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Another OCC Question

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  • Another OCC Question

    Most of you playing OCC are using ver 2.42, not MP, right? I assume there is quite a difference given the hostile AI attitudes in MP? Probably affects the gifts/tribute you can extract from the AI?

  • #2
    Thats right. Its a lot easier in 2.42 than in MGE.


    • #3
      Thanks very much. I'll give OCC a shot.


      • #4
        In OCC comparison game #2, I went through my strategy for winning OCC using the MGE version. It does require a very different approach, alliances become more important as tribute creates more trouble than it is worth. I'll see if I can dig up a link to that thread for you. Steve Clark posted here several days ago that he used some of those ideas to win at OCC without too much trouble. Now that I am used to it in MGE, I actually prefer to play that way.

        how would rah say it... "if you teach an old ferret a new trick, don't be surprised if it forgets some old ones"
        Be the bid!


        • #5
          winning OCC with MGE is not difficult.In fortnight #1 my MGE landing date was ahead of my 2.42 date.

          Because of the lack of gifts and increased hostility I don't think MGE dates will ever eclipse 2.42 landing dates.
          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


          • #6
            Thanks very much to all.

            I played an OCC game today using ver 2.42 and the OCC #8 map...not quite finished yet, but I am building my space ship components now.

            However, it's 1962. It's been slow, because I've been battling one AI civ after another. I had an alliance with two civs at separate times...each lasted about 5-10 turns. They each gave me 50 gold and two or three techs. Then they broke off the alliance. I might as well have played in MP.

            Every AI refused to trade maps. I was giving them techs left and right...they gladly took them, but gave nothing back. Basically, I had to do almost all my own research and this took some time with just one city.

            Not sure what else I could do to make the AI more friendly.

