How could you win without shake's and INs? What's the point of being able to have an extra city for only one turn? I'm curious.
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Does this work?
I have no idea what you guys are talkng about so it ends here...For now.
I tryed to make a OCC game that would have things that I think make it hard.No Shake's means Mono and cathedral slowing the effect of "we love days"
No Ike's means slower science.
Less civ means less help with techs and tribute.
I made 2 civs have vendettas but it doesn't give consistant results.
It was meant as a small puzzle just for something different.You'll notice the city is not well placed for OCC.I wanted the player to have to build a palace and have a supported settler as a result of disbanding Mingapulco.You can't disband with 1 city so it was meant to give few seconds of puzzle solving.
It can be won relatively easily depending on what "Evan" and "Venger" do.First 2 tests I was wiped out by 3 triremes of knights that "Evan" sent.I tweaked it alittle and I landed in 1930s.The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
Tom, SCG and Steve: You guys are just too damn tough! Talk about "Code Warriors"!Don't want to meet you guys in a dark ally with only AppleScript at my side!
It's all I can do to change the Type and Creator codes in ResEdit! This is why I bought the book "Mac Programming for Dummies" (which I never got around to reading
)! FYI: it came with a free copy of CodeWarrior Lite compiler and Apples resource editor ResEdit.
I now feel enlighted and educated! Plus I get to write the authors of MacSecrets and point out their error about ASCII being cross-platform!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
[This message has been edited by MacUser (edited June 10, 2000).]"Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac
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