Preamble: I bought FW (v2.7.8l - last character a lower case L) shortly before Easter and have until now only played scenarios and OCC. I thought that this (see below) was a 'feature' of the scenarios and consequently posted a query on the Help board. However, last night playing a good old fashioned small world bloodlust it happened again ...
Problem: My diplomats will not enter an opponents city - when I try to move them in absolutely nothing happens (very like when you attempt to move a land unit out to sea). Consequently I cannot investigate, bribe, establish embassy, poison, sabotage or any of the other wondrous things that we like to do to the poor unsuspecting AI. As far as I can tell the remainder of the game (including the ability to subvert enemy units) is working fine.
So far: Following Smash's earlier advice I have investigated the Game.txt file and the relevent section appears to be @SPYOPTIONS which is unchanged from that in my v2.42 (which I have not checked out recently - so could conceivably also be corrupt - not likely, I do know my way around a PC)
Any ideas, guys?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
Problem: My diplomats will not enter an opponents city - when I try to move them in absolutely nothing happens (very like when you attempt to move a land unit out to sea). Consequently I cannot investigate, bribe, establish embassy, poison, sabotage or any of the other wondrous things that we like to do to the poor unsuspecting AI. As far as I can tell the remainder of the game (including the ability to subvert enemy units) is working fine.
So far: Following Smash's earlier advice I have investigated the Game.txt file and the relevent section appears to be @SPYOPTIONS which is unchanged from that in my v2.42 (which I have not checked out recently - so could conceivably also be corrupt - not likely, I do know my way around a PC)
Any ideas, guys?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor