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bc Bloodlust Challenge, 2nd Fortnight

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  • bc Bloodlust Challenge, 2nd Fortnight

    Well, it's been a fortnight since the last one so i figure i'll keep the ball rolling myself!!!

    You play as St David of the Welsh!!!
    Small Random Map
    7 Civs
    Raging Hordes!!

    I was going to post Adams, SOC1 game but i still couldn't load it on my computer!!!! if someone has a version that works, e-mail it to me, and i'll post it for bcb3!!!!! I couldn't get Shaka's sav game to load on my pc either?!?! what's going on...

    And the log info, we had a variety of logs for the bcb1. Take a look at Table1 and make sure you include the items listed!!! and also just try and keep a record of things you do. ie cities you take over, cities you found, what you find in huts, outcomes of main fights etc... but don't go overboard, make sure you have fun!!! and if anyone has any suggestions for other items/events or anything else that may be important, post your idea...

    Edited: Dead links... and technical difficulties!?!??!
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Oldman (edited June 07, 2000).]</font>
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Oldman (edited June 09, 2000).]</font>
    "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
    ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:

  • #2
    Oldman - Don't you ever sleep?

    Forget Civ for one night - and go talent spotting in Uxbridge!


    SG (2)
    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • #3

      I don't think you had the "Don't restart eliminated Civs" option turned on for this one.

      If there is a way I can turn it on myself, I would have, but I didn't find it. I don't know if you did this by design or not, but I think if you kill a civ before 1ad (or maybe it's 1000bc), then they are automatically restarted.

      Oh well, here is my log of the (aborted) attempt at the game:


      1st: Mongols (3200bc)
      2nd: Egyptians (2850bc)
      3rd: Japanese (2650bc)
      4th: Babylonians (by the hand of the Germans – 2400bc)
      5th: Germans (2250bc)

      Remaining: At LEAST the Aztecs, Celts, Persians, and Souix from the "top-5" cities list.
      CHEAT MODE revealed the French were also still alive

      Writing: n/a
      Monarchy: n/a
      Fuedalism: n/a
      Chivalry: n/a
      End: n/a

      No wonders completed

      4000bc- Since my location is at (14,40), I assume I am in the SW corner of the land mass
      Move one settler generally north, and one settler generally east
      3950bc- hut-Masonry (dang!)
      3850bc- hut-Horseback Riding (double-dang!); another hut-horsemen
      3800bc- wondering if this is an island – by what I can see of the shores, looks like I can go west
      3600bc- hut-50gold
      3550bc- Mongols: peace, no alliance, no tribute
      3500bc- hut-archers
      3400bc- Celts: peace, no alliance, no tribute; trade for alphabet
      3300bc- hut-horsemen; hut-pottery
      3200bc- attack Karakorum with 2 horsemen. Fortified warrior (on river) kills first horseman; 2nd horseman kills the weakened warrior (not a “week-end warrior”) and takes the city; Mongols destroyed
      3150bc- hut-50gold
      3100bc- Persians: peace, no alliance; ceremonial burial as tribute; hut-map making; share maps with all
      Egyptians: peace, alliance; share maps
      2900bc- Break alliance with Egyptians; attack size-2 Thebes and kill a fortified warrior
      2850bc- Finish the job on Thebes; Egyptians destroyed; Hut-archers
      2750bc- Japanese (uh, oh. They have Bronze working): peace, no alliance, no tribute, share maps
      2700bc- lose an archer to the fortified phlanx in Kyoto; Horseman kills it
      2650bc- Kyoto counter-attacks with a warrior, who dies; I take over Kyoto; Japanese destroyed;
      Kyoto is building settlers
      2450bc- Germans; peace, no alliance, share maps-only one city and no bronze working
      2400bc- attack Berlin’s fortified warrior on river with archer; warrior destroyed
      Babylonian civilization destroyed by the germans
      2350bc- Germans counterattack with Chariot; it hits once and dies; allowing archer to walk in
      Berlin destroyed.
      2250bc- Find 2nd German city and destroy it; Germans destroyed
      1750bc- hut-archers
      1550bc- Aztecs? I thought I already killed the Egyptians—how can I find aztecs?

      Oh well, starting over – I guess Oldman forgot the “restarting civs” thing. I confirmed it by checking the “top-5 cities” box, and even though I killed the Mongols; “Little Bighorn” is on the list. Oh well.

      I was doing pretty well until I captured Kyoto. I didn’t want any cities, but I also didn’t want the Japanese to live any longer (since they had Bronze Working). The Celts were getting a little big, but if the world wrapped around (not an “island”), then I would have some horsemen down there soon. I was coming in on both sides of the Persian capital, but I don’t know how many new cities they had.

      [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 06, 2000).]
      The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


      • #4
        Oh b******s!! i'll fix it and repost the scenario, sorry about that Vik. I'll table what you've done anyway and asterisk it or something?!?! unless you want to try again?

        Scouse, Talent spotting in Uxbridge? you've never been to Uxbridge have you? about the only talent in Uxbridge is how so many imbeciles oc-exist in the local area?!!?!? ha ha, I've honestly not played civ for at least a week now, and won't get chance to play for another 3 or so... And don't get me started on the sleep thing!??! i keep on getting nagged by this guy at work, it's like being married?!?!!? ha ha,
        "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
        ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


        • #5
          I played it even with the civs restarting, but it won't matter as at 1700 I've been hammered by barbs!
          "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

          Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


          • #6

            If you edit it, I'll try it again. Just understand that my results will be tainted since I've already seen the map.

            I also suggest you edit the first message in this thread so that other players won't download the original BCB2 scenario and encounter the same difficulties.
            The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


            • #7
              Good point about the link Vik!!! it shouldn't matter too much about you knowing where to go, but i'll take it into consideration and add, say 500 years to your score?!?! ha ha, just kidding!!!!!! i'll sort it out this evening and have it working my 8pm GMT!!!
              "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
              ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


              • #8
                Well... aren't you a little bit late?


                • #9
                  Sorry Silver,
                  I kind of went out for drink after work with my mate mark, just one i said!!!!! but it turned into a dozen and i got home at 1 and passed out!!! and last night i went to a Battle of the Bands final or something, great fun!!!!! i should be able to do this after noon! i'll post a message when i get around to it!!!!
                  "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                  ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


                  • #10
                    Finally i've updated thescenario!!!!!! so here it is:
                    "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                    ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


                    • #11
                      Boy, did this one drop off the radar! I finally finished. I nearly quit when I built GW instead of STWA ( ), but soldiered on. Much worse results than last time, am I getting worse at this?

