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Vet Spys and Stealing Techs

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  • #16
    Vet or not, I've had spies repeatedly steal from the same city. Multiple spies have stolen from the same city on the same turn. After each theft, it gets tougher and tougher - your spies are going to fail often and you just loose them. Of course, your chances are better if you steal anything rather than going after a specific tech.

    And on the prevention side, three spies in a city, preferably vets, foil most enemy espionage attempts.


    • #17
      Rah made a brilliant move strategically and made me suffer........ he let me off the hook though and the nuke came out of the closet...... iguess i am a true warmonger.....

      I know many of you hate nukes .....LOL but when you are the one with them ...... its hard not to take advantage of it

      Still..... you got to do what you got to do.... i would do the same thing every game if i had the option....... I felt like the USA in 45 against Japan....... i had the ultimate weapon and i used it i think all of you would do the same...... sure i was researching space flight but i wasn't in the position to build the ship especially with the untrustworthy ferrets on my doorstep

      It's clobberin time!!
      - The Thing from the Fantastic Four
      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


      • #18

        Originally posted by Xin Yu on 03-02-2000 12:45 PM
        I think the answer is: A spy can steal multiple times from a city--if that city hasn't been stolen by a diplo. A diplo-stealing put a flag on the city so no tech can be stolen anymore (even by a different civ). A spy-stealing does not put any flags.

        But I'm not 100% sure.

        so, does this mean if I'm allied with someone else and they steal a tech with a dip from each of my cities than I'm proof against spies for the rest of the game from any other CIV (as far as tech stealing goes)?? Sounds like something allies should do to eachother. Can you steal a tech if your allied? Or would you have to just be in a peace treaty?


        • #19
          MWHC... Brilliant thinking as usual.
          A very interesting concept. If this discussion is true, you have just come up with a perfect way to protect yourself later in the game when sciences can become really important. Granted, you can always take an enemy city to get a science... but that's a lot more difficult than rolling a spy up to them.
          By the way, I think you can steal in an alliance... the victim has a choice of whether to be pissed or not... People, please correct me if I'm wrong
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #20
            MWHC: I was aware of that. But as game proceeds you will get espionage and cannot build diplos anymore. Now every new city or occupied city will be a problem. Is it wise to waset a dozen of diplos early in the game? And there's another factor: the Great Library. A diplo may blindly steal a tech which could be the one you don't want to share with your ally at the moment.

            I think when time is right you can do it for a couple of cities, but not all of them.

