Fitstim, the rules above seem very specific. Do the little cities always split from the large, or is distance a factor? Will a civ split if the player has checked the "No Restart" box? (Never use that option, so no knowledge of its possible effect.)
Rule 2 is based on a false premise. Whether or not the civ will split is independent from whether or not the capital will move. The cities remaining with the haver's civ can be moved to after the split as demonstrated in La Fayette's example of Berlin and Dresden. In the same example, the haver split, moved the capitol, then split again.
Generally, the AI capitol will move, if the haver has 1000 gold left after the taker raids the treasury because of the city's fall. This 1000 gold is the emergency cost of building a palace. (250 shields * 2 [shield cost in gold] * 2 [penalty cost if no shields in the box]) Cost is the same for you if you are offered an emergency move. This palace build has no effect on the construction box of the new capital, the palace just magically appears.
Rule 2 is based on a false premise. Whether or not the civ will split is independent from whether or not the capital will move. The cities remaining with the haver's civ can be moved to after the split as demonstrated in La Fayette's example of Berlin and Dresden. In the same example, the haver split, moved the capitol, then split again.
Generally, the AI capitol will move, if the haver has 1000 gold left after the taker raids the treasury because of the city's fall. This 1000 gold is the emergency cost of building a palace. (250 shields * 2 [shield cost in gold] * 2 [penalty cost if no shields in the box]) Cost is the same for you if you are offered an emergency move. This palace build has no effect on the construction box of the new capital, the palace just magically appears.