                      -4000 (13,39) Chariot (NONE)
                      -3900 (7,39) Horsemen (NONE)
                      -3850 Mongols destroyed by Persians
                      -3750 London Established (12,40)
                      -3700 (11,45) Pottery
                      -3650 (1,37) Archers (London)
                      -3500 London: Warriors
                      York Established (7,39)
                      Celts: Bronze Working
                      -3450 Celts: (Alphabet) No
                      -3350 Celts Alphabet for Pottery - No
                      -3300 York: Warriors
                      (19,41) Barb horsemen (kills chariot)
                      Celts: No
                      -3200 (0,26) Advanced Tribe (Nottingham)
                      -3150 Celts: War
                      (18,30) Barb Legion (kills warrior)
                      Barb archer kills horsemen
                      -3050 Nottingham: warrior
                      Celts: 46
                      3rd most advanced
                      -3000 Celts: No
                      Barb archers erase Nottingham
                      -2950 Celts: No
                      -2850 Horseback Riding
                      Celts: No (Currency)
                      -2800 London: Settlers
                      -2750 York: horsemen (rehomed to London)
                      -2650 Celts: Currency
                      -2550 Celts: War
                      -2500 Celts: 36
                      -2450 (24,32) 50 Gold
                      -2400 Celts: War
                      -2350 Celts: 9
                      -2300 York: Settlers
                      Celts: War
                      -2250 Persians: Warrior Code
                      -2150 Persians: War
                      -2000 Hastings Established
                      Celts: (Ceremonial Burial) War
                      -1950 Celts: Ceremonial Burial for Warrior Code
                      Warrior killed by barb chariot
                      -1900 Canterbury established (7,43)
                      -1850 London: Archers
                      Hastings: Horsemen
                      Persians: (Mathematics) War
                      -1800 Horsemen kill barb horse
                      Celts: 50
                      Barb horse dies attacking my archer
                      -1750 Celts: War
                      -1700 Persian phalanx dies attacking my horse
                      Persian catapult kills my horse
                      Barb king disappears (Grrr!)
                      -1650 Celts: War
                      -1600 York: Settlers
                      -1550 Code of Laws
                      -1500 Horsemen kill Celtic warrior
                      -1400 London: Settlers
                      -1300 Celts: 50
                      -1200 Celts: War
                      -1150 Hastings: Settlers
                      -1100 Celts: Withdraw
                      Persians: 100
                      -1050 Coventry established (13,45)
                      Egyptians: (Map Making) 150
                      -1000 Persians: War
                      -975 Persians: 100
                      -925 Canterbury: Settlers
                      York: Warriors
                      Celts: War
                      -900 Celts: 100
                      Persians: War
                      Persian archer kills my horsemen
                      -875 Monarchy, revolt
                      Warwick established (19,45)
                      -850 London: Settlers
                      Celts: War
                      -825 Monarchy government
                      Egyptians: Map Making
                      -800 Egyptians: Writing for Pottery, Masonry
                      -775 London: Diplomat
                      Egyptians: 25
                      Persians: 100
                      -750 Newcastle established (16,34)
                      Celts: 150
                      Persians: (Iron Working) No
                      -725 York: Settlers
                      Egyptians: War
                      Persians: War
                      -700 Persians: 100
                      -675 Oxford established (17,39)
                      Celts: (Iron Working) War
                      Persians: War
                      1st happiest (big deal!)
                      -650 Hastings: Settlers
                      York: Settlers
                      Celts: 200
                      Egyptians: 50
                      My horse kills Persian archer
                      -625 Persians: 25
                      -600 Warwick: Settlers
                      Celts: War
                      -575 London: Settlers
                      Egyptians: War
                      -550 Trade
                      My horse dies attacking Celt Settler
                      -500 My archer kills Celt horse
                      -475 Newcastle: Settler
                      -450 York: Diplomat
                      Celts: 50
                      -425 Liverpool Established (2,34)
                      Oxford: Warrior
                      Celts: Withdraw
                      Egyptians: (Mysticism) No
                      Persians: 25
                      -400 Persians: Iron Working
                      -375 Dover Established (8,38)
                      Celts: War
                      Persians: Mathematics
                      Bribe Celt archer (129), kill warrior
                      -350 Bribe Celt archer (129)
                      Egyptians: 50
                      -325 Bribe Carmarthen (57), 4 gold (76,36)
                      -300 Newcastle: Diplomat
                      London: Diplomat
                      Egyptians: War
                      Persians: 25
                      Celt Horse kills my settler
                      -275 Newcastle: Diplomat
                      Warwick: Caravan
                      Persians: War
                      -250 Oxford: Caravan
                      Coventry: Caravan
                      London: Caravan
                      Bribe Zulu trireme (122)
                      Celts: 50
                      -225 London: Hanging Gardens
                      Persians: 50
                      -200 York: Caravan
                      Celts: War
                      -175 Canterbury: Diplomat
                      -150 Polytheism
                      -125 Liverpool: Diplomat
                      Oxford: Diplomat
                      -75 (25,15) Nomads
                      -50 Newcastle: Elephant
                      Celts (Mysticism) No
                      -25 Dover: Elephant
                      Warwick: Elephant
                      Brighton established (28,30)
                      Celts: 50
                      Persians: 25
                      1 (27,9) 100 gold
                      Celts: War
                      Egyptians: War
                      Persians: 25
                      2 Celt Warriors die attacking my fortified archer on a mountain
                      20 Persians :mysticism
                      Luxemburg destroyed (2 gold)
                      Pasargardae bribed (216) 8 gold, 1 archer, 1 legion
                      60 Brighton: diplomat
                      Newcastle: diplomat
                      Japanese (the wheel) no maps, 200
                      80 bribe Arbela (108) 6 gold, The Wheel, phalanx
                      Norwich established (38,15)
                      Japanese: war
                      120 Giza destroyed, 3 gold
                      Karakorum bribed (324 gold), 23 gold, barracks, archer, phalanx
                      Leeds estasblished (28,24)
                      140 Three elephants die attacking Cardiff
                      Reading established (33,31)
                      160 Susa destroyed, 4 gold, Persians destroyed
                      180 Feudalism
                      London: Great Wall (Whoops)
                      Germans: 400
                      200 Germans: Literacy for Trade
                      240 Birmington established (40,20)
                      260 Germans: war
                      280 (53,7) 25 gold
                      300 Japanese: 300
                      Egyptians: 50
                      320 Japanese: war
                      Egyptians: war
                      Osaka captured (10 gold)
                      Kagoshima destroyed
                      340 London: Sun Tzu's War Academy
                      2 (!) barb leaders
                      Edo bribed (399) phalanx, warrior
                      Lhasa captured, 35 gold
                      Kells bribed (414 gold), archer, legion
                      400 Satsuma destroyed (Japanese destroyed)
                      440 Celts: 50
                      460 Cardiff destroyed, 5 gold, Celts destroyed
                      500 Konigsburg captured, 15 gold
                      Richmond established (71,29)
                      520 Hamburg captured, 18 gold, Construction
                      540 (71,39) Astronomy
                      560 Egyptians: 100
                      620 Berlin captured, 35 gold, Germans destroyed
                      640 Thebes destroyed, 12 gold, The Republic
                      660 Memphis destroyed, 7 gold
                      740 Alexandria destroyed, 4 gold
                      760 Chivalry
                      Bribe Pi-Ramesses (165 gold), 38 gold, phalanx, Egyptians destroyed


