I'm sure others must have experienced the bug of capturing an enemy city and scoring a quick -$32,000 (or a similar enormous negative sum) which screws up the game.
This still happens to me when playing Civ2 ver 2.42 with the latest patch installed. I've only found two ways around it:
(1) Going to back to most recent save, waiting a couple of extra turns before conquering the city in question (thus thwarting whatever inexplicable series of events which cause the bug)
(2) Going into cheat mode and editing the money back to where it should be. Effective, but makes me feel "sullied".
Is there a way to avoid this? Please don't suggest switching to MGE - I am reluctant to play SP using MGE because the other civs are so ornery - I don't need any additional handicaps!
- mindseye
This still happens to me when playing Civ2 ver 2.42 with the latest patch installed. I've only found two ways around it:
(1) Going to back to most recent save, waiting a couple of extra turns before conquering the city in question (thus thwarting whatever inexplicable series of events which cause the bug)
(2) Going into cheat mode and editing the money back to where it should be. Effective, but makes me feel "sullied".

Is there a way to avoid this? Please don't suggest switching to MGE - I am reluctant to play SP using MGE because the other civs are so ornery - I don't need any additional handicaps!
- mindseye