ally with me... (math and iron from japanese)
                    -150 caravan, Astronomy, code of laws (japanese) monarchy (egyptians - hey no option to revolt!), gift all techs to everyone but romans who demanded money and got war - no one seems to have any contact with them outside of MPE - techs go from 15/turn to 18/turn?
                    -125 French and Indian war ends
                    -100 caravan
                    -50 caravan
                    1caravan, size 12, dye to london (demanded)
                    20 Astronomy
                    40 caravan, salt to London (undemanded)
                    80 caravan
                    100 Copernicus' Observatory, gold to Madras (undemanded) (huh! Emperor Montezuma of the Egyptians?, guess that happened cause the aztecs died and this is a scenario)
                    140 caravan
                    180 caravan
                    200 literacy hmm, everyone but romans is receptive-enthusiastic, but won't exchange techs... (and they have them too)
                    220 caravan
                    260 caravan
                    300 caravan
                    340 caravan, copper to london (undemanded)
                    380 caravan
                    400 Philosophy, University
                    420 university
                    440 Great Library
                    480 caravan
                    500 legion kills archer, bribe legion
                    520 caravan, gold (demanded) to york
                    540 Medicine
                    560 caravan (no one wants to trade yet... and one has 2 prereqs to sanitation)
                    600 caravan
                    640 caravan
                    680 caravan
                    700 bribe french diplomat
                    720 caravan
                    740 engineering (GL)
                    760 caravan, Theory of Gravity
                    780 Isaac Newton's College, bribe barb legion
                    800 spend every cent to buy caravan
                    820 republic (GL - got option this time...), caravan
                    860 caravan
                    900 caravan
                    940 caravan, sanitation
                    960 gold (demanded) to York, gunpowder, invention, feudalism, seafaring, wheel, bridgebuilding (English)
                    980 sewer system
                    1020 caravan
                    1040 bribe barb legion
                    1060 caravan
                    1100 caravan, Banking
                    1140 bank
                    1180 caravan
                    1200 capture barb leader (150) (hey! he hurt my legion!)
                    1220 caravan, 100 gold from indians (gasp?!), gold (undemanded) to london
                    1260 caravan, navigation (GL)
                    1300 Chemistry, caravan
                    1320 dye (demanded) to madras
                    1340 caravan, coal (undemanded) to english, war... (demanded 800/834 of my gold supply)
                    1380 caravan
                    1420 caravan
                    1460 caravan
                    1480 explosives, gold (undemanded) to madras, dye (demanded) to bombay
                    1500 caravan (no trade interest tech wise...), bribe English elephant
                    1520 caravan
                    1540 caravan
                    1560 engineers
                    1570 Physics
                    1580 caravan
                    1600 caravan
                    1620 caravan
                    1630 bribe english knight (8 units now - will find out if its 8 or 10 free next unit )
                    1640 caravan
                    1650 railroad, dye (demanded) to madras
                    1660 caravan
                    1680 caravan
                    1700 caravan, gold (undemanded) to madras
                    1720 caravan, Railroad
                    1730 Eiffel Tower
                    1740 colliseum
                    1752 caravan
                    1754 indians expel diplomat from my city (grumble) calcutta has 2 overlapping squares, and now there is a stream of indian units through downtown Homeopolis... break out the food caravans )
                    1758 caravan, english demand 1000 gp (war continutes - another round and i might have gotten peace and metalurgy...)
                    1762 caravan (buy english cannon - back up to 7 supported units)
                    1764 gold (undemanded) to madras
                    1766 caravan
                    1770 industrialization, engineers, buy leo-upgraded dragoons, disband elephant (its 8 units - wonder what would happen if i transfered this to my 1.07 version )
                    1772 caravan, dye (demanded) to bombay
                    1776 Factory
                    1780 caravan
                    1784 caravan
                    1786 communism (again got the message)
                    1788 democracy (indians) - this refusal hurts...
                    1790 UN, peace, Leadership, metalurgy (English), alliance (Japanese) for war with french (thats 2x now - don't think the french will ally, best bet is english among the 3 non-despots) Eiffel tower actually works :cool
                    1794 caravan, cartography with indians, egyptians, and japanese (the 3 despots, 2 which are OCCing also )
                    1798 caravan, legion evicted from wine (english have city overlapping now too)
                    1802 caravan, monotheism (GL), gold (undemanded) to madras
                    1806 caravan, Economics, oil (undemanded) to madras, dye (undemanded) to york, 2 civs building darwins - have to build it soon - was hoping to use it post space flight - o well, will see how long i can wait
                    1808 stock exchange
                    1812 caravan, english have nearly complete DV - o well, but running low on food caravans
                    1814 Darwin's Voyage (Electricity, Refrigeration), down to 8 caravans (and have built 9 wonders already )
                    1816 supermarket (will need genetic engineering soon)
                    1820 caravan
                    1824 caravan
