KhanMan posted this challange in the Civ General Forum. It really belongs here, so I thought I would just start another thread on the subject.
He Posted:
1. The game must abide by Cold Wizard's varient of the Nomads Challenge: you may
never build a city, only capture them, or take them from the ai.
2. The game settings are as follows:
7 civs
large world
raging hordes
Now, should two people pass this challenge, the winner will be the one who wins first.
(Personally, I think it's impossible, but go ahead... :P )
-KhanMan the LLSS
Well KhanMan, it isn't impossible. Always looking for a new challange, both Rah and I have been having fun with it. Neither of us have won yet, but it is just a matter of time now. Both of us started a few with no success. If you don't start on a land mass with another civ, or the civ doesn't have a costal city, you learn real quick that you don't have a chance.
Both of us are now playing games where we do have a chance. (it took me 4 tries, and Rah said it took him a few too)
Now it is just a matter of when, not if. Rah is even thinking of just blowing off world conquest, and trying for AC
I really recommend this one to people because it is different. Most of your cities will suck because the AI usually has a strange concept of what a good city location is. They always seem to just miss the trade specials by one square
He Posted:
1. The game must abide by Cold Wizard's varient of the Nomads Challenge: you may
never build a city, only capture them, or take them from the ai.
2. The game settings are as follows:
7 civs
large world
raging hordes
Now, should two people pass this challenge, the winner will be the one who wins first.
(Personally, I think it's impossible, but go ahead... :P )
-KhanMan the LLSS
Well KhanMan, it isn't impossible. Always looking for a new challange, both Rah and I have been having fun with it. Neither of us have won yet, but it is just a matter of time now. Both of us started a few with no success. If you don't start on a land mass with another civ, or the civ doesn't have a costal city, you learn real quick that you don't have a chance.
Both of us are now playing games where we do have a chance. (it took me 4 tries, and Rah said it took him a few too)
Now it is just a matter of when, not if. Rah is even thinking of just blowing off world conquest, and trying for AC

I really recommend this one to people because it is different. Most of your cities will suck because the AI usually has a strange concept of what a good city location is. They always seem to just miss the trade specials by one square
