It seems to be commonly admitted among warmongers that when you take a fat foreign city, you sell the improvements inside the city in order to get cash, which allows you to buy new strong units or bribe the neighbouring cities.
Dear friends warmongers, have a try at the 'shrinking' strategy!
(I have never read a word about it, so I suppose I am the author)
Here it is:
You have just taken a fat enemy city.
1) You sell improvements
For example you sell Stock Exchange + Bank + Market Place. This gives you 160+120+80=360 gold in 3 turns. OK?
2) You make use of the 'shrinking' strategy
This means you sell nothing, you keep Stock Exchange, Bank and MP, and you turn all your workers (up to 16) to tax collectors. This gives you 7.5*16=120 gold/turn (which means 360 gold in 3 turns, exactly the same as using the solution #1). But the great difference is that you go on receiving 120 gold/turn during many many turns afterwards. Your workers don't produce enough food and your city starts starving and shrinking, but you don't care, since you are bribing and conquering the rest of the world in the meantime
3) This is the simplified 'shrinking' strategy. You can also micromanage to avoid shrinking too quickly, or use this strategy to increase your science, if that is your priority (16 einsteins + library + university + research center). I know you are wise enough to have pleasure while discovering those new possibilities.
Dear friends warmongers, have a try at the 'shrinking' strategy!
(I have never read a word about it, so I suppose I am the author)
Here it is:
You have just taken a fat enemy city.
1) You sell improvements
For example you sell Stock Exchange + Bank + Market Place. This gives you 160+120+80=360 gold in 3 turns. OK?
2) You make use of the 'shrinking' strategy
This means you sell nothing, you keep Stock Exchange, Bank and MP, and you turn all your workers (up to 16) to tax collectors. This gives you 7.5*16=120 gold/turn (which means 360 gold in 3 turns, exactly the same as using the solution #1). But the great difference is that you go on receiving 120 gold/turn during many many turns afterwards. Your workers don't produce enough food and your city starts starving and shrinking, but you don't care, since you are bribing and conquering the rest of the world in the meantime

3) This is the simplified 'shrinking' strategy. You can also micromanage to avoid shrinking too quickly, or use this strategy to increase your science, if that is your priority (16 einsteins + library + university + research center). I know you are wise enough to have pleasure while discovering those new possibilities.