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Right or Wrong? Judge me!

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  • Right or Wrong? Judge me!

    I have a size 1 city on plains, only defender is a warrior (have a horsie two squares away, though).

    After one of my turns a barb archer suddenly pops up out of unexplored black territory south of the city. He's three squares away from the city. The terrain between city and archer is hills.

    Since the city is a size one on plains and only is defended by a fortified warrior, I decide to move it out when my turn comes to meet the archer. Meanwhile I rush a second warrior (4 or 5 shields I think).

    My turn comes, I move one of the warriors out and I also move the horsie into the city. The second warrior is fortified in the city.

    The barb archer moves one step closer, I fortify my warrior on hills between the archer and the city square.

    The archer attacks my fortified warrior, wins and is in the yellow. I rush a third warrior, my turn comes and I decide to move out the second warrior although I will not have time to fortify it.

    Archer attacks the second, unfortified warrior and wins. He is now in the red. I move my third warrior out and decide to wait with rushing a new warrior, as my opponent moves before me and I have time to rush during his turn should my warrior lose. Archer attacks and wins

    I rush yet another warrior (from three shields I think) which I move out when my turn comes...

    Archer attacks and loses, phew!

    End result: three killed warriors, no barb king though so the rushbuilding has taken a heavy toll on my treasury. City unharmed and because it is very early in the game (only have 4 cities), that was very important.

    Question: Any other (better!) way to deal with this? Should I have saved one of the warriors, let the archer move up next to the city (on hills) and attack it with my horse?

    FYI, there are no diplo's running around yet.

    Edited part: Had to get the rushing sequence right!


    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited May 31, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    If I read it right, you were right.
    If the city was size one, that early in the game, losing it would have hurt you worse than the treasury loss. Later in the game, it's a toss up.
    Been there, done that, usually get luckier on the attacks.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Right decision if you can't build phalanx or archer. Otherwise your second warrior should be a phalanx.


      • #4
        costly but you fought hard and saved the city
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          it sucks to lose alot of your treasury early, but thats what its for anyways..... I have noticed those pesky archers can just waltz through warriors even with minute heath left on the bar..... how many times have i not rushed that second or third warrior and poof, city destroyed .....

          yes its vitally important for your first five or so cities to not lose any population points, be destroyed or captured by barbs.

          As Ming stated, later in the game when you have a dozen plus cities, its almost better to let them capture and then bribe it back and enjoy the free army, (well actually i guess you pay for it)
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


          • #6
            Wrong!! You should have built an SDI to knock the archer arrows out of the sky or used KRC to build a howie.
            Be the bid!


            • #7
              LOL at SS!
              Carolus: Well done, that was some brave fighting.
              There is an other option, costly though, but maybe cheaper than buying three warriors. I can't tell from the information you've shared.
              Here it goes: empty your city, and have more than (correct me if I'm wrong) 100 gold in your coffers. Try not to have much more. The barbarian will now offer a "If you don't pay us ... amount of gold we will ruthlessly sack this city" deal. He'll request half your treasury. Pay him, and he'll disappear.

              Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
              Hasdrubal's Home.
              Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


              • #8
                It sounds like you did alright. Once during an OCC game I kept pumping out pikemen for a barbarian to attack, trying to get him to leave the leader for the 150 gold. I wasted far too many turns of production when I would have been better served creating an offensive unit to destroy it and the leader both. Building warriors to save a city is smart, doing it out of greed like me is what's stupid.


                • #9
                  Thats the strat i would have used.

                  Hasdrubals strat is risky because sometimes the barbs take your city
                  Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                  • #10
                    Unless its very early in the game, I just let the city fall, if you have more than 10 cities, its not worth it.


                    • #11
                      No phalanx or archer available, next option would be a horse (say no more!)...

                      LOL @ Sten! I would have, but my cheat-o-matic wouldn't let me?! Maybe I should try reinstalling it?

                      Hasdrubal, that is a fair strat but as Makeo says sometimes they don't ask and move right in. I would like to know what determines that; have read a couple of suggestions about it but still no definite answer.

                      Thanks everyone for the input!



                      • #12
                        I usually try to attack barb archers instead of defend against them. They attack at 4.5 with the Deity bonus, and I swear there's something in the code that makes them defend at 1. So it would be a 50/50 proposition to attack the archer on a hill with your horse; if you didn't kill him, you should weaken him enough so he'd lose against a warrior.


                        • #13
                          The subject of your thread reads:

                          "Right or Wrong? Judge Me!"

                          Unfortunately, according to many of the off-topic forums here, nobody has any right to judge you.

                          What gives us the right to judge you? What is the basis for determining what is "right" and what is "wrong?" A dubious moral code derived from some "old religeous relics?" I think not.

                          I'm sorry, but if what you did made you happy, and it caused no harm to any other person, tree, or whale, then we have no right to judge if you acted morally or immorally.

                          I hope this helps.

                          [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 01, 2000).]
                          The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                          • #14
                            He's Wrong i tell you!!!! unaquivocally, undoubtably, undeniably and without even the merest possibility of a doubt!!!

                            hang him!! go on, some one take him out to the barn like old yella and show him the 12-bore!!!
                            "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                            ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


                            • #15
                              Sorry, some one get him out of the barn!!!! we should give him a meddle a ceremony!!! a crown, King Rex!! sorry, i'm just bored here!!!! almost 5 (Hurray!, but i'm counting the minutes!!!!!!!!!

                              I would have done something similar, good strategy though!!!! you saved the city, that's the important thing, especially so early in the game! giving you extra trade and growth potential!!! also if you hadn't quelled the archer then, he would've carried on to one of your other cities!!! Good fight!!!!
                              "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                              ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:

