And having built a critical mass of caravans - build some more!
At about this stage you might well be forgiven for asking why the hell am I building all these caravans?
The answer is hidden in the material above - Spaceship parts are considered to be Wonders (sort of) so the trick is -
Good civin'

Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
At about this stage you might well be forgiven for asking why the hell am I building all these caravans?
The answer is hidden in the material above - Spaceship parts are considered to be Wonders (sort of) so the trick is -
- Switch production to a suitable Wonder (Manhatten is normally available)
- Move caravans to that city elect to "Help build Wonder" until you have 80x - City production shields in the bag - where x is 1 for Structurals, 2 for Components and 4 for Modules
- Switch production to SS Struct/Comp/Mod (should now say one turn needed)
- Watch spaceship grow like topsy
Good civin'

Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor