Wow, just got MP today and a copy for a friend. How do I challenge folks?
Sten, do you ever indulge in multiplayer? I'll say this, it isn't an AI friendly game! I tried an OCC game using the fortnight II position and cives were an uncooperative bunch! Oh, are you the mapmaker for the next scenario? Are you going to put some SF barbarians into the next challenge? Think I'll use the V2.42 I purchased for Fortnight 3. (So I hope your Hasbro stock goes up.)
Where's that War4ever? My howitzer's need target practice
Sten, do you ever indulge in multiplayer? I'll say this, it isn't an AI friendly game! I tried an OCC game using the fortnight II position and cives were an uncooperative bunch! Oh, are you the mapmaker for the next scenario? Are you going to put some SF barbarians into the next challenge? Think I'll use the V2.42 I purchased for Fortnight 3. (So I hope your Hasbro stock goes up.)
Where's that War4ever? My howitzer's need target practice
