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Old Fashioned OCC

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  • Old Fashioned OCC

    I was poking around Paul's site and feeling kinda nostalgic so here is an old fashioned random non scenario occ game.Got everything you need.Alpha,Burial,Bronze and Laws to start.1 hut popped for a non horsemen.Site is on rivers with 2 whales,fish and river buffalo.Paradise.End of 3800bc.

    new .sav added below
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

  • #2
    zip format
    Attached Files
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Couldn't get the .sav file to work (two tries) - but the .zip was fine - ...
      Long time since I played one of these and I am deliberately not refreshing my memory from the Paulicy - so nor record pending - fun though! ...
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #4
        This .sav should work for anyone resisting a zip utility
        Attached Files
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          Thanks, Smash. I'll give it a try.


          • #6
            For what it is worth,here is a log of my game.I played the Òold fashionedÓ way and managed a decent landing for me.
            I had almost no barb activity.Thru landings or huts.Just 1 from a hut and 2 landings.That was unusual for raging hoardes but not unwelcome
            I suffered 1 major research penalty at 500ad but "fixed it" by finally contacting the last civ shortly thereafter.
            Alliances were not automatic and not extremely lucractive gold wise.Some key techs here and there or "useless" techs to get me by when the desired tech was not offered.

            I didn't build Darwin's which turned out to be a mistake as the ai took Genetic Engineering and Theology.I was kinda late to Sir Ike's but was managing 2 turns so didn't suffer.



            Sir Isaac-420ad

            Space Flight-1380ad

            trade routes

            size 12-775bc
            size 21-50bc

            contact Americans-peace
            3500-Monarchy-revolt at end of turn
            trade Americans for Pottery-gift Monarchy-alliance
            3300-contact Aztecs-peace-trade for Map Making and Horseback Riding
            gift Map to Americans and share maps
            3250-size 2
            share maps with Aztecs
            2950-Writing-gift to Americans and Aztecs
            2850-size 3
            2750-contact Mongols-gift all-peace-share maps
            gift Currency to Mongols and Americans.Aztecs had it and were holding out.
            2250-share maps with Yanks and Aztecs
            2200-size 4
            Mongols pay 25 tribute
            2050-Trade-gift to all 3
            2000-Americans gift 50
            1900-Collosus-disband warrior
            1850-wine caravan-disband chariot
            1800-beads caravan
            1700-Mongols pay 100 tribute
            1450-wine to Teotihuacan(demanded)84 bonus
            1400-The Republic
            beads to Teo(demanded)72 bonus
            disband warrior
            gift Republic to all
            alliance with Aztecs and Mongols..finally
            Mongols gift 50
            disband archer
            1300-hides caravan
            Òwe loveÓ size 4
            1050-end Òwe loveÓ size 7
            1000-trade Aztecs for Masonry
            hides to Teo 78 bonus
            tech gifting
            Mongols gift Warrior Code
            Mongols 25
            contact Zulus-gift all-peace-share maps
            900-start Òwe loveÓ size 7
            alliance with Zulus
            825-trade Aztecs for Seafaring-receive 25
            share maps with sign of the other 2 yet.
            775-end Òwe loveÓ size 12
            sell colliseum
            disband archer
            675-CopeÕs Observatory
            650-trade Zulus for for The Wheel-receive 50
            600-The Wheel
            barb leader 150
            Mongols cancel alliance
            575-trade Aztecs for Banking
            550-Zulus gift 50
            500-Engineering-no Sanitation offered
            475-Zulus gift 50
            425-Zulus gift 100
            sell temple
            375-ShakeÕs Theater
            300-Aztecs 50
            275-start Òwe loveÓ size 12
            225-Invention-gift it
            Mongols declare war
            200-Aztecs -50
            ceasefire with Mongols
            peace with Mongols
            125-Democracy-instant revolution keeps Òwe loveÓ going
            100-trade Americans for Iron Working
            75-build university
            50-Theory of Gravity-size 21
            salt caravan
            20-end Òwe loveÓ size 24
            60-dye caravan
            trade Aztecs for Bridge Building
            Zulus cancel alliance
            Mongols declare war
            140-Zulus declare war
            salt to Teo 73
            220-hut>barb archer KIA
            240-Atomic Theory
            peace with Zulus
            ceasefire with Mongols
            300-peace with Mongols
            340-contact Vikings-much tech gifting-trade for Feudalism-share maps peace
            hut-50 gold
            trade Aztecs for Mono-no Steam offered so....
            420-Sir IsaacÕs-finally!
            440-Steam Engine
            Zulus and Mongols declare war
            520-Aztecs gift 50
            contact Greeks..hooray!-gift all-peace share maps..research requirements take a huge drop
            peace with Zulus
            560-stock exchange..finally..had a hard time keeping up with gold coming from allies right now.
            600-diplomat(barbs heading my way)bribe barb knight82(supported)
            hut>25 gold
            620-The Corporation
            dye to Athens 234
            640-wine freight
            700-Refining-no Auto pre req offered
            disband carvel in the feild
            720-start Òwe loveÓ 22
            barb leader 150
            Americans 100
            Aztecs 50
            Zulus declare war
            Americans gift 100
            860-Mass Production
            end Òwe loveÓ size 29
            sell sewer
            wine to New York(demanded)565
            peace with Zulus
            gems freight
            sell aquaduct
            cloth to Tenosomething(demanded)652
            980-Machine Tools-no Miniaturization
            1020-Mobile Warfare
            power plant
            1040-wine freight
            gems to Athens(demanded)880
            offshore platform
            1100-research lab
            1140-manufacturing plant
            dye freight
            wine to Teo 79...geez
            1180-gems freight
            1200-Nuclear Fission
            1280-Advanced Flight
            1320-Rocketry-no Space Flight...grrrr
            gems to Corinth 306 dye 306
            1340-Nuclear Power
            I have 80 sheild output but 4 supported for 76.2 are engineers needed for pollution but I need 80 sheilds.IÕll have to buy temples for structurals
            1380-Space Flight
            1440-hut>100 gold
            1460-The Laser-no Super conductor
            trade Aztecs for Theology
            1480-Vikings declare war
            1520-Fusion Power
            sell research lab
            bribe viking crusader 142
            1530-bribe Viking cannon 138
            hut>100 gold
            sell university
            1540-sell library
            1590-bribe Viking cavalry 248
            1600-15 structurals ready
            bribe Viking destoyer 268
            raze Aarhus 33 gold
            1610-ceasefire with Vikings
            1620-2 components ready
            trade Americans for Genetic Engineering
            1650-3 modules-LAUNCH-eta 1686AD
            American cancel alliance
            53-coastal fort
            bribe Mongol cannon 222
            55-alpine troop
            57-more of the same to the end.
            1686-ARRIVAL AC

            Cunobelin the Mad
            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


            • #7
              Like Smash, not too many barbs for me either. I did build Darwin's and beat you by 4 turns because of that. Several times I was just a few beakers short of a one-turn advance; only after the research lab did I get a couple of one-turn advances.

              Arrival: 1646

              Monarchy: -3450
              Republic: -1650
              Democracy: 140

              Collosus: -1250
              Copernicus: -400
              Shakespeare: -175
              Newton: 240
              Apollo: 1320

              Trade: -2650
              Construction: -1250
              Sanitation: -125
              Refrigeration: 520
              Automobile: 780
              Computers: 1080
              Space Flight: 1300

              Trade routes: -1700, -1250, -1250

              size 12: -900
              size 21: 100

              3750 BC Cardiff
              3550 BC Warrior
              Americans: alliance
              3450 BC Monarchy; change gov
              3350 BC Hut: Horsemen
              3200 BC Writing
              3000 BC Currency
              Americans: gift Pottery
              2850 BC Hut: 50 gold
              2750 BC Library
              2650 BC Trade
              2550 BC Aztecs: trade Map Making; peace; tribute Masonry
              Americans: share maps
              2450 BC Wine Caravan
              2200 BC Literacy
              Barb Leader: 150 gold
              2150 BC Beads Caravan
              2050 BC Hides Caravan
              Aztecs: share maps
              Americans: share maps
              1950 BC Temple
              1800 BC Mongols: share maps; alliance; gift 100 gold
              Americans: gift 25 gold
              Aztecs: tribute Horseback Riding
              1700 BC Wine to New York (demanded): 64 gold
              1650 BC Republic; change gov
              Start WLTCD, size 4
              1550 BC End WLTCD, size 5
              1500 BC Americans: gift 50 gold
              1350 BC Mongols: gift Wheel
              1250 BC Colossus
              Beads to Tenochtitlan (not demanded): 100 gold
              Hides to Tenochtitlan (not demanded): 100 gold
              1200 BC Mysticism
              Start WLTCD, size 5
              1150 BC Colosseum
              1100 BC Mongols: gift Warrior Code
              Americans: gift 50 gold
              1000 BC Aqueduct
              Greeks: trade Iron Working; peace; share maps
              Mongols: gift 100 gold
              950 BC Seafaring
              925 BC Marketplace
              Aztecs: trade Banking
              900 BC Barb Leader: 150 gold
              End WLTCD, size 12
              Sold Colosseum
              850 BC Mathematics
              825 BC Bank
              Sold Temple
              725 BC Astronomy
              675 BC Dye Caravan
              550 BC Philosophy, Medicine
              Mongols: trade Feudalism; gift 25 gold
              500 BC Mongols: cancel alliance
              400 BC Copernicus' Observatory
              375 BC Univeristy
              325 BC Hides to Tenochtitlan (demanded): 304 gold
              300 BC University
              Theory of Gravity
              Hides to Tenochtitlan (not demanded): 172 gold
              250 BC Bridge Building
              225 BC Dye to Teotihuacan (demanded): 264 gold
              200 BC Engineering
              175 BC Shakespeare's Theatre
              125 BC Dye Caravan
              Start WLTCD, size 12
              100 BC Americans: gift 100 gold
              25 BC Invention
              1 AD Harbor
              40 AD Americans: trade Chemistry
              100 AD Gunpowder
              End WLTCD, size 21
              140 AD Gov: Democracy
              Dye to Washington (demanded): 196 gold
              160 AD Explosives
              180 AD Mongols: war
              200 AD Economics
              220 AD Mongols: peace
              240 AD Isaac Newton's College
              280 AD Engineer
              320 AD Physics
              360 AD Magnetism
              380 AD Salt Caravan
              400 AD Steam Engine
              Start WLTPD, size 19
              420 AD Stock Exchange
              440 AD Electricity
              Aztecs: alliance
              Mongols: war
              460 AD Cloth Caravan
              480 AD Chivalry
              End WLTPD, size 22
              500 AD Gems Caravan
              520 AD Refigeration
              540 AD Galleon
              560 AD Leadership
              580 AD Supermarket
              Vikings: peace; share maps
              600 AD Railroad
              Start WLTPD, size 22
              640 AD Industrialization
              Greeks: trade Atomic Theory
              680 AD Corporation
              Salt to Tenochtitlan (not demanded): 90 gold
              700 AD Aztecs: gift Monotheism
              740 AD Steel
              End WLTCD, size 28
              Sell Sewer System
              Mongols: cease fire
              760 AD Darwin's Voyage: Refining, Combustion
              Sell Aqueduct
              Zulus: war
              780 AD Automobile
              800 AD Superhighways
              820 AD Electronics
              Mongols: war
              Gems to Athens (demanded): 720 gold
              840 AD Cloth Freight
              Hut: barbs
              880 AD Tactics
              920 AD Mass Production
              960 AD Factory
              Machine Tools
              1000 AD Mobile Warfare
              1040 AD Miniaturization
              1060 AD Offshore Platform
              1080 AD Computers
              1100 AD Research Lab
              1120 AD Flight
              Cloth to Tenochtitlan (not demanded): 115 gold
              1140 AD Manufacturing Plant

              Nuclear Fission
              Mongols: peace
              1180 AD Radio
              1220 AD Advanced Flight
              1260 AD Rocketry
              Americans: trade Genetic Engineering; gift 300 gold
              1300 AD Space Flight
              1320 AD Apollo Program
              1360 AD Plastics
              1440 AD Americans: gift 250 gold
              1460 AD Nuclear Power
              1500 AD Communism
              1520 AD Laser
              1540 AD Superconductor
              1560 AD Guerilla Warfare
              1610 AD Fusion Power
              1629 AD Mongols: war
              1646 AD Arrival at AC


              • #8
                Good job.I guess I could have saved some turns but I had a hard time keeping up as it was.I never seemed to have enough gold until the end.
                This one was pretty easy by today's standards.Even the site was tucked away nicely.I guess it could have had better trade specials but it was only the 2nd try so I was satisfied.
                Darn thing that Darwin's.I've seen others have no problem letting the ai build it but not me.The worst case scenario.I gave them almost all my techs just before hoping they would get new ones.I was not impressed when "Americans discover Theology and Genetic Engineering" flashed across my screen.

                I only had enough for a 1 turner once.But,like a dummy,I delivered a freight before checking

                I lost a bunch of turns researching techs I would like to have done after Space Flight.I'm not very scientific in calculating stuff.Unless you call not doing it scientific .But at least this gave me plenty of gold to build the SS.I was fretting about my production when I noticed some 5000+ gold in the coffers.

                I never seem to keep up in mid game.I can get off great but seem to lose turns here and there between Sani and Refrigeration.Lately I been gifting everything just killing the ais research.I need to rethink and be less generous with non key civs.I should go after embassys more.Maybe 2 or 3 would be enough.
                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                • #9
                  Started off by finding a barb archer in the first hut, who killed my horseman, so that was it for early exploration until a warrior made first AI contact with the Americans in 1750 BC. A few turns later this warrior was killed by barbarians, too! By this time I found myself having to research Horseback Riding, of all things, so I decided to build Marco Polo's in place of the Colossus, hoping to form alliances and trade for techs I shouldn't have to be learning myself.

                  Weirdness continued when I quickly managed an alliance with EVERY other civ, the first time this has happened to me, and a situation I did not think would last long, but with timely tech gifts alliances proved to be easy to maintain, and the game became very peaceful, with the AI somehow content to battle only with barbarians rather than with each other or with me. With so many alliances, gifts were almost always coming in and many techs came through trades, so it was easy work from there and I was able to arrive in 1646.

                  I think I could have done better, but like Smash, when I let the AI build Darwin's things did not work out, because the Aztecs chose to learn Communism (cancelling Marco Polo's!) and Genetic Engineering, the worst possible outcome! Like Paul, I did manage a 1 turn science advance after building the Research Lab. One or two others came with the help of trade, which was quite lucrative when freights became available. But I lost a few turns while building my spaceship when the Aztecs cancelled our alliance and started a war. I guessed they wanted payback for the thousands of gold they gifted to me earlier in the game.

                  Hopefully I can post a log before going on vacation. This game taught me a few new things about forming alliances and provided some insights into how one's power rating fluctuates during a game, as mine ranged all the way from weak, early on, to supreme near the end, with many changes up and down along the way. If anything, this game certainly proved how valuable Marco Polo's can be when early exploration is a bust, as building it before Colossus saved this game from what might have been a disaster.


                  • #10
                    Same for me with the barbs, too, except when I ventured away from the safety of my city with early exploring units.

                    Thanks to Smash for starting this game, as it provided a few novel experiences, both good and bad!

                    Now I expect samson to find some new way to land before 1000 AD with a size 4 city!

                    Here’s my log of OCC the old fashioned way:

                    Arrival - 1646 AD

                    Monarchy - 3450 BC
                    Republic - 2650 BC
                    Democracy - 425 BC

                    Marco Polo’s - 1100 BC
                    Colossus - 675 BC
                    Copernicus - 500 BC
                    Isaac Newton’s - 60 AD
                    Shakespeare’s - 340 AD
                    Apollo - 1260 AD

                    Trade - 1900 BC
                    Construction - 1650 BC
                    Sanitation - 125 BC
                    Refrigeration - not discovered
                    Automobile - 540 AD
                    Computers - 940 AD
                    Space Flight - 1240 AD

                    Trade Routes - 675 BC, 600 BC, 150 BC

                    Size 12 - 325 BC
                    Size 21 - 760 AD

                    BC Years

                    3750 Cardiff
                    3650 hut: barbarians
                    3600 horseman killed by barbarians
                    3450 Monarchy
                    3300 warrior
                    3250 Writing
                    3000 Literacy
                    2850 temple
                    2650 Republic
                    2600 we love starts
                    2550 S4
                    2500 S5
                    2450 we love ends
                    2350 library, Currency
                    2150 Masonry
                    1900 Trade
                    1750 Americans: peace, give tech, alliance
                    1650 Construction
                    1500 exploring warrior killed by barbarians
                    1350 Banking
                    1100 Marco Polo’s Embassy
                    Greeks: peace, trade for Horseback Riding, Map Making, share maps
                    Am: trade for pottery, give tech, 25g
                    Vikings: peace, give tech, share maps
                    Aztecs & Zulus: War
                    1050 Am: 50g
                    Zulus: give tech, peace, alliance, trade for Mysticism & Math
                    Az: give tech, peace, alliance, trade for The Wheel
                    G: give tech
                    1000 wine, V: give tech, alliance, Az: give tech, Am: 25g, Mongols: war
                    975 M: give tech, peace, alliance, trade for Iron Working
                    900 Z: give tech, Am: 50g, Az: share maps
                    875 beads, M: give tech
                    850 Philosophy, University, Am: trade for Seafaring, share maps, Az: give tech
                    M: trade for Engineering, G: peace, alliance, 50g, V & Z: give tech
                    825 hides, Z: 100g, Am & Az: give tech
                    800 Az: give tech, Z: 50g
                    775 food, Z: give tech, V: 50g, Az: 100g, M: trade for Warrior Code, 25g
                    750 food, Z, V & Az: 50g, M: 25g
                    725 food, V, Az & M: 25g
                    700 food, Az: give tech, Z, V & M: 25g
                    675 Colossus, beads(d) to Teotihuacan, 148g, M & Az: 25g, Z: give tech
                    650 V, Z & AZ: give tech, G: 25g
                    625 food, G: 75g, M: 25g, Z & Az: give tech
                    600 food, Astronomy, G: trade for Bridge Building, 75g
                    M: 25g, Z: 50g, V & Az: give tech, wine(d) to Washington, 224g
                    575 food, Z, V & Az: give tech, G: 25g
                    550 V, Z, & Az: give tech, G: 25g
                    525 food, Z, Az & V: give tech, V & G: 50g
                    500 Copernicus’s Observatory, G: 25g
                    475 we love starts, Az: trade for Invention, share maps, V: give tech, Z: share maps
                    450 colosseum, S7, Z: 50g
                    425 Democracy, S8, Am: trade for Medicine, tech, Other AI: give tech
                    400 aqueduct, S9, Az: 75g, AM: 25g, G: 50g
                    375 S10, Az: 50g
                    350 University, S11, Z: 50g, Az: 25g
                    325 marketplace, Navigation, S12, All AI: give tech
                    300 we love ends, Az: 25g, Am: 50g, G & M: give tech
                    275 food, Az: 25g
                    250 Theory of Gravity
                    225 food, Az: give tech
                    200 Az: 50g
                    175 food, Physics
                    150 hides(d) to Bapedi, 214g
                    125 food, Sanitation, Az: 50g
                    75 food, Z: 50g, G: 200g
                    50 food, Magnetism, G: 200g
                    25 Z: 50g

                    AD years

                    1 food
                    20 Steam Engine
                    60 Sir Isaac Newton’s College, Railroad, All AI: give tech
                    80 bank
                    100 Gunpowder
                    120 Z: trade for Polytheism, M & G: give tech, Az & Am: 50g
                    140 we love begins, Industrialization, Z: 150g, M: 50g
                    160 factory, G & M: 50g
                    180 Metallurgy, M: 50g, Z: give tech
                    200 food, M: 50g, Z: give tech
                    260 Corporation, All AI: give tech
                    280 food, G: 50g
                    300 Electricity, All AI: give tech
                    320 food, Z & M: 50g
                    340 Shakespeare’s Theater, Chemistry, M: give tech, G, Z & Am: 50g
                    380 Steel, transport, G & M: 50g, Z: give tech
                    400 Z: 100g
                    420 gems, Refining, Am, G & V: give tech
                    440 G & V: share maps
                    460 salt, Explosives, Z: 100g, Am & M: 50g
                    480 G: 100g, Other AI: give tech
                    500 sewer system, Combustion, All AI: give tech
                    520 diplomat, Z, G & M: 50g
                    540 Automobile
                    560 Superhighways, G: trade for Atomic Theory, give tech
                    gems(d) to Sparta, 594g, Z: 50g
                    580 we love begins, Mass Production, Am: 50g
                    600 Mass Transit, S14, M: 50g, Az: trade for Feudalism
                    620 Electronics, S15, All AI: give tech
                    640 hydro plant, S16, Z: 50g, G: give tech
                    660 engineers, Chivalry, Z: 50g
                    680 S17
                    700 stock exchange, Leadership, S18, All AI: give tech
                    720 S19, Z: 50g, G: 25g
                    740 dye, Nuclear Fission, S20, salt to Trondheim, 366g
                    760 gems, Conscription, S21, G: 25g
                    780 coal, S22, Z & G: 50g, Am: trade for Monotheism
                    800 food, we love ends, Tactics
                    820 food, Z & G: 50g, Az: 75g
                    840 food, Machine Tools, Z & Am: give tech, Az: 50g
                    860 food, Az: 25g, G: 50g, coal(d) to Kaupang, 734g
                    880 food, Nuclear Power, gems(d) to Sparta, 786g
                    900 Miniaturization
                    920 offshore platform, Az: complete Darwin’s Voyage for Communism and Genetic Engineering
                    940 food, Computers
                    960 research lab, Laser
                    980 food, dye(d) to Karakorum, 558g
                    1000 gems, Flight
                    1020 coal
                    1040 food, Mobile Warfare
                    1060 food, All AI: give tech
                    1080 food, Radio
                    1100 food
                    1120 food, Robotics
                    1140 food
                    1160 Advanced Flight, Az: trade for Communism
                    1180 food
                    1200 food, Rocketry
                    1220 food, gems(d) & coal to Athens, 920 & 332g
                    1240 Manufacturing Plant, Space Flight
                    1260 Apollo Program, Az: trade for Genetic Engineering
                    1280 start structurals, Plastics
                    1320 Superconductor
                    1360 Fusion Power
                    1420 Aztecs cancel alliance
                    1430 armor
                    1440 another armor
                    1550 15 structurals completed, starting components
                    1570 Az: declare war, 2 components completed
                    1580 diplomat
                    1590 starting modules
                    1610 3 modules completed, launch
                    1646 arrival on Alpha Centauri


                    • #11

                      I had some trouble keeping the Celts on place 3 of the power graph, which was necessary as the Greeks were too hostile to accept tech gifts. Had a good start with a string of Hides caravans to Tenochtitlan, but then our supply dried up. Skipping both Map Making and Navigation (thanks to the Aztecs who researched Seafaring and Physics) was funny. Most of the map stayed dark until Apollo, very unusual.

                      AC: 1236

                      Monarchy: -3500
                      Republic: -2650
                      Democracy: -225

                      Colossus: -2100
                      Marco Polo: -625
                      Shakespeare: -525
                      Copernicus: -425
                      Newton: 60
                      Darwin: 380
                      Apollo: 800

                      Trade routes: -1150, -1050, -975

                      Size 12: -925
                      Size 21: -75 (size 23 in -25)

                      Trade: -2000
                      Construction: -1200
                      Sanitation: -325
                      Refrigeration: -

                      Automobile: 400
                      Computers: 540
                      Space Flight: 780

                      -3800 Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws
                      -3750 Land's End founded
                      -3650 50(h)
                      -3500 Temple, [10]Monarchy[18], Americans - have Pottery, Peace
                      ----- Mon->Am, Ally , Revolution, starting Colossus
                      -3450 MONARCHY
                      -3300 S2, N-Archers(h)
                      -3200 Writing[24 beakers to next tech]
                      -3050 Aztecs, Peace, Wri+Mon->Az
                      -3000 Literacy[32]
                      -2900 S3[36]
                      -2850 N-Archers(h)
                      -2800 Mongols, Peace, Mon->M[32], no Ally
                      -2750 Barb Leader(150) (near Mongols)
                      -2650 The Republic[45], REPUBLIC, 4,5 techs->Az,Am
                      ----- Traded for Currency(M)[54], 3 techs->M
                      -2600 We Love (50% lux), N-Chariot(h)
                      -2550 S4 (60% lux)
                      -2500 S5 (30% lux)
                      -2300 Mysticism[63] (60%)
                      -2250 We Love , Barb Archers
                      -2200 S6 (70%)
                      -2150 S7 (30%)
                      -2100 COLOSSUS, We Love ends
                      -2000 Marketplace (20%), Trade[80], 100(h)
                      -1900 Gems, Barb Archers
                      -1800 Wine, S8
                      -1700 Hides
                      -1600 Library, 3 techs->M, Ally
                      -1550 Banking[90]
                      -1350 Hides, traded for Masonry(Am)[90], 1 tech->Am
                      -1250 Bank, 1 tech->Az
                      -1200 Construction, traded for Mathematics(Az)[144], 1 tech->Am, 25
                      -1150 We Love , Gems to Tenochtitlan (144), 3 techs->M
                      -1100 Aqueduct, Astronomy[156], S9, 2 techs->Az
                      -1050 We Love ends , Wine to Tenochtitlan (160)
                      -1000 Colosseum, Philosophy -> University[195], We Love , 1 tech->Az
                      -975 Hides, S10[210], Hides to Tenochtitlan (d,202), 3 techs->M[195]
                      -950 S11, Economics[224]
                      -925 S12, Stock Exchange, Aztecs: PYRAMIDS
                      -900 We Love ends
                      -875 University
                      -825 Hides
                      -800 Hides, Medicine[255]
                      -775 Hides, Hides to Tenochtitlan (d,202), 50<-Am for War(Greeks)
                      -750 Hides
                      -725 Hides
                      -700 Hides, Chemistry[288]
                      -675 Food
                      -650 Food, Hides to Tenochtitlan (d,204), sold Colosseum
                      -625 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, Theory of Gravity[304]
                      -600 Diplomat, 2 Barb Leaders (only 1x150 ), 5 techs->Am
                      -575 Food
                      -550 Food
                      -525 MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY
                      ----- Greeks: Cease Fire, 5 techs->G, worshipful G refuse peace or tech trade
                      ----- Zulus: Peace, 5 techs->Z, no Ally [266]
                      ----- Vikings: Peace, 6 techs->V, no Ally
                      -500 Food[247]
                      -475 Warrior Code[420], traded for The Wheel(Z)[441], 3 techs->Z
                      ----- 2 Hides to Tenochtitlan (2x188), 4 techs->Az
                      -450 Food, Iron Working[462], Hides to Tenichtitlan (188)
                      -425 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, 3 techs->M
                      -400 Food, Bridge Building[506], 2 Hides to Tenochtitlan (2x190)
                      ----- 10 techs->Am[437]
                      -375 Food, Engineering, Hides to Tenochtitlan (194)
                      -350 Food
                      -325 Sanitation[475], We Love
                      -300 Sewer System, S13, Hides to Tenochtitlan (202)
                      -275 Invention[494], S14
                      -250 Food, S15[624], 18 techs->G[494]
                      -225 Democracy[540], DEMOCRACY, S16
                      -200 Food, S17
                      -175 Gunpowder[560], S18, traded for Seafaring[580](Az)
                      -150 Harbor, S19
                      -125 Explosives[570], S20, 1 tech->Az, Americans end alliance
                      -100 Engineers
                      -75 Feudalism[589], S21
                      -50 Food, S22[682], 13 techs->M[589]
                      -25 Metallurgy[608], S23, sold Temple
                      0 Food, We Love ends
                      20 Conscription[627], 1 tech->M, traded for Horseback Riding[646]
                      60 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Chivalry[665]
                      ----- 400->Az , 1 tech->Az, traded for Physics[684]
                      ----- War(V) as demanded by Greeks, 9 techs->G, Peace
                      80 Leadership[703], 450<-M for War(Az)
                      100 Engineers, S22
                      120 Steam Engine[722]
                      140 Food
                      160 Railroad[741]
                      180 Food
                      200 Industrialization[760]
                      220 Factory, 1 tech->Am, Aztecs: LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP
                      240 Magnetism[779]
                      260 Food
                      280 The Corporation[840], 7 techs->M[798]
                      300 Transport
                      320 Electricity[817]
                      340 Gold
                      360 Refining[836], Az Catapult
                      380 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Steel, Combustion[966]
                      400 Automobile[893], 1 tech->Az, Cease Fire, 21 techs->Am
                      420 Superhighways, Tactics[912], N-Riflemen(h)
                      440 Machine Tools[931], Grassland/r into Hills/r, V Phalanx
                      ----- Peace(Az), 5 techs->Az (we stay #3)
                      460 Food, Electronics[950], Hills into plains, Barb Leader(150)
                      480 Mass Production[1020], Gold to Teotihuacan(d,680)
                      500 Hydroplant, Miniaturization[1092], 10 techs->M[988]
                      520 Atomic Theory[1007]
                      540 Offshore Platform, Computers[1026], di N-Horsemen
                      ----- 36 techs->Z, 7 techs->Am
                      560 Research Lab, Nuclear Fission[1045], We Love , N-Riflemen(h)
                      ----- Greeks: SUN TZU'S WAR ACADEMY
                      580 Food, Flight[1064], S23, Barb Dragoons
                      600 Food, We Love ends
                      620 Food, Radio[1083]
                      640 17 techs->Az, 3 techs->Am, Ally
                      660 Mass Transit, Advanced Flight[1102], Barb Dragoons
                      680 N-Musketeers(h)
                      700 Nuclear Power[1121], Buffalo/r is now changed into into Coal/r
                      740 Rocketry[1140], Coal mined -> 61+3 shields, di N-Riflemen
                      780 Space Flight[1159]
                      800 APOLLO PROGRAM - 3 freight, 384 gold, Barb Dragoons
                      820 S#01, The Laser[1178], Barb Leader(150)
                      ----- Space Flight->Am, traded for Map Making[1197]
                      ----- Zulus: MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION, Aztecs: Communism
                      840 S#02
                      860 S#03, Plastics[1216]
                      880 S#04
                      900 S#05, Superconductor[1300], traded for Navigation(Z)[1320], 6 techs->Am[1254]
                      920 S#06, di Transport
                      940 S#07, Fusion Power[1273], Plains/r into Grassland(s)/r, sold Research Lab
                      ----- Aztecs sneak attack: lose Elephant, Americans declare war(Az)
                      960 S#08, Aztecs take New York
                      980 S#09, sold Sewer System
                      1000 S#10, sold Aqueduct
                      1020 S#11, ZULUS: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
                      1040 S#12, Grassland into Hills
                      1060 S#13
                      1080 S#14, Hills mined -> 70+2 shields
                      1100 M#01, Az Diplomat, sold University
                      1120 M#02, sold Library, traded for Pottery and Polytheism(M), 1 tech->M, 250
                      1140 M#03, 1 tech->Am, 150 , Az Cavalry
                      1160 S#15
                      1180 C#01, d N-Musketeers, Aztecs: SETI PROGRAM, Greeks: STATUE OF LIBERTY
                      1200 C#02, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
                      ----- We have left: 2 Mountain-fortified N-Riflemen, 2 Engineers, 1 N-Settlers, even some gold
                      ----- None came a-bothering us except for some isolated Aztec units
                      1236 ALPHA CENTAURI
                      A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                      Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                      • #12
                        1236? Wow, congratulations.


                        • #13
                          wow you guys are great... do you all start from the same city location ??

                          I will give tihs a go later, maybe by following the logs up above i can get a landing by 1900 !!!!
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #14
                            With this game, I played and successfully completed my FIRST GAME of OCC EVER!
                            Let me tell you - it was a breath of fresh air compared to my formulaic conquering wins playing ICS style. (I've been able to consistently win on a medium map by around 600AD).
                            I like building up my city - its fun - and not having a lot of military units to push around the map is nice too! OK, so as a newbie to this type of gaming, I've got some questions for you all, along with my own critiques of my own game.
                            First of all, I launched my ship in 1880AD and landed in 1916AD. Not that good compared to you experts out there - but hey, dont laugh at my very first attempt. I know from reading your logs I've got a lot of skills to hone. At 1880AD = 280 turns, I used 90 more turns than Smash, Paul, and Solo who did it in 190 turns, and 120 turns more than Ribannah who did it in just 160 turns! OK, so I have an idea why my game used basicly 50% more turns than most of you experts (I don't even want to compare myself to Ribannah yet - she's insanely gifted): I needed 2 turns to build just about anything efficiently. So here's the thing - when your shield box is empty, stuff costs 2ce as much as when it just has say the first 10 shields filled in - so I wait 1 turn for production - then rush (incrementally - hey I definitly know that trick) and get what I want 2 turns later. I don't understand how people can possibly afford to build a caravan, improvement, unit in just 1 turn. I've heard rumors out there that caravans cost roughly 100 gold to rush: that's bogus in my book. If you build a caravan in 1 turn it takes (50+4*25 = 150 gold). If you have a 10 production city and wait 2 turns it takes (3*25 = 75 gold) and no productive shields are wasted. That was my mode of play. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND 1 turn caravan rushing!! It is way too costly. Heck, it costs only 50 gold less than rushing its shields for a wonder. I always rushed my improvements, as Ribannah pointed out; the reason seemed clear - the earlier a science or tax bonus, the better. But with improvements too, I always wait 1 turn to make my shield box non-empty before filling in the rest with gold and not getting it until 2 turns later. Same for SS Structurals, Components, and Modules. I kept feeling like, gee, I'm really spending a lot more time doing stuff than most of the experts - but I simply did not see anyway around it. Am I missing some trick you all know about? Like disbanding built up warriors to make the shield box non-empty?

                            I also NEVER achieved 1 turn tech advances. I had all the science stuff + plenty of trade (Lib, Uni, Cop's, Isac's, Collosus; later Research Lab; did superhighways before I canceled collosus with Flight). When my city was size 21 with 2 Einsteins (more E's didn't increase my Science output) I had about 100 trade and 600 beakers. With my research lab, I had about 800 beakers (after Flight was canceled). I did stay in Republic, and so only left science at 80%. I understand the issue about carrying around as little tech-baggage as possible. I thought I did that. I also made sure that my key civ had most of the tech I had to get the minimal cost. I couldn't get 2 advances / turn because of the next paragraph.

                            I was only able to establish 3 trade routes for 3 gold/science bonuses. Once I delivered, I never got any chance to build caravans to carry any other goods other than food - my supply had dried up. I guess there is a way to free up supply with the use of food caravans according to Xin's thread; is this the trick all of you experts out there use? Or is there some other trick I, as a newbie don't know about?

                            I didn't do goody-hut popping. In fact I did very little exploration. I relied on MPE to get maps and establish contact with other civs.

                            I was only able to establish 3 alliances, all on my continent. The Vikings, Zulus, and Greeks were very demanding (they wanted either gold and war - or both usually). I lost the Mongols when I asked them for a gift when they had a bad attitude - never was able to get them back (not a big loss since they didn't have much to offer anyway). My two main alliances were the Americans and the Aztecs. The Aztecs rocked! They always had a good supply of money - and they were my main trading partners too.

                            Hey - new strategy thought here: hand out Space Flight to everyone when you get it - that way, you're really pressured to build quickly! Also, if they're too busy building space ships, they have less time to build up military to attack you.

                            By the way, I found MPE and Shakespears' indispensible (other than the science wonders of course).

                            Anyway, even though I'm not close to playing at your level yet, this way of playing is still enjoyable. I'm glad I did it - and now that I know it's possible to win this way, I'm going to work on speed. The whole game took me about 6 hours over several nights and mornings.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by freshman
                              First of all, I launched my ship in 1880AD and landed in 1916AD.
                              A 15-1-1-1-1-1 ship gives the earlier landing date when turns are still in 10-year increments, but when the turns come in 1-year incrments you should spend 4 more turns to build a 15-3-3-1-1-1 ship that takes only 15 years. If you had done that you could have landed in 1899.

                              I needed 2 turns to build just about anything efficiently. So here's the thing - when your shield box is empty, stuff costs 2ce as much as when it just has say the first 10 shields filled in - so I wait 1 turn for production - then rush (incrementally - hey I definitly know that trick) and get what I want 2 turns later. I don't understand how people can possibly afford to build a caravan, improvement, unit in just 1 turn. I've heard rumors out there that caravans cost roughly 100 gold to rush: that's bogus in my book. If you build a caravan in 1 turn it takes (50+4*25 = 150 gold). If you have a 10 production city and wait 2 turns it takes (3*25 = 75 gold) and no productive shields are wasted. That was my mode of play. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND 1 turn caravan rushing!! It is way too costly.
                              I also use the first turn to put some shields in the box, although after republic I do disband superfluous warriors for the occasional one-turn build. And if I have non-units I will occasionally disband them too if I need to build something right away.

                              Of course, you can start building an other improvement when you are about to discover an advance that gives you an improvement you need. So if you are one turn away from automobile you start building a colosseum and the next turn you change production to superhighways and rush it.

                              Also, your one-turn caravan rush would cost only 50+3*25 = 125 gold if you produce 10 shields. That's just over half the cost of rushing 50 shields for a wonder, so you still save 75 gold.

                              But with improvements too, I always wait 1 turn to make my shield box non-empty before filling in the rest with gold and not getting it until 2 turns later. Same for SS Structurals, Components, and Modules.
                              By the time you start building your spaceship you should make sure you produce at least 80 shields per turn, so you can build structurals in one turn. And you should have some caravans or freights ready for the components and modules.

                              Since you can switch without penalty between wonders and ss-parts you can apply one caravan to a wonder, switch to a structural, rush-buy it and switch to a component that will be finished the next turn with 80-shield production. And you should have 3,080 gold to buy your modules (or less if you can apply more than one caravan per module).

                              I also NEVER achieved 1 turn tech advances. I had all the science stuff + plenty of trade (Lib, Uni, Cop's, Isac's, Collosus; later Research Lab; did superhighways before I canceled collosus with Flight). When my city was size 21 with 2 Einsteins (more E's didn't increase my Science output) I had about 100 trade and 600 beakers. With my research lab, I had about 800 beakers (after Flight was canceled). I did stay in Republic, and so only left science at 80%.
                              You really need democracy with sometimes 90% but usually 100% science to get one-turn advances. Also, because of how luxuries are applied, in a republic-occ you can WLTCD beyond size 21. You'll need the extra happy citizen that the palace provides under democracy to celebrate to a larger city-size. Those extra scientists can come in handy if you want a one-turn advance.
                              I was only able to establish 3 trade routes for 3 gold/science bonuses. Once I delivered, I never got any chance to build caravans to carry any other goods other than food - my supply had dried up. I guess there is a way to free up supply with the use of food caravans according to Xin's thread; is this the trick all of you experts out there use? Or is there some other trick I, as a newbie don't know about?
                              I don't apply any tricks. Normally new commodities become available at irregular intervals in the game. Also, hides are often available as a repeat-commodity. That worked very well for Ribannah in this game, although it didn't work for me. I only got one hides caravan, but it happens more often that different commodities become available in the MGE and 2.42 versions.

                              I didn't do goody-hut popping. In fact I did very little exploration. I relied on MPE to get maps and establish contact with other civs.
                              I usually do a lot of exploring, but in this game I didn't get as many huts as I usually get.

