I didn't stray much from the standard OCC strategy (didn't even think to build Marco Polo). With my city on the north coast, I didn't have any trouble trading with the Vikings. I also look forward to another scenario like this.
No announcement yet.
Huge World Comparison Game
Scouse gits.... thankyou for including me in your game.......LOL but as the pitifull vikings...... next time put me in my rightfull spot as the Mongol leader LOL and i demand some dineros for the copyright infringement
No wonder the Mongols sucked in this gameah the life i lead , i still havent' had a chance to take myself out yet
i hope to this week though
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
ELOL @ War4 - my most humble apologies (but no cash) for the copyright infringement
Well done, Au, just how wrong can a guy be - everyone and his aunt plays it as OCC and I thought it probably couldn't be done.
Everyone else - I'm a tad busy at the moment, but should be able to put together another one in a couple of months - any takers for our next outing??
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 15, 2000).]"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
It would seem like Map making would be more important than Trade in this game as one can't trade without a Trireme. Contact might be helpful.
Huey, I would love to have built MPE in this game, but I barely got Copernicus and Shakes built before the Vikings. They were cranking out so much science and were huge. Why, there was no end to their lands east and west....
I should know better than to found my 'one' city on tundra....really slow science....but I love wheat or silk (interchanged a few times.)
AU--thanks again SG[1]
Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]
"> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
>doesn't get it."--don't know.
Progress report: as of AD 720, I have established a port city on the north coast of the Viking continent, and have sent a couple triremes sailing off to the north. Each boat carries a pair of diplomats, who will try to pick up some spare techs. Due to some poor decisions on research, I don't have navigation yet, but it's only about 4-5 turns away. Adding ME to my wonders should greatly speed my progress to the north.
Strange happenings: the Mongols took out the Americans in 100 BC. The Babylonians (holders of the GL) immediately picked up a bonanza of free techs (5 in all). It looked as if the techs that would have been given to a new civ were generated, although the Americans stayed dead. This has made me cautious about eliminating any more civs until the GL is neutralized.
I have 58 cities and over a hundred veteran musketeers. My plan for this game is to emulate the army ants of the tropics - a slow march north, destroying all in my path.
Glad you're still with it Dave - how about you War?
It takes so loooooong to ICS a world like this, but it does my heart proud to see that it CAN be done after my ineffectual failure
Good luck - keep up the good work
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
scouse ...... i tried to download it and i got a spindle for the name and when i tried unzipping it it said some crap about registering my sim city2000 game.... i retried and retried but to no availBoston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
Sorry about that War - should I put up an unzipped version or has the time passed?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
Progress report, AD 1200: I have SoL now, and am Fundamentalist. I'm researching Monotheism, but may not discover it before the end of the game. I have a beachhead on the Mongol continent, and will be carving a path through it to reach the final destination. The Vikings and Aztecs are being allowed to survive until I take out the Great Library (the last thing I need is for the Babs to get gunpowder). Marco Polo reports:
Carthaginians: 82 cities, 199 Musketeers
Russians: 9 cities
Babylonians: 5 cities
Vikings: 1 city
Aztecs: 3 cities
Mongols: 15 cities
Edited "Monarchy" to "Monotheism". Oops.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited March 23, 2000).]
Sorry War, I don't have SimCity 2000 so I can't try and duplicate the effect - have you tried the following:- create a new (empty) folder in your Civ2 directory - something like c:\mps\civ2\spindle
- copy the two files spindle.scn and spindle.txt into this folder (or alternatively download them directly to this folder
- start Civ2 and select 'Begin Scenario' from the first menu
- the open file box will default to the civ2 folder - click on the spindle folder and you should see 'spindle.scn' in the file select box
- go for it!
Good civing ...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
I finally finished. World conquest in AD 1670. My casualties were amazingly light - contrast these numbers with Smash's:
Settlers 1
Warriors 2
Phalanx 1
Pikemen 1
Musketeers 27
Horsemen 1
Elephant 1
Knights 1
Dragoons 1
Cannon 1
Caravel 3
Diplomat 1
Points in my favor - I built Marco Polo, which gave me a nice boost in tech. I didn't kill anyone off until I captured the Great Library. I think the bad guys would have picked up some of my techs if I had. As it was, I finished the game as the only one with Gunpowder(!), Democracy, Monotheism, Theology, Leadership, and Metallurgy.
At the end of the game, I pulled a trick I've always wanted to try. I put almost all my cities to work building temples. As soon as they finished, I sold the temple and started a new one. Low tech Capitalization! I should have started doing that earlier - I built too many units that never reached the front lines and cost me a lot of time in moving them around.
Fun game, SG. But where do I send the bill for all the time I spent on it?