                    1826 cloth (demanded) to norwich (the overlapping english city)
                    1828 caravan, gold (demanded) to Calcutta
                    1830 Corporation
                    1832 caravan
                    1836 freight, oil (undemanded) to madras
                    1838 freight
                    1840 freight
                    1842 freight, dye (demanded) to york
                    1844 freight, cease fire/peace (romans) no alliance
                    1846 freight
                    1848 freight, genetic engineering
                    1850 freight
                    1851 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1852 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1853 freight (well, it was great while it lasted )
                    1854 freight - chatted with English, they say they were to busy with JS Bachs to talk - never seen that before.
                    1855 freight, oil (undemanded) to madras
                    1856 freight, electronics
                    1857 Cure for Cancer, size 21, dye (demanded) to york
                    1858 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta (its back! )
                    1859 freight
                    1860 Hydro Plant
                    1861 freight
                    1862 freight
                    1863 freight, oil (undemanded) to london
                    1864 freight, refining, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1865 freight, dye (demanded) to madras
                    1866 freight
                    1867 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1868 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1869 freight, conscription, tactics, atomic theory, theology from english, dye (demanded) to madras
                    1870 freight, combustion
                    1871 freight
                    1872 freight
                    1873 freight
                    1874 freight
                    1875 freight
                    1876 freight
                    1877 freight
                    1879 freight
                    1880 freight
                    1881 freight
                    1882 freight, steel
                    1883 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1884 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1885 freight, dye (demanded) to calcutta
                    1886 freight
                    1887 freight
                    1888 freight, automobile
                    1889 superhighways
                    1890 freight
                    1890 freight
                    1891 freight
                    1892 freight
                    1893 freight, mass production
                    1894 freight
                    1895 freight
                    1896 freight
                    1897 freight
                    1898 freight, machine tools
                    1899 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1900 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1901 freight, miniaturization, dye (demanded) to madras (411!)
                    1902 freight, english find flight... discoveries go from 4 to 7
                    1903 freight (back to 6/turn => size 26)
                    1904 freight
                    1905 freight, emglish discover nuclear fission
                    1906 freight, computers
                    1907 research lab
                    1908 freight
                    1909 freight, english discover radio
                    1910 freight
                    1911 freight, robotics English (flight, radio, nuclear fission, guerilla warfare - had to BUY?!? guerilla warfare so that i could BUY?!? flight? - cost me 3500 gp)
                    1912 Manufacturing plant
                    1913 freight
                    1914 freight
                    1915 freight, gold (demanded) to calcutta
                    1916 freight, Advanced Flight
                    1917 freight, dye (demanded) to madras
                    1918 freight
                    1919 freight
                    1920 freight, rocketry
                    1921 freight
                    1922 freight, laser (English) - english are going to be a real bear - they have been wiping up on the other AI's
                    - 34 cities
                    1926 Space Flight
                    1927 Apollo Program
                    1928 Structural, English build 1 too.
                    1929 #2 (English at 7/2//0)
                    1930 #3
                    1931 #4 (Eng @ 7/2/1)
                    1932 #5, trade with london dropped, now at 6/turn instead of 5. Side note. London (21) demands uranium, as does virtually every other English city.
                    1933 #6 (eng @ 7/3/1)
                    1934 #7 (Eng @ 11//4/2)
                    1935 #8 (Eng @ 14/6/2), fusion power for chemistry (Indians) (i'm in trouble, and english have over 2000 gp)
                    1936 #9 (eng @ 15/7/3 and launch, 1951 date)
                    1937 spy, superconductor, english over 3000 gp, bribe engineer
                    1938 spy
                    1939 spy
                    1940 SDI, stole combined arms
                    1941 armor
                    1942 Manhatten Project
                    1943 spy
                    1944 spy
                    1945 spy
                    1946 spy
                    1947 #10, french build structural
                    1948 spy, nuke london, poison down to 1 and destroy (lost all my trade routes ), capitol moved to nottingham, 6 spies left, 3 turns left, bribed a bunch of English units with leftover diplomats, Egyptians appear from split, lose WLTAD
                    1949 spy, nottingham nuked and poisoned down to 3...
                    1950 spy, nottingham destroyed, capitol to zimbabwe, (hmm, only chance is if light blue goes before orange in a turn - man i wish i was white ) zimbabwe nuked, out of spy turns..., babylonians reappear
                    1951 english go first in the round and land...
                    Insert witty phrase here


                    • #25
                      Hard luck SCG - there is little more frustrating than watching an opposing SS sail gracefully past your own ...

                      Scouse Git[1]

                      "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #26

                        This was the first time ever that I played Fundy. Wow, did we get rich! Thanks to Marco Polo we had all the AI tribes doing research for us, until they could no longer keep up (!). And none of them dared to wage war against us.
                        We probably should have researched Genetic Engineering sooner, it appeared to be necessary to maintain the "We Love The Ayatollah Day" at odd sizes. The different Gov techs were hard to come by as we couldn't trade for it. But we got some of them as tribute

                        ================================================== =========
                        AC: 1907

                        Monarchy: -
                        Republic: -
                        Democracy: -

                        Colossus: -2200
                        +Gardens: -800
                        +Marco Polo: -500
                        Copernicus: -100
                        Shakespeare: -
                        Newton: 260
                        +Leonardo: 780 (gave us 5 none engineers)
                        +Smith: 1160
                        +Magellan: 1340
                        +Bach: 1510 (essential for We Love)
                        +Eiffel: 1600
                        Darwin: 1764
                        +United Nations: 1776
                        +Hoover Dam: 1808
                        +SETI: 1840
                        Apollo: 1865

                        Trade routes: 120, 120, 240

                        Size 12: 160
                        Size 21: 1720
                        Size 32: 1890 (still growing)

                        Trade: -525
                        Construction: -475
                        Sanitation: 620
                        Refrigeration: 1630

                        Automobile: 1804
                        Computers: 1838
                        Space Flight: 1864

                        -4000 PERSEPOLIS founded by Chani
                        -3750 Warriors
                        -3700 S2
                        -3600 Warriors
                        -3500 Warriors, Bronze Working, N-Chariot(h), Wine mined
                        -3450 English, Peace(E), Ceremonial Burial<-E
                        -3250 S3
                        -3150 Wheat irrigated
                        "Zulus destroyed by Barbarians"
                        -3100 Warrior Code(h), traded for Alphabet(E)
                        -3000 Barb Horsemen(h), killed attacking Fanatics->vet
                        -2900 Legion(h), Writing<-E
                        * Are they impressed by our Fanatics? *
                        -2850 Buffalo irrigated, Horsemen(h)
                        -2600 S4, Horseback Riding(h)
                        -2450 N-Chariot(h)
                        -2400 Masonry(h)
                        -2300 Zulus, 2 techs->Z, 50<-Z
                        -2250 traded for Map Making, 1 tech->E, 50<-E , Gold mined
                        French, traded for Pottery, Peace(F), 3 techs->F, Maps(F)
                        -2200 COLOSSUS
                        -2050 Library
                        -1850 Temple, 50(h)
                        -1750 N-Legion(h)
                        -1700 Granary
                        -1650 Currency, 50(h)
                        4 techs->Z, Maps(Z), Ally(Z)
                        traded for Code of Laws(E) and Mathematics(E), 25<-E
                        traded for The Wheel(F), gave 3 techs, Maps(F), Ally(F), 25<-F
                        -1600 Marketplace
                        -1500 Diplomat, S5
                        Zulus want assistance in war(E), refused->Alliance cancelled
                        -1350 50(h)
                        -1250 S6
                        -1000 S7
                        -975 Mongols, traded for Mysticism(M) and Polytheism(M),
                        gave 1 tech, Maps(M), Ally(M), 100<-M
                        killed Barb Horsemen(h)
                        -950 N-Legion(h)
                        -925 Romans, traded for Iron Working(R), Peace(R), gave 2 techs->R,
                        -875 S8
                        -850 Aztecs, Peace(A), gave 3 techs, Maps(A)
                        -825 3 techs->E, 75<-E
                        -800 HANGING GARDENS, We Love (lux 10%!), Seafaring(h)
                        4 techs->Z, 50<-Z
                        -775 4 techs->F, received Monarchy(F)
                        -750 Diplomat, 5 techs->M, 25<-M
                        (PYRAMIDS - Aztecs)
                        -725 4 techs->R, no tribute
                        -700 Br Barb Chariot(61), Barb Leader (150)
                        4 techs->A, no tribute
                        -675 Barb Leader (150)
                        -600 Br Barb Legion(82)
                        -575 Barb Leader (150)
                        -550 (GREAT LIBRARY - Aztecs)
                        -525 traded for Trade(A) and Literacy(A), gave 1 tech
                        -500 MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY, Philosophy(h) (no free tech!! :mad
                        -475 Wine, traded for Astronomy(E), 3 techs->E, 50<-E
                        traded for Construction(F)
                        -450 4 techs->Z, 25<-Z
                        -425 Salt, University
                        -400 Barb Leader (150), 5 techs->M, Maps(M), no gift
                        -375 Gold
                        * We now need 50 turns for the next tech *
                        (GREAT WALL - Romans)
                        -350 3 techs->R, Maps(R), no tribute
                        -325 Aquaduct
                        -300 S9, * 44 turns *, 1 tech->Z, they break off
                        -275 University, * 33 turns *, Br barb Trireme
                        * Finally!! Dips waited a long time on the shore *
                        -250 4 techs->F, 50<-F , 2 Barb Legions
                        -225 Food, Barb Leader (150)
                        -200 4 techs->Z, Maps(Z), 50<-Z
                        -175 Food, Romans sneak, kill N-Horsemen -> Mongols War(R)
                        -125 S10, * 30 turns *
                        -100 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY -> * 15 turns *
                        * world is now on 6 different techs (2xRep) *
                        -75 (LIGHTHOUSE - Mongols)
                        -50 Colosseum, Romans kill Chariot
                        1 Food, 50<-A
                        40 Food, S11, * still 15 turns *
                        80 Food
                        100 Br Barb Trireme(82), Peace(R), 1 tech->R
                        120 Food, Theory of Gravity, Salt to Tenochtitlan (172),
                        Gold to Tenochtitlan (172), 2 Barb Legions
                        * now 12 turns *
                        160 Food, S12, Barb Legion
                        200 Food, Barb Leader (150)
                        240 Food, Medicine, Wine to Tenochtitlan (d,450)
                        * now 10 turns; lux back on 10% *
                        260 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE * now 7 turns *, Barb Legion
                        280 Barb Legion
                        300 Food, Chemistry, 50(h), Barb Legion
                        * Choosing Engineering - Zulus have been researching this for ages *
                        320 Barb Leader (150)
                        340 Food, Br E->N Archers(81)
                        380 Food, traded for Monotheism(F), 1 tech->F, 50<-F
                        3 techs->R, The Republic<-R (only way, can't trade for it)
                        420 Settlers, S11
                        440 S12, traded for Banking(A), 100<-A
                        460 Bank, Engineering, 3 techs->Z, Maps(Z), 50<-Z
                        500 Coal, Br E->N Catapult(142), Barb leader (150),
                        4 techs->F, 50<-F
                        540 Cathedral
                        560 Br E->N Settlers(248)
                        580 Food
                        600 Br E->N Settlers(1004!)
                        620 Food, Sanitation
                        traded for Feudalism(A), 100<-A
                        traded for Bridge Building(E), 3 techs->E, 75<-E
                        5 techs->M, Maps(M), 150<-M
                        3 techs->R, Maps(R), no gift
                        660 Coal to Tenochtitlan (230)
                        680 S13, 3 techs->Z, 25<-Z
                        (MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL - French)
                        720 di Settlers
                        740 Invention, Barb Legion, traded for Economics(A)
                        2 techs->M, Barb Legion
                        (KING RICHARD'S CRUSADE - Romans)
                        760 1 tech->F, 100<-F , Barb Legion
                        780 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP, Barb Leader (150), Br E->N Settlers (1276!)
                        800 1 tech->R, 1 tech->Z
                        820 Stock Exchange
                        840 Barb Legion
                        860 Food, S14
                        900 Food, Gunpowder
                        920 1 tech->A, 100<-A , 1 tech->M, 150<-M ,
                        3 techs->F, 50<-F , Br Z->N Settlers (820)
                        940 Food, E sneak, kill Diplomat
                        980 Food
                        1000 4 techs->Z, 100<-Z , Peace(E)
                        * all the AI's are now researching Navigation *
                        1020 Food, S15
                        1060 Food, Explosives, traded for Navigation(A), 200<-A
                        * we now have 5 NONE Engineers *
                        2 techs->R, 2 techs->F, 3 techs->M, 150<-M , 1 tech->E
                        1100 Food
                        1160 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO.
                        1180 S16, 3 techs->E, Maps(E)
                        1200 Food, Physics
                        1240 Food
                        1280 Food
                        1300 1 tech->F, Democracy<-F , 2 techs->R, no tribute
                        3 techs->E, 100<-E
                        1320 Food, Hills into plains
                        * all the AI tribes are at war now *
                        1340 MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION, Magnetism, S17
                        1380 Food
                        1420 Food
                        1460 Food
                        1480 Metallurgy
                        1500 Food, S18, traded for Theology(R), 1 tech->R, 100<-R
                        3 techs->Z, 100<-Z
                        (SUN TZU'S WAR ACADEMY - Mongols)
                        1510 JS BACH'S CATHEDRAL, Hills into Plains
                        1520 Horsemen, 2 Barb Crusaders
                        1530 Barb Leader (150), 200<-A
                        1550 Food, Plains into Grassland(s)
                        1560 Electricity, traded for Steam Engine(A), 200<-A ,
                        1 tech->Z, 3 techs->E, 150<-E
                        1570 Food
                        1580 S19, Plains into Grassland(s)
                        (STATUE OF LIBERTY - Romans)
                        (SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE - French)
                        1590 Food
                        1600 EIFFEL TOWER, Plains into Grassland,
                        4 techs->Z, 50<-Z , 4 techs->F, 250<-F
                        1620 City Walls, 4 techs->E, 250<-E , 4 techs->M, 200<-M
                        1630 Food, Refrigeration
                        1640 Plains/r into Grassland/r
                        1660 Supermarket, S20
                        1680 Food, traded for Conscription(A), 150<-A ,
                        3 techs->R, 200<-R
                        1690 Barb Crusaders
                        1700 Food, Barb Leader (150)
                        1720 Food, Railroad, S21
                        6 (all) techs->Z, Maps(Z), 50<-Z
                        1 (all) tech->A, 250<-A
                        7 (all) techs->E, Maps(E), 50<-A
                        1730 We Love cancelled , 1 tech->R
                        1740 Food, traded for Chivalry(F), 4 (all) techs->F, 300<-F
                        6 (all) techs->M, Maps(M), 200<-M
                        1752 Food, S22, all farmland -> we are now making +32 food
                        1756 Food
                        1760 Food, S23
                        1762 Industrialization, 3 (all) techs->Aztecs, 200<-A
                        1764 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> The Corporation, Refining
                        1 tech->R, 250<-R , 3 techs->Z, 50<-Z ,
                        3 techs->E, 100<-E , Barb Crusaders
                        1766 200<-A (wanted to receive Communism)
                        Barb Crusaders, Barb Leader (150)
                        1768 Food, S24, Barb Crusaders
                        1770 Plains into Grassland
                        1772 Factory
                        1774 Diplomat, 2 techs->A, 200 <-A
                        Steal Communism, no War!!
                        1776 UNITED NATIONS
                        1780 Cloth, Steel, S25, Buffalo/r into Grassland(s)/r
                        5 (all) techs->R, 100<-R , 3 (all) techs->Z,
                        1 (all) tech->A
                        1784 Oil, Alliance(F) dissolved over War(A)
                        1786 Cloth to Tenochtitlan (141)
                        1788 Gems, S26, Barb Crusaders
                        1790 Barb Crusaders, Grassland(s)/r into Coal/r
