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OCC - the final countdown, 436 AD

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  • OCC - the final countdown, 436 AD

    I just landed on Alpha Centauri on the earliest possible date from <a href=""> Samson's excellent random map</a>. After several tries on other maps (aborted when I got too much worthless tech from huts), I had a feeling this would be the one.
    Civ3, here we come!


    ================================================== ==============
    AC: 436

    Monarchy: -3450
    Republic: -2850
    Democracy: -725

    Colossus: -2050
    Shakespeare: -1150
    Copernicus: -875
    Newton: -725
    Apollo: 1

    Trade routes: -1900, -1800, -1750

    Size 12: -950
    Size 18: -550
    Size 25: 435

    Trade: -2850
    Construction: -1800
    Sanitation: -1700
    Refrigeration: 200

    Automobile: -375
    Computers: -150
    Space Flight: -25

    -4000 (Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws)
    ----- N-Chariot(h), site is no good - we go south
    -3900 N-Archers(h), Zulus on large river - will there be room for us, too?, Peace, no Ally
    -3800 N-Archers(h)
    -3750 Settlers hop the bend - spot near ocean seems good
    -3650 N-Archers(h), Washington at [14,24], 50(h) - gold and silk
    -3600 N-Chariot(h)
    -3550 50(h) - a second gold! 4th special hopefully on island ...
    -3500 Mongols, Peace, no Ally , 50(h)
    -3450 [10]Monarchy[18 beakers to next tech], MONARCHY, CerAlpMon->Z(6), 50(h)
    ----- Russians(3), Peace, CerAlpMon->R, Ally , Writing(h)[24]
    -3400 Library
    -3350 Spanish(1), Peace, WriMon->S, Ally
    -3300 AlpMon->M
    -3250 Vikings(3), Peace
    -3200 S2
    -3150 Temple, Literacy[36]
    -2950 50(h)
    -2900 50(h)
    -2850 The Republic[45], REPUBLIC
    ----- Traded Rep-Currency, Cer-Bronze Working (V), AlpMon->V [63], Trade(h)[80]
    ----- Spanish destroy St. Petersburg(R), get Masonry
    -2750 Traded Bro-Mysticism(M), RepCerCurWriLitCod->M[108]
    -2700 S3[90], We Love (40% lux), N-Chariot(h), BroMys->R
    -2650 Food, S4 (30%), 50(h)
    -2600 S5, 100(h)
    -2550 Marketplace, S6, Banking(h)[99], Bro->S, 50
    -2450 Bank, S7, Philosophy(h)[99]
    -2400 We Love ends
    -2350 Barb Archers
    -2300 Food, traded Phi-Masonry(R), swapped Rep-Mathematics(R)
    ----- Traded Rep-Seafaring, Mys-Map Making(Z), PhiBroTraMat->Z, Maps
    ----- 6 techs->M [165], Maps
    -2250 Barb Archers
    -2200 Food
    -2150 Barb Leader(150)
    -2100 Food, Medicine[192] (<-Phi)
    -2050 COLOSSUS
    -1950 Beads
    -1900 Trireme - a second Silk! Beads to Zimbabwe (d,136)
    -1850 Gold
    -1800 Hides, Construction[204], Gold to Zimbabwe (68)
    -1750 Hides to Zimbabwe (68), Barb Horsemen
    -1700 Harbor
    -1650 Food, University(h)[234]
    -1550 University[288], 3 techs->M, 2 Barb Archers
    -1500 Carthagians, Peace, MysRepMatConPhiUniSeaMon->C[252], Maps, no Ally
    -1450 Food, Barb Leader(150)
    -1400 Economics[228], N-Settlers(h)
    -1350 Stock Exchange[304]
    -1300 Food, traded Wri for Astronomy(Z), ConUniBanLit->Z, Maps
    ----- Traded Map for Iron Working(V)[462], PhiWriUniTraCon->V, Maps
    -1250 100(h)
    -1200 Food
    -1150 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, We Love (10% lux)
    ----- MapIroPhiWriUniTraCon->R
    -1100 S8
    -1050 Aqueduct, S9, Barb Legion/Leader , (20%)
    -1000 Silver S10, 2 techs->M[399]
    -975 Hides, S11 (10%), Barb Horsemen
    -950 S12
    -925 Hides, We Love ends , Silver to Karakorum (d,266)
    -900 Hides, Bridge Building[418], Barb Leader(150), Iro->S, 100
    -850 Hides, Barb Leader(150)
    -825 Hides, Theory of Gravity[437], Hides to Karakorum (d,291)
    ----- Traded for Engineering(C)[456]
    -800 Chemistry[500], Hides to Karakorum (d,300)
    ----- 4 techs->M[475], Maps
    -775 Hides, Invention[494]
    -750 Hides
    -725 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Democracy[513], DEMOCRACY
    ----- Inv->R, 75 , Hides to Karakorum (160)
    -700 Sanitation[532], We Love
    -675 Sewer System, Gunpowder[580], S13, Gun->M[551], di Trireme
    -650 Hides, Metallurgy[600], S14, Hides to Karakorum (172)
    ----- Traded for Physics(Z), Met+Phy->M[589], Gun->R, 50
    -625 Explosives[640], S15, Inv->M[608], sold Temple
    -600 Hides, Steam Engine[660], S16, Ste->M[627], Ste->R, 50
    -575 Railroad[680], S17, 1 tech->M[646]
    -550 Hides, Magnetism[700], S18, Mag->M[665]
    -525 Industrialization[720], We Love ends , Ind->M[684]
    -500 Transport, The Corporation[740], Exp->M[703]
    -475 Electricity[760], Ele->M[722]
    -450 Hides, Refining[780], Ref->M[741]
    -425 Steel[800], Dem->M[760], RaiIndSteMetEngBriMagMasExpDem->Z
    ----- Traded Met for Chivalry(S)[820], 1 Ele->S, 100
    -400 Hides, Combustion[840], Com+Chi->M[798], Phy->S, 50
    ----- Hides to Utica(d,515)
    -375 Hides, Automobile[860], We Love , Aut->M[817]
    ----- Rai->R, R end alliance -> Transport home
    -350 Superhighways, Electronics[880], S19
    ----- Ste->M[836], Ind->S, 50 , sold Sewer System
    -325 Hides, Leadership[900], sold Aqueduct, Lea->M[855]
    -300 Hides, Conscription[920], Con->M[874], Hides to Carthage (d,582)
    -275 Hides, Tactics[893], Tac->M, have Spanish end alliance -> Transport home
    -250 Hides, Mass Production[912], Mas->M, Hides to Utica (d,608)
    -225 Factory, Machine Tools[931], Mac->M, Hides to Utica (d,620)
    -200 Hydroplant, Atomic Theory[950], Ato->M, Hides to Utica (d,633)
    ----- Gun->C, Maps, no Ally
    -175 Hides, Miniaturization[969], railroad to Zimbabwe completed (3x35 trade!)
    ----- Hides to Utica (d,646), Min->Mon, War(S) , 3 techs->Z, maps, Ally , 75
    -150 Offshore Platform -> 43+1 shields, Computers[988]
    ----- Hides to Carthage (d,658), Com->Mon
    -125 Research Lab, Flight[1007], Hides to Utica (d,671), Fli->M
    -100 Hides, Radio[1026], Hides to Utica (d,684)
    ----- Traded Com for Pottery(Z), Cur->Z[1100], Pot+Rad->M[1045]
    -75 Hides, Advanced Flight[1064], Adv->M, Hides to Utica (d,709)
    -50 Hides, Rocketry[1083], Roc->M, Barb Leader(150)
    -25 Mass Transit, Space Flight[1102], 50(h), Cor->M
    1 APOLLO PROGRAM, Plastics[1121] - we have 3083 gold, 4 Hides en route, and make 43+1 shields
    20 C#01, Nuclear Fission[1140]
    40 C#02, Nuclear Power[1220]
    ----- Traded Adv for Horseback Riding(Z)[1240], Spa->Z, 100 , Nuf+Spa->M[1178], Ref->Z, 100
    60 S#01, The Laser[1260]
    80 S#02, Superconductor[1280], N-Riflemen(h), hills mined->47+1 shields, duh
    100 S#03, Sup+Pla+Nup->M[1216]
    120 M#01, Adv->C
    140 S#04, Hides to Carthage (d,680)
    160 M#02, Barb Leader(150), Barb Knights, Hides to Carthage (d,680)
    ----- Mongols take Bapedi, Zulus take Cordoba
    180 S#05, Fusion Power[1235], Hides to Carthage (d,696), Las->M, SupMedLea->Z
    200 M#03, Refrigeration[1254], Hides to carthage (d,696), Fus->M
    220 S#06, Recycling[1273]
    240 S#07
    260 S#08
    280 S#09
    300 S#10
    320 S#11, Mongols bring many Fighters over to Bapedi
    340 S#12, Gold mined -> 51+1 shields, Mongols make peace with Zulus
    360 S#13
    380 S#14
    400 S#15, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
    401 Wine, Peace(S)
    402 Oil, sold Hydroplant
    403 HOOVER DAM
    404 Supermarket
    405 MARCO POLO, Wine to Utica (d,1020), sold Research Lab
    406 SETI PROGRAM[2211], 31 techs->C[1273], Maps, Russians take Cordoba
    407 Future Tech #1, Oil to Utica(416), traded for Navigation(Z), 1 tech->Z, 125
    409 Future Tech #2, Barb Leader(150)
    410 PYRAMIDS
    411 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., Future Tech #3, traded for The Wheel(S)
    412 Aqueduct, We Love
    413 Sewer System, Future Tech #4, S20
    414 S21
    415 Future Tech #5, S22, traded for Polytheism(Z), 1 tech->Z, 250
    416 We Love ends
    417 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Future Tech #6/#7
    418 Gems
    419 Oil
    421 We Love
    422 ORACLE, S23, Gems to Utica (d,1026), Oil to Utica (428)
    423 Genetic Engineering
    424 EIFFEL TOWER, S24
    425 Future Tech #8, We Love ends , traded for Feudalism(Z), 1 tech->Z, 125 , 6 techs->M
    426 GREAT LIBRARY, 3 techs->C
    427 Future Tech #9
    429 Future Tech #10
    430 GREAT WALL, 1 tech->Z, 175
    431 500 and Warrior Code<-C for War(R)
    432 KING RICHARD'S CRUSADE, traded for Communism(Z), Zimbabwe demands Uranium
    434 LIGHTHOUSE, We Love
    435 Gems, Future Tech #11, S25

    Zulus: 3-1-1-0-0-0
    Carthagians: 8-3-3-1-0-0
    Mongols: 11-3-3-1-0-0

    Score: 597 (77%)
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute

  • #2
    Wow, well done. Congratulations.


    • #3
      Tech path: Mon, Rep (early republic is good with NONE units), Tra, Ban, Sea, Con, Uni, Eco, Dem, San.
      Building sequence: Library, Temple, Marketplace, Bank, Colossus, Harbor, University, Stock Exchange, Shakspear, Aqueduct (so late! seems size 8 is good enough with constant hides caravans), Cupernius, Newton, Sewing System, Superhighways, Factory, Hydroplant, Offshore Platform, Mass Transit (even have time for this!), Apollo.


      • #4
        Good game, and congratulations. Indeed, the early republic in OCC is extremely important (IMO), as Xin said. Works like a charm.

        What'll you do with 3+ civ less months?


        • #5
          whay is Ribannah going to do now?

          perhaps Ribannah is now going to play some scenarios.
          DaveV showed what a strong ICSer could do when he changed the record in the Rome scenario from about 80 to 43.
          Then samson told us he was going to play a few of them, after what he achieved in the field of early landing, but he disappeared from this forum in the meantime (hello, samson, send us a smilie).
          Rib, you are welcome!

          (La Fayette, having a look at Ribannah's first results in the field of scenarios)
          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


          • #6
            To hail with overweening sycophantic prostration the glorious Princess Ribannah!

            One of the exciting things about this log is the astonishing clarity of strategic purpose:
            1. Build city economy for $$ and Trade ASAP [size 7 in 2450BC]
            2. Build Science machine
            3. Rely on one-turn advances after 750 BC

            I also enjoyed
            -the wandering start (evidently not a problem)
            -the single-minded growth from size 2 to 3 which involved much slower tech discovery than has been the norm in OCC games
            -the unhurried building of the Colossus and the postponement of Trade routes until after its building
            -the frantic one-turn trade and infrastructure building after the erection of the Colossus, even suffering an 8-turn discovery rate
            -just not even bothering with quick discovery rates until Sir Isaac's, suffering 12 turns before Bridge Building...
            -selling the aqueduct and sewer system in 350 BC cuz shucks, size 19 is enuf
            -the post-launch sequence building every cheap wonder

            What a classic performance!


            • #7
              I think Grigor has said it - "Classic"
              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #8
                Very very impressive. I'm in awe. You have the timing of a Swiss Watch. I wonder if someone out there has a patch to remove the Spaceship parts limitation!

                I am currently replaying my 3rd game ever of OCC with Smash's Old Fashioned OCC and studying your log thoroughly. I'm having a heck of a time keeping up with your log, but it forces me to learn all sorts of nano-management tricks just to keep up. I'm running about 5 turns off your game, because I've had less external gold flowing in and haven't been able to rush as much. I fully expect never to gain back any turns.

                Next I'm going to try this map, and follow your log again. I'm learning more and more that fast advances in the begining can be wasteful; you need to be careful to pace your advances so that you can keep up with the improvements/wonders they allow. A rule of thumb seems to be in your game to space a tech and its realizing its value within 1 or 2 turns. If you're not able to take advantage of realizing its value quickly, slow down science to raise enough gold until you can realize its value.

                You are a true mentor

                your admiring student


                • #9
                  *jaw drops* i remember when OCC records were back in the 1800s......... the good ole days......
                  I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.

