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Is OCC easier than regular games?

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  • #16
    My last attempt at OCC, on a map I designed btw, is a testament to how difficult the AI can make life for you. Granted I had chosen an awful tech route as a test of hut popping, and I have had good luck with MGE in the past for OCC games. When did I land? 1980 or something.

    The key to me in MGE is not to hut chase and disband units if you are supreme, don't ever break an alliance and try to keep the other civs balanced.
    Be the bid!


    • #17
      well in the comparison games, MGE isn't really all that difficult.... but your right about the ai being downright hostile and rude. v242 is much easier but then , why bother as we want a challenge.

      Random sites are obviously the real challenge as well, as most comparison games are quite easy to beat.

      I agree that a med map appears to be the next step for OCC.... i think most of us have pretty much exhausted the small map. Its no longer am i going to win , its do i have a chance at pauls record : not likely but one can hope.

      so i propose all new OCC games be on med maps and i am sure the frustration level will rise here at apolyton.

      I wonder if one can win on a large map??? has anyone ever tried this or is this out of our league at this point?

      It's clobberin time!!
      - The Thing from the Fantastic Four
      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


      • #18
        Paul won very early on both maps, but I can't remember the years. From the 200 turn landings that people are doing now, I would think that OCC with just Apollo is very doable on a small map. In MGE I would definately want a choke point!
        Be the bid!


        • #19
          I'd prefer to see us using a larger map than getting rid of wonders (I like wonders ). The AI seems more competent at larger maps, which would make life more interesting. The tech rate doesn't seem to slow that much on a larger map. In SG1's huge map comparison (which I tried OCC mode), my research rate later in the game was generally 3 turns. That's only going to add 40-50 turns to your launch date.


          • #20
            There's a lot to be said for ignorance! When I first heard of the OCC, I didn't know you should use small maps so I played it with my usual settings: large map, 7 civs, deity, raging hordes. I finally made it to AC on 2008, but got REAL discouraged at the thought of all those people who reported launching in the 1800's. I figured I was an idiot and moved on to other things. LOL!
            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