                      • #12
                        Oh ya forgot about this one.Not sure if this is worth posting or not as the scour the map build no cities plan seems to go much faster.

                        3900-hut-chariot-London-York-taxes need adjustment
                        3800-Mongols destroyed by Persia-bonus
                        3450-contact Celts-trade Burial for Bronze-peace-hut-barb horse-terminated
                        3400-hut archer-NON
                        3350-London starts wonder
                        3300-contact Persia-peace-hut 50 gold
                        3250-Celts declare war-hut(hill)-barb horse
                        3100-hut-100 gold
                        3050-York builds settler
                        2950-raze Cardiff-Celts destroyed
                        2600-barb leader 150
                        2350-Monarchy-revolt-trade Persia Burial for Warrior Code
                        1750-Feudalism-Persia-tribute 50
                        1700-Nottingham builds settler-Hastings founded
                        1200-Horseback Riding
                        1150-contact Japanese-peace-tribute 150
                        1100-Hastings builds settler-Yortk builds settler
                        1050-Persia-tribute 50
                        875-Chivalry-Sun Tzu’s-tribute-Japan 25-Persia Pottery-
                        850-contact Egypt-tribute 100
                        825-London builds temple
                        800-trade Egypt-Monarchy and Laws for Map Making and Writing
                        650-Egypt declares war-tribute-Persia 100-Japan 100
                        550-Luxembourgh razed-22 gold Iron Working
                        525-Susa captured 11 gold-Masonary
                        425-hut-advanced tribe-capture Parsargadae-17 gold Currency-Persians destroyed
                        375-barb leader 150
                        275-Japan declares war-raze Kagoshima
                        250-contact Germans-tribute 150-raze some Japanese city-14 gold Poly-peace with Japan
                        125-capture Memphis 24 gold
                        AD1-Tribute-Germans 25
                        80-capture Thebes-80 gold Construction-raze Satsuma-The Wheel
                        100-ceasefire with Japan-tribute 37 gold-break it immediately-found Warwick
                        120-Egyptians destroyed
                        160-raze Nara 16 gold
                        200-barb leader 150
                        220-raze Hamburg-16 gold
                        240-raze Osaka-16 gold
                        360-raze Berlin 36 gold-Germans destroyed
                        420-capture Lhasa- 121 gold-Japanese destroyed


                        Sun Tzu-875BC

                        1.Mongols-3800BC *by Persians*
                        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

