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Civ II Stinks

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  • #16
    Ming is right about somethings and you should try and find a host with cable just like me


    • #17
      To tell you the truth CYBERAmazon, I hate the Mongols. Always have, always will. The Vikings come a close second though. They are a pain if they aren't dealt with swiftly.

      Shogun of the Japanese
      Shogun of the Japanese


      • #18
        Vikings and Zulus both tend to be a real pain in the Butt. When playing on a real world map they tend to either wipe out the Romansand Egyptians, who are generally very good trading partners, or at least severely limit their developement.
        The camel is not a part of civ.
        THE CAMEL IS CIV !!!!
        SAVE THE CAMEL !!!!!!


        • #19
          Finbar, Ming, Hydey:

          Well, I've got some vacation coming up in a week ... so perhaps I'll take some time to look at MP possibilities. Of course, I'm writing this after being disconnected two times in 15 minutes by my idiotic ISP.

          ME: "Why am I always disconnected?"

          THEM: "Phone line static!"

          COMPUTER EXPERT (my friend): Uhm, 'fraid not, folks. You have a corrupt modem or two amongst your 600 modems."

          THEM: "AGH! No! Never! We're always right!"

          ME: "Eat my grits."

          THEM: "What are grits?"

          FRIEND: "Southern food!"

          Hang up.

          "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

          "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


          • #20
            I wouldn't know about the Zulus, I 98% of the time play the Japanese.

            Shogun of the Japanese
            Shogun of the Japanese


            • #21

              Normally you won't be able to build every early wonder. But you can usually build three of them. Most people like the Colossus and the Hanging Gardens. Say you also want to build the Great Wall.

              Try to plant your first two cities prior to 3500 BC. Once a city is planted, build a warrior, a settler, a phlanx, and a second warrior. Next start on a Wonder. Settlers from the first two cities should build a road or two, perhaps irrigate a buffalo and then found a new city. Repeat the procedure for the third and fourth cities. If it won't take too long, use the settlers from the third and fourth cities to build roads connecting the third and fourth cities with the first and second cities, respectively. (I am assuming a settler from the first city founds the third city and a settler from the second city founds the fourth city.) Start wonders in the third and fourth cities after they have built a settler and three military units. If a city has coal or wind use a settler from the third or fourth city to mine it. Try to get trade fairly early so that you can complete wonders with caravans. No message of mine would be complete without a positive comment on caravans.

              If your capital or second city is really nice, you may be able to build both the Colossus and the Hanging Gardens in that city. It helps to found the city closer to 3700 BC rather than 3500 BC. Also the city needs to have good food and good shield production. three or four whales is ideal. A combination of wheat and coal will work well. Note I'm just talking about building the two wonders in the same city. Coal is good for this but not for producing trade arrows.

              To make sure you get the technologies you need for whatever wonders you want to build try not to tip goodie huts prior to having the necessary technologies. Also get to Monarchy as fast as possible. In your effort to get Monarchy, if a City happens to have a special like spices, put a worker on that square even if it delays production of units. If necessary make incremental purchases of shields. If you purchase four or fewer shields at a time the cost is two coins per shield. If you puchase five or six shields the cost is one coin more than two coins per shield. Many small purchases are a better use of money than a few large purchases. Of course, sometimes you have no choice.

              Note cities can only produce so many shields. Money spent on shields for units costs about two coins per shield but money spent on Wonder shields costs four coins per shield. If you think you will have to spend money on shields to get the wonders you want try to spend that money on rapid production of military units rather than wonders.

              In case you are still reading, this is the end of my rambling.
              If you can not think of a good reason to build something other than a caravan, build a caravan!


              • #22

                Thanks for the tips. I won't promise implementing all of them — as I've sort of figured out an early strategy of my own (isolation with 3 vet defenders in each city backed up by two vet offensive divisions in each city) — but I'll try the expansion tips for sure. I rarely have more than 10 to 12 of my own cities in SP.

                "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius

