I think there was another thread on this topic, but I couldn't find it. These rankings are biased toward the early game, when you're in despotism, but some consideration is given to the later game. Anyway, here's the argument starter: 
City site (goal is 1. food, 2. shields, 3. trade):
1. Rivered grassland
2. Rivered plains
3. Rivered buffalo
4. Rivered pheasant
5. Buffalo
6. Grassland
7. Plains
8. Wine
9. Spice
10. Furs
11. Wheat/Oaisis
1st worker square (goal is 1. food 2. shields 3. trade):
1. Whales
2. Rivered wheat/oasis
3. Rivered shield grassland
3. Rivered pheasant
4. Pheasant
5. Wheat/oasis
6. Shield grassland
2nd worker square (goal is 1. shields 2. trade 3. food):
1. Whales
2. Silk
3. Peat
4. Iron/Oil
5. Buffalo
4. Forest/Coal
After your city grows to size 2, switch both workers to a "second worker" square, if possible.
I rate special squares relatively low for the city square because it means you won't be able to work any other special squares. I won't put my first worker on a square that produces high food/trade but no shields (e.g. spice, fruit, fish). The AI loves these squares, so you need to rearrange your workers every time the city grows.

City site (goal is 1. food, 2. shields, 3. trade):
1. Rivered grassland
2. Rivered plains
3. Rivered buffalo
4. Rivered pheasant
5. Buffalo
6. Grassland
7. Plains
8. Wine
9. Spice
10. Furs
11. Wheat/Oaisis
1st worker square (goal is 1. food 2. shields 3. trade):
1. Whales
2. Rivered wheat/oasis
3. Rivered shield grassland
3. Rivered pheasant
4. Pheasant
5. Wheat/oasis
6. Shield grassland
2nd worker square (goal is 1. shields 2. trade 3. food):
1. Whales
2. Silk
3. Peat
4. Iron/Oil
5. Buffalo
4. Forest/Coal
After your city grows to size 2, switch both workers to a "second worker" square, if possible.
I rate special squares relatively low for the city square because it means you won't be able to work any other special squares. I won't put my first worker on a square that produces high food/trade but no shields (e.g. spice, fruit, fish). The AI loves these squares, so you need to rearrange your workers every time the city grows.