                        1792 Food
                        1794 Combustion, Gems to Tenochtitlan (d,422),
                        Oil to Tenochtitlan (141)
                        1796 Gems, Coal/r mined
                        1800 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE , S27
                        1804 Automobile, Wheat into Silk, Steal Electronics(A), no War!
                        1806 Superhighways, Gems to Tenochtitlan (d,848)
                        1808 HOOVER DAM
                        1810 Oil, Mass Production
                        1812 Hides, Barb Cannon, 2 Barb Musketeers
                        1814 Mass Transit, traded for Leadership(F), 2 techs->F, 250<-F
                        Mass Production->A, 1 Barb Crusaders, 3 Barb Musketeers
                        1816 Hides, Hides and Oil to Tenochtitlan (2x288)
                        2 Barb Crusaders, 2 Barb Cannons, 2 Barb Musketeers
                        1818 Oil, Tactics, S28, We Love , Barb Musketeers
                        1820 Hides, Barb Crusaders, Barb Cannon
                        1822 Hides, Oil (358) and Hides (363) to Tenochtitlan
                        1 Barb Cannon, 2 Barb Musketeers
                        1824 Hides, Machine Tools, Barb Musketeers
                        1826 Hides, 2 Hides to Tenochtitlan (2x363)
                        2 Barb Cannons, Barb Musketeers
                        1828 Oil, Barb cannon, Barb Leader (150)
                        1830 Hides, Miniaturization, Hides to Tenochtitlan (363)
                        * We now have over 10,000 *
                        Barb Musketeers
                        1832 Hides, Barb Cannon/Leader
                        1834 Hides
                        1836 Hides, Plains into Grassland
                        1838 Hides, Computers, Oil to Rome (d,1343),
                        Hides to Tenochtitlan (363)
                        1840 SETI PROGRAM, Atomic Theory, S29, We Love ends
                        Hides to Tenochtitlan (288)
                        1842 Oil
                        1844 Hides
                        1846 Hides
                        1848 Hides, Nuclear Fission, 4 Hides to Tenochtitlan (4x288)
                        1850 Hides, Hides to Tenochtitlan (288), 3 Barb Dragoons
                        1851 Hides, Flight, Barb Dragoons, Barb Leader (150),
                        Oil to Rome (d,548)
                        1852 Oil
                        1853 Hides
                        1854 Hides
                        1855 Hides
                        1856 Hides, Radio
                        1857 Hides, S30, We Love , Oil to Rome (d,840)
                        3 Hides to Tenochtitlan (3x192), Computers->F, 125<-F
                        1858 Hides, Advanced Flight, 5 Hides to Tenochtitlan (5x192)
                        1859 Hides
                        1860 Hides
                        1861 Gold, Rocketry, 4 Hides to Tenochtitlan (4x192)
                        1862 Hides, Gold to Tenochtitlan (189)
                        1863 Hides
                        1864 Hides, Space Flight, Hides to Tenochtitlan (192)
                        1865 APOLLO PROGRAM, we have 17432 gold
                        2 Hides to Tenochtitlan (2x192), Barb Musketeers
                        1866 SSS
                        1867 SSS
                        1868 SSS, Plastics
                        1869 SSC
                        1870 SSC
                        1871 SSC
                        1872 Gold, S31, We Love ends
                        1873 SSC, Alliance(M) dissolved over Advanced Flight
                        1874 SSC, Nuclear Power, Gold to Kashgar (d,326)
                        1875 SSC
                        1876 SSS, Br F Destroyer (261), 2 Barb Musketeers, 4 Barb Cannons
                        1877 SSS, 3 Barb Musketeers
                        1878 Gold, Barb Leader (150)
                        1879 SSS
                        1880 SSS, The Laser, Br Barb Musketeers, Gold to Kashgar (d,332)
                        1881 SSS
                        1882 SSS
                        1883 SSS
                        1884 SSS
                        1885 SSS
                        1886 Gold, Superconductor
                        1887 SSS, Br 2 Barb Dragoons, 2 Barb Dragoons/1 Leader
                        1888 SSS, di Knights
                        1889 SSS
                        1890 SSM, S32, We Love
                        1891 SSM
                        1892 SSM, Fusion Power, LAUNCH the "CHANI"
                        * still over 10,000 gold *, Gold to Kashgar (d,512)
                        1893 SDI Defence
                        1894 SAM Missile Battery
                        1895 Airport, traded for Guerilla Warfare(R)
                        1896 THE ORACLE, Mobile Warfare
                        1897 Barracks
                        1898 Armor
                        1899 Fighter
                        1900 Gold
                        1901 Hides, Espionage, Gold to Kashgar (d,524)
                        1902 Spy, Hides to Tenochtitlan (192)
                        1903 Spy
                        1904 Spy, Genetic Engineering, Steal Guerilla Warfare(A),
                        Steal Fundamentalism(A) * no incident!! *
                        1905 CURE FOR CANCER
                        1906 MANHATTAN PROJECT, Steal Amphibious Warfare(A), Spy captured
                        di Dragoons
                        1907 Nuclear Missile, The "CHANI" lands on ALPHA CENTAURI

                        Score: 557 (72%)

                        If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                        A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                        Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute

