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World Conquered - 750bc - No Cities

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  • #16

    I just confirmed it for myself, playing on Chieftan.

    I played with only one city, and got Space Flight in about 940bc. Probably could have gotten it sooner, but I wasn't managing the trade as sharply as usual.

    Plus, I hadn't even built Darwin's voyage, yet.

    You're right. Space Flight by 1000bc on Chieftan is not all that incredible. It just seems that way when I've played Diety for so long.
    [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 07, 2000).]
    The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


    • #17
      WHat is left to do in civilization?
      I'm going to try that of spaceship on 1000BC, is that on a occ game?
      Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
      Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


      • #18
        Yes, in deity 1000 BC is only 60 turns so you would never get space flight at such an early date and if you forget that the turn increments are smaller on chieftain such accomplishments would easily seem impossible when in fact they are not extra-ordinary compared to deity games.


        • #19

          We're talking about the discovery of the "Space Flight" technology by 1000bc, not building a spaceship by then.

          As Paul already pointed out, the game will not let you build Space Ship parts until 1ad, even if you have built the Apollo Program before then.

          When I was trying to get Space Flight, I used one city. It's pretty easy to do on Chieftan if you follow these steps:

          1.) Found your city close to river squares and near 3 or 4 trade specials.

          2.) Immediately begin work on the colossus (or build some warriors if you don't have Bronze Working, yet).

          3.) After Bronze Working, research towards Monarchy and establish that as soon as possible.

          4.) After Monarchy, go for writing, currency, and trade

          5.) After Colossus is built, build a library, marketplace, and temple

          6.) Research towards Republic and/or Construction

          7.) Build 3 caravans and deliver them. If you don't have a useful building to build, build caravans

          8.) Build Colosseum and Aqueduct; once Republic is established, bump luxuries up to attain a size-12 city through WLTCD. Set your sights on Astonomy (pun intended).

          9.) Build enough caravans (6) to rush-build Copernicus while start researching towards sanitation.

          10.) Get Medicine after this and build up 6 more caravans for Shakespeare's. After Shake's is built, bring population up to size-21 through WLTCD; you can sell of the temple/colosseum. You've probably traded for seafaring by now so you can build a harbor if necessary.

          11.) Go for Democracy, University, and Theory of Gravity technologies while building caravans, university, bank, and stock exchange as necessary.

          12.) Get your city up to max size after democracy while building Newton's college and/or caravans.

          13.) Research towards refrigeration and explosives. Build 2 engineers to modify terrain as desired, after which you use WLTPD to achieve your max city size. Build a supermarket.

          14.) Research straight towards Automobile, possibly building Darwin's voyage with extra caravans along the way. Build Superhighways.

          15.) Research towards computers. If your engineers are finished with the terrain, consider building a factory/power plant. If you can't grow your city any more, be sure to sell off the un-needed aqueduct and sewer system. Build Offshore platform if applicable, and a research lab as soon as possible.

          16.) Research towards Space Flight, saving the Flight, Radio, Advanced Flight, and Rocketry as your last four techs.

          17.) Throughout the ages, make sure you give techs to the AI. That decreases the time it will take you to discover something new. Also, avoid getting techs from the AI before you need them. This also decreases the time it takes. For example, there is a good chance an AI will have discovered "Fuedalism" while your working on "Refrigeration." Since you don't need Fuedalism as a pre-req for anything except for (I think) Computers -- you certainly don't need it for refrigeration -- avoid picking this tech up if possible until after you discover Automobile.

          18.) If I left something out, or got it in the wrong order, refer to Paul's OCC strategy guide (the URL is in his profile) for a more thorough walk-through.
          [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 07, 2000).]
          The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


          • #20
            I got space flight around 1000A.D once on Warlord, thats my best. I never tried OCC, its just not fun to me.


            • #21
              vik - a minor quibble with point (17). As I heard it, the research penalty for getting "too far ahead" of the AIs only applies at Deity level. I would think there's no point in giving techs away to the AIs at Chieftan. I'd expect them to be of little use in helping out with techs, and having extra techs would only handicap them further.


              • #22

                I can't get technical with you, or site a reference. All I have to go on is my experience when I tried it this morning.

                At one point, I was researching Computers before the AI guys were discovering Polytheism/Trade/etc.

                I gave them every technology I had (except for Combustion - a Flight pre-reque). Before I gave them all this technology, discoveries were coming every 3 turns at 70% science rate.

                After I gave the 5 remaining civs nearly all of my technology, I was getting new discoveries every turn at 70% science.

                Based on this one data point, I made a conclusion. It just seemed to work that way.
                The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                • #23
                  vik - good enough for me! I'll always take the voice of experience over something somebody might have read in a book somewhere. I stand corrected.


                  • #24

                    Your 18-point progression is a welcome complement to Paul's summary. For someone like me on the steep OCC learning curve (trying to glean the actual application of principles from the logs of past comparison games) this helps.


                    • #25

                      Thanks. Believe me, I did not intend to list 18 separate points, only 5 or 6 originally, but I just kept typing and typing.

                      I'm glad you appreciate it, and I am considering elaborating even further on it -- kind of, if I may be so bold -- an addendum to Paul's guide. Paul is a really good player, but I, and others, consider me to be a very good writer. Don't get on me for typos and misspellings for my posts here, because I don't spend much time editing.

                      But when I complete the speech my installation commander will be giving in two weeks (2-star Army General I'm writing for), I guarantee that will be error-free.
                      The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                      • #26
                        Yes, you may be so bold.

                        I have to admit that although I consider myself a good player, at least in OCC, I am not a very good writer. So if someone who is not only a good player but also a good writer were to write an addendum to my guide that would be a good idea.


                        • #27
                          Interesting that this addendum idea arose. I've only recently tried OCC. I downloaded Paul's excellent guideline and work from that. However I found myself searching through it repeatedly during game play. I thought it would be useful to have a concise summary to follow, just to save the time of re-reading. So I wrote one.

                          It's similar to Vik's 18-point list, but with more formatting. I made a series of tables with "Improvements" and "Research goals", chronologically arranged. And I included periodic key instructions.

                          I was thinking about posting it, or asking Paul if he wanted to put it on his site. However with Vik's recent offer, perhaps I should send it to him as a starting point for an OCC summary guide.

                          Vik, Paul -- would either of you like to see it or improve on it? It's in Word 2000 format, but I could save it in an older version.

                          (Edited to correct typos.)
                          [This message has been edited by Campo (edited June 09, 2000).]


                          • #28
                            Campo, I would like to see that. Please send it to . I have Word 97.


                            • #29
                              Okay, it's on the way. I'm sure it could be improved. The research goals are missing some items and there may be more city improvements. The chronological sequences could probably be improved too.

                              I debated having three big tables: one for research goals, one for improvements, and one for wonders. However I decided that it would be better to coordinate them -- matching the techs with the corresponding improvements and wonders. There's probably a better way to present it, but I think it's a decent starting point.


                              • #30
                                Well, it looks good so far although as you said there is some room for improvement. I'll play around with it during the weekend. Would it be ok with you if I put a changed version of this on my OCC site?

