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OCC: BC 3500- AC 1939

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  • #16
    Yeah, I've seen AI clean up pollution on my city resource tiles before. I've assumed that it is because they are allied or the resource tile intersects their city radius.

    The other day, I converted a tile to Spice and then went off merrily to irrigate....then the ally went to my spice and turned it into wheat...I was furious! But then I found out that they had a new city nearby which prompted an Early WLTCD and a hasty reallocation of tile in proximity to the Ally to insure I got all my tiles. They later cleared away some Woods for me too--that was nice.

    Concerning engineers getting blown up by nasty AI's, During the space race, I like to use my settler to build fortresses everywhere just in case a nasty unit starts blowin' things up. But in a late OCC phase, I'd hate to lose even one engineer without pollution controls.

    Having said this, I just got a 1875 AC date without the Mass Transit and Recycling plant. I think a defensible position is critical as is peace and tech disparity in OCC.

    Has anyone tried the give away science strategy yet? I heard it once said or supposed that Paul gives away a lot of Tech in the record games. I imagine it is so in the beginning, but must be done carefully given the necessity of getting the three OCC wonders. And the late year giveaway doesn't make since at all to me--"Yeah, you want Mobile Warfare! Right! You're people are not ready for tanks!" And never give away Space unless your Ally is right on your tail.


    (Incidentally, In my latest OCC victory, I didn't build a single diplomat! First time. But when a barbarian ship arrived off the coast of my city. I lined the coast with freight and commenced building one little ship--I felt easier that it was a cruiser rather than a destroyer. It promptly crushed a boat load of supposed Dragoons. I only had an Archer behind city walls in the old town.
    So if anyone wants a truely great starting position--lots of Civ Blubber, this AC-1875 position is it! I'll post the log which reveals my lameness. -AU)
    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
    >doesn't get it."--don't know.


    • #17
      I don't give away tech, but if the AI demands it I'll give pretty much anything, unless I know they have a wonder under construction and I haven't finished Copernicus yet, then I hold off. In the late stages of the game I don't give away any offensive techs, the last thing I need is for Rome to be assaulted by 3 or 4 American tanks. But I will give away any defensive techs the AI wants. Maybe I'll try the give away in my next game, it might be worth a few gold pieces.

      AU, is 1875 your best time?
      AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


      • #18
        Sorry, I posted the log in the wrong thread. But Crow, it was 1876 and yes, it is my very best score. My last successful (not best) score was AC-1920's. I think I made some bad mistakes in this my 1876 game. But the position is so good. I have position saved after one settler moves if you want the game. I got a bit too happy after seeing Whales to the north


        [This message has been edited by Aurelius (edited January 25, 2000).]
        Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

        "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
        >doesn't get it."--don't know.


        • #19
          reply moved to follow moved thread!

          Build caravans or something like that...

          [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited January 25, 2000).]
          Be the bid!


          • #20
            Geesh Sten,

            That Temple idea never occured to me! I use the caravan to wonder=50 trick all the time. Wow, I should have done the temple thing in this last game. I think I lost at least 5 turns to building caravans and I actually rush bought apollo in one turn with one caravan and lots of money :0

            Now I understand the incremental rush buy discussion at Paul's site--go figure

            Temple trick!

            Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

            "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
            >doesn't get it."--don't know.


            • #21
              I will give techs up to but not including Flight.making sure wonders are safe before Astro,Med etc.You can manipulate the ai's research somewhat by timely gifting.If its taking forever to get Monarchy then gift all pre requisits you have and maybe they'll do it for ya.That type of idea.

              I never give in to demands of more than 50 gold but I should try experimenting more

              Gold version- I only give early and avoid making contact as the ais just takes after my experience.Makes real early landings very difficult as about 90% has to be researched yourself
              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


              • #22
                Hmmm, Aurelius, our OCC records seem to be following similar paths, even down to the time we get them. If you get the chance you can email me the game & we can compare...

                AